I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2109: God bird blood

Mu Tianshen’s head was knocked out, and his eyes were black, and he had a big hole in the ground.

At this time, a large number of monkey gods have been screaming at the wooden gods who fell to the ground with great sticks.

Booming...! !

A burst of earth-shattering bursts.

Accompanied by the screams of Mutian.

After a brutal indecent assault, the monkey gods lost their energy, and the white smoke was completely dissipated. Only a savage, extremely embarrassed man was left on the ground.

Mu Tian Shen gasped heavily, and he felt that he almost became the first **** to be killed by a chaos.

There are a few more cracks in the ring of the gods on the head.

He stood up hard and did not slow down. He saw that the real fight against the Buddha had fallen from the sky, and the golden hoop in his hand was like a giant pillar that released the mighty and endless power.

"Tiandao...a great!!"

The giant stick falls, the huge and wide bottom of the stick, and the ground wood **** is wrapped in all directions, when it is inevitable. Mu Tian Shen is also a decisive person, and immediately puts his hands together: "The infinite flower world of the holy lotus!"

A strange sacred lotus blooms at the foot of the wooden god, and then wraps it like a flower bud, and the holy lotus separates the world and wants to escape the attack of the stick!

At this moment, the stick had fallen completely and squatted on the holy lotus.

Jinguang shocks ~www.readwn.com~, the perfect combination of the power of the heavens and the power of the war Buddha, faintly produces a qualitative change.

For the sake of all beings, Sun Wukong can lay down the butcher's knife, and for the sake of all beings, Sun Wukong can also pick up the butcher's knife, even if he is ruining the sky!

"Dead!!!" Fighting against the Buddha's double scorpion, like a glaring King Kong, exhausting all the power, blessing in the hands of the gold hoop.


The golden hoops crushed everything, and the hammer smashed the space. Even the two barriers built by the wooden gods were under the heavy blow and cracks began to appear. The golden hoop sticks the gods and keeps on, and pokes the white holy lotus all the way into the ground, not breaking, pokes into the ground 100,000 miles! !

Shenglian was overwhelmed and completely crushed into dust under the weight of terror.

"No..." Mu Tianshen looked at the big, stunned and desperate, and he was so frightened and desperate. He was so weak in the enemy's attack for the first time, and then his body was carried with a great and powerful bar. Have to smash!


Smashed with Wood God, and the ring of God on his head.

The giant stick began to retract, eventually turning into a small golden needle, which was stuffed into the ear by Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong looked at the dark hole in the bottom of the dark paint and said: "Now, do you remember my name?"

Mutian has no chance to answer his question.

However, Sun Wukong knows that his name, Mu Tian Shen must be remembered before the fall!

Sun Wukong looked handsomely at the hair on his head, but he found a bare piece.

Fight against the Buddha: "..."

"Oh... I’m going to fight and make my head bald."

"The price is too big..."

"However, I am so bald, isn't it more like a monk?"

"Hey, vulture?"

Sun Wukong shook his head and picked up the stick and waved toward the rest of the enemy.

Now, the battle is not over yet. Although he has exhausted his power and cannot use any force, it is still no problem to bully and bully the low-level Tianren!

On the top battlefield, one by one, the super strong, began a decisive battle.

A place where the sword is soaring, and the sky is full of swords.

The origin of the kendo is constantly being released. Any sword repair that breaks the sky, can't use a sword in the range of a thousand miles. The sword of all things in heaven and earth will be bowed to it.

This is the special effect of the sword **** that opened the nine-fold **** ring. He succeeded in mastering the origin of the kendo by suicidally opening the last **** ring. It can be said that it is invincible.

But he is not crazy at all, because he is being hanged...

The sword of the nose and the swollen face is facing the real demon man in front of him, and screaming out the exquisite swordsmanship. The result is all broken by the real demon man.

Si Yu Modi laughed happily: "How, the top level of the Terran, the most advanced state, is this only?!"

Jiantian is so mad that he is dying, but he is helpless.

The real demon man in front of him is much stronger than he imagined!

He was abused by the other party before he opened the ring.

But at that time, the other party was not strong enough to this point, and Sword God had confidence that with the opening of the **** ring, after he kept going strong, he would certainly be able to abuse it.

As a result, he became more and more important, and he became stronger and stronger, but Siyu Modi drank, drinking a big mouthful of drinking, getting drunk, and then Siyu Modi became stronger and stronger.

In this way, Jian Tian Shen opened the ring of God all the way, all the way to blood abuse, never stopped.

He was so angry that he opened the last ring of God, completely releasing the power of the gods of the gods, and the power of playing for a short time can even be comparable to the creation of the gods!

He originally thought, this can finally be abused.

The Siyu Devil is also strong, and it is impossible to enter the Scorpio anyway.

Then, he saw that Si Yu Modi took out a pot of **** wine from the Nayong and finished it in one breath.

After drinking, Si Yu Modi was drunk.

Sword God also thought that the other party gave up treatment~www.readwn.com~ He likes to be a drunkard most.

Then he was hanged...

Sword God did not even dream of dreaming, Siyu Modi had a world-class power after drinking the drunken spirit! !

Is there a big killer hidden in the sky?

Not only the enemy was shocked, but the friendly army was equally shocked.

They did not expect that in addition to An Lin and Xu Xiaolan's fighting power, Si Yu's performance is so amazing, the world-class combat power can be said to be the third-ranked super top powerhouse on the battlefield.

Breaking the sky to help the real Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon!

The morale of the break-up coalition forces is even higher. When their top-level combat power can counter the Tianren, their confidence in this battle will increase greatly.

It is clear that the number of the Tianren army is still dominant, but the front has not been pushed.

Just then, a scream of screaming sounded.

Suddenly, a huge Suzaku was torn into two halves. The blood of the red blood sprinkled through the sky and turned into a **** rain. The result was torn into two bodies. After finding the opportunity to merge and recover, it was brought to heaven. The blood of the flames burned out.

"Blood teeth!!!"

"Blood tooth god!!"

A scream of anger and anger sounded.


Heaven and Earth Avenue screams.

This is the symbol of the super power of the road!

The **** teeth from the Suzaku field have fallen.

Above the blood of the sky, a nine-powered phoenix flying phoenix stands proudly in the sky, and the eyes are full of indifference and killing: "The earth gods are dead, I will let all of you live with it!"

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