I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2104: Extreme killing

"Damn..." The voice of the earth's gods is echoing in the heavens and the earth.

Its body swayed and fell to the ground.

Anlin released the darkness and swallowed the dead star who was pressing on his body. As a result, he swallowed it, and there was an extremely uncomfortable feeling. He felt that his body was very supportive and his stomach was very swollen...


I can't eat it anymore! !

How many planets did he eat?

He can't remember himself.

I only know that the most ferocious planet in the universe has been eaten by him.

If the darkness can be swallowed up indefinitely, then he might as well swallow the whole world. Obviously, this kind of engulfing is limited in a certain period of time, and Anlin has already felt the limit.

The earth gods pulled out tens of thousands of hills and joined together to reconstitute their heads. They saw Anlin’s look of indigestion. Haha laughed: “Anlin, you finally reached the limit, and then your last days. !!"

It refers to a little starry sky, the sound is like a majestic and endless god, the loud voice: "causal death star, coming!"

The stars of the vast stars are shining.

A "squeaky" leaking sound is emitted.

Then it was completely quiet and nothing happened.

Earth God: "???"

Anlin looked at him for a moment: "Ha ha ha, say that I am at the limit, how is your star farting? Hurry and throw the planet to swear at me!"

The face of the earth **** is completely bad.

It is another stamp against the sky: "The big frost is cold and the domain is coming, come!!"

Try a different difficulty.

The stars in the stars resonate again and again.

"Oh..." The leaking sound appeared, and the stars were bleak.

Earth God: "..."

"Hahahaha... continue, throwing the stars to marry me!" Anlin laughed, and was busy using the planet that would be pressed against him. If this thing is not completely swallowed, it will chase him to the old age.

The earth gods are embarrassed and embarrassed, and they are pointing at the starry sky: "The sharp knife asteroid!"

This is the lowest difficulty, and the weaker planet, it is embarrassed to take it out.

However, the scene of deja vu appeared again.


The stars trembled and blew down.

"Ha ha ha... hahahaha... are you a sharp knife asteroid? Are you a sharp knife and a fart star?" An Lin smiled and leaned forward, and had already swallowed the percent of the dead stars that were on him. Eighty.

The earth gods gaze gazing at Ann Lin, and Annlin felt the endless chill and terrible pressure!

The earth gods stepped out and took hundreds of miles to rush to the front of An Lin. The fist broke out with the power of the horrible stars and the power of the pure violent land.

"The big earth explosion star, coming!!"

Said, a huge fist is on the face of An Lin.

Arlington was shocked: "Wait, you are a fist. In order to give yourself respect, don't you even have a face?"

"Shut up!" The earth **** burst into tears, and the fist has fallen.

Anlin is consuming the planet, and can't avoid it for a while, and continue to choose hard resistance.

Bang! ! !

The power of the earth that can be pulled up to the limit can be turned into a golden shock wave, and the remaining planets will be smashed into dust in an instant. This is only the aftermath, and the main force falls on Anlin.

Anlin worked hard to turn the darkness against it. The dark Shinto blended into his fleshy bones and skin, which made him all black and autumn. This is the dark possession that can devour all power. It is the most labor-saving and practical passive assault. .

The power of the earth **** fist began to spread over the sky, as if to hammer the whole world.

Anlin stood in the center of the boxing, just like the tenacious Xiaoqiang, suffering from endless pressure, flesh and blood skeletons, and no one trembled, as if at any time could not hold.

The boxing force burst completely, swaying all the powers, smashing the land thousands of miles, and smashing the earth into tens of thousands of meters. But in the center of the depression, Anlin is still standing!

He used his palms to hold the earth **** like a fist in the mainland!

It was an accident that the gods of the earth saw this scene and looked at it.

Anlin actually stood like a man...

Suddenly, there was a crack in the hands of the earth god.

The dark beam of light runs through its fists!

Anlin flew out of the darkness, and took the victory of the evil sword into a residual image. He jumped like a thunder and slammed into the head of the earth god: "The God of War six swords, the shadow tiger!"

His speed is very fast, but the earth gods are not slow.

The silver-white star river wrapped in the left hand of the earth god, flew out countless starlights, and slammed toward the attacking Anlin at a speed of near-light speed.

Anlin could not ignore this force and could only resist it with a sword.


Starlight collides with the darkness, exploding a mass of gorgeous energy.

Anlin’s figure was dragged by countless silver stars.

The earth laughed: "An Lin, before you, can't be blocked by this little trick, do you still say that you have no oil?"

"Before you, you will not use this little trick to deal with me." An Lin smiled and sneered.

"Shut up!!" Earth God has already pulled back his arm at this time, and once again, he slammed into Anlin.

"Evil swordsmanship, royal king!" Anlin no longer chooses to be passively beaten, and the victory of the evil sword erupts out of the domineering swordsmanship, the fists of the rushing.

boom! !

The endless power of the earth and the power of the darkness of the hegemony once again collided and strangled ~www.readwn.com~ to tear the heavens into two different energy worlds.

Anlin was bombarded by the force of the earth for hundreds of miles, and the earth **** was forced to retreat a few steps by the power of darkness.

"Come back!" Anlin figured up and swayed his sword to the earth god.

"I will be afraid of you?" The earth **** was furious and his fist fell to Anlin again.

It was an earth-shattering collision, and the two collided again, and then they were blown up by the strength of the other side.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides did not give up and attacked each other again.


The war between the two sides is like two legends that can easily break through the stars. The gods are smothering, and every move can make the heavens and the earth change, and the mountains and rivers collapse.

The whole world kept echoing and screaming, and it was able to reach the far end.

The battle between the two people has become a melee.

In fact, they all know that the strength of both sides is almost at the limit.

In this state, only melee combat is the most efficient.

The Earth God has become a mini-state with a high level of strength, in order to be more efficient and melee.

It hammered Anlin's half-length, and Anlin could die to remove its limbs.

In the end, the melee also reached its climax.

Anlin used Tiandao to punch and add the power of darkness, and a fist hammer exploded the head of the earth god.

The earth **** is more exaggerated, and the defense of Anlin is directly hammered into meat!

How about entering the road, how is the body of the gods, how to have the power of the darkness, and in the hands of the wrath of the earth god, a little careless, still destroy!

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