I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2094: Anlin identity exposure


The sky has turned into a yellowish color.

The earth is shaking in the violent vibration.

This earthquake affected the entire mainland.

On the vast expanse of the vast continent, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricane washing and other natural disasters have begun. Of course, the most serious is the earthquake. The magnitudes are different everywhere, but the intensity is catastrophic. The consequences are extremely serious. The ground is cracked, the plates are displaced, the mountains are collapsed, the rivers are diverted, and countless houses collapse. Many countless creatures are coated with charcoal.

The inspiration of the sentient beings on the battlefield of Yuetong Shencheng was most obvious, and the ground was shaking and it was unstable. The heavens and monks flying in the sky are also unsafe, and the ground cracks the eruptive blue-yellow gas, which can crush their bodies directly into powder.

"What happened in the end? Is this the killing of the Terran?"

"Fart, you see which killings are the enemy and me, without any difference attack?"


"You look at the West, what are the lights?!"

Some monks turned their eyes to the West and could not help but exclaim.

The blue-yellow gods swelled throughout the sky, and the vastness of the sky, which was originally wrapped in the night, was brightly illuminated by the light of the gods in that place.

Then, a more shocking picture appeared.

A foot on the earth, the head of the sky, the body is yellow but covered with the fascinating gods, the left arm is winding a lot of silver and white stars, the right hand holding the vast and deep star map, suddenly appeared in the direction of the earthquake center, releasing the endless The earth's light.

At the moment it appeared, all the creatures felt an unprecedented sense of oppression, as if they were facing the momentum and anger of the gods, and the body could not help but tremble.

"What is this……"

"It’s terrible, this is... is this a true god?!"

"But from the momentum point of view, it is more terrible than the ordinary gods."

The squadrons are all shocked and inexplicable. The existence in front of them is too strong. Even if they are so far apart, the momentum alone can affect the entire mid-line battlefield. How terrible is this existence?

"I have realized that this is the power of the earth. Is the **** a **** of the earth?"

"How come... We haven't seen the Earth God shot yet, how has his strength become so horrible?"

"Obviously, he was forced to a desperate situation and used some kind of cards!"

Some of the virtual powers began to guess.

The rest of the strong people heard the words, although they said unbelief, but most of the hearts have already recognized this statement. Then, if the **** is the earth god, who is it to push it into this situation?

Was it the darkness that seemed to be swallowing everything before? After all, the previous collision was the infinite darkness, and the power of the blue earth was swallowed up...

Obviously, Anlin chased the yin and yang gods, how did it become a confrontation between the earth and the dark?

Some mind-thinking creatures have faintly guessed what, but this guess is too horrifying and bold, and they dare not say it.

At this moment, the sound like a thunder was spread all over the world, as if it was a roar from the heavens.

"An Lin... I will kill you today!!"

The gods screamed and shook all the souls and their ears rang.

At the same time, this voice also shook their hearts, and they all trembled.

This sentence is like seeing the clouds, and the doubts of the hearts and minds of all beings are suddenly open.

An Lin!

Sure enough, Anlin!

It’s really Anlin’s confrontation with the gods of the earth! !

Whether it is the monks, the saints, the true devils, or the white feathers, they took a deep breath and their faces were full of shock.

Although it is difficult to believe that the true identity of Anlin, at this moment, it is still coming out.

Why Anlin pursues the yin and yang gods will become the power of the earth and the power of the darkness. Most of them are the earth gods who come out to kill Anlin and force the true power of Anlin.

In front of this, the **** who released the power of infinite earth, the anger that could not be concealed, the one sentence from the heart, confirmed this.

Exposure, identity is exposed.

Anlin is the dark god!

When this matter is placed in front of the eyes of all beings, the shock to them is incomprehensible.

"The most mysterious and high-powered **** in the legend, is it the Anlin lord?"

"No, how can my peace and tranquility be a heavenly authority? I don't accept it!!"

"I feel very good. He is on our side, there is a weak enemy, and a lot of talented teammates!!"

"The high level of the West Sea Alliance clearly told me that it is a super thunder god. How can it become a dark **** now? But it seems to be even more powerful..."

"In case he is not controlled, or suddenly betrayed how to do it, after all, his identity is the god, not the ordinary mainland life, is our enemy..." Some people also expressed concern.

"The incarnation of the sky, will you really stand on our side?"

The exposure of Anlin’s identity has made many warriors of the Tianlian Army uneasy.

The morale of the Tianlian Coalition has also been shaken.

At this time, a Qing Yue like the sound of Suzaku Yueming spread throughout the world.

"What are you suspecting, what are you worried about?"

"Don't forget, Anlin is now trying his best to fight for the mainland!"

"For you, in order to win, he is now desperate!!"

Xu Xiaolan’s words, like a hammer, hit the hearts of the broken coalition forces.

"Yeah... The Anlin lord is working hard there, but we are questioning him. This is really awkward!!"

"That is, now think about it, is Anlin doing less for the early mainland? How many times have you been born and died, and what qualifications do we have to worry about what he is doing?"

"Look at a person, not to see who he is, but to see how he does it."

Countless hearts have concerns about the souls ~www.readwn.com~ The worry of the heart began to dissipate.

"He is a **** of darkness. Just know that he is on our side. He is still the supreme leader of our mid-line squadron!"

"Spiriting God is always my role model, always the first **** of war in my mind!"

"Now think about it, the dark **** is actually our boss, in fact, it is still quite a face..."

"Well, let alone, can you change anything with your mouth? Let's take some practical action! He is fighting the most powerful enemy. How can we slack off?"


"Kill! For the early mainland, for victory!!"

The creatures of the broken-line coalition forces seem to have flocked chicken blood and fought more bravely.

The identity of Anlin was indeed exposed.


Anlin is even a dark god.

The warriors of the Heavenly Alliance Army still respect him as the king! !


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