I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2128: Mad goddess of life

Anlin’s victory sword began to appear in a large number of gods, and there was also a strange dark energy above the sky that was constantly injected into the blade, causing the sword to soar to an extremely terrifying point.

The **** of life is smashed into two halves of the body and reintegrated.

She was pale and looked at the fallen world tree and the collapsed Zhongtianmen. She was so angry that she was trembling, but because of some kind of taboo from the source, she had to curb her anger.

"An Lin in the end... What else does he want to do?" Life God gnashed his teeth.

At this time, An Lin suddenly inserted the evil sword into the ground.

The black lines are spreading, releasing the energy that squats to the extreme, and the lines collide with each other to form a huge killing. Not only that, but this killing even faintly echoes the ruins of the entire continent covering the entire mainland. , borrowed the power of breaking the sky.

Life gods and sky gods eyelids can not help but jump.

If the power of this big array breaks out completely, it will be hard to imagine!

"Just, what did he do with this big array?" Sky God's face was full of confusion.

It can sense that this big array is a large array of passive triggers, not a large array of active attacks, which is of no use for the next battle.

"If you dare to set foot on this continent within three days, I will marry it!"

Anlin took out the evil sword and turned around and left.

Both the **** of life and the **** of the sky have widened their eyes and couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

"He is like this..."


"Is it possible that he is not much in strength, or is the time limit for the surge in power?" The sky gods shimmered with shimmer and began to guess.

"What are you waiting for? He is ill and wants his life. We hurry to kill him!" The **** of life couldn't help it anymore. Her most hated is Anlin, and she can't wait to kill Anlin three thousand times! !

However, she was stopped by the sky god.

"Life, you calm down, didn't you see that big array, don't use Anlin's shot, that big array will force us to use the truth of the road once!" Sky God binds the **** of life with the clouds. The body of the gods, also poured water on the head of the **** of life with a sloping waterfall, whispered.

The **** of life is soaked, a pair of bright eyes that should be bright and lively. At this moment, it is full of anger that is difficult to excrete. The whole exquisite body is constantly shaking, but I can think of how angry she is at the moment, how rich the killing is. . "But...but we let him go? He killed my fairy, cut my world tree and Zhongtianmen, we dare not let go, so let him go and go?"

The sky gods heard a series of summaries, and the body trembled fiercely.

Mom, don't sum up, okay, a summary, the more special, the more you want to be more angry! !

At this moment, Sky God has the urge to follow the life **** and raise the knife together to cut Anlin. But in the next second, he calmed down and poured a few waterfalls on his head.

"Revenge is definitely necessary, but not now, when the origin of the ocean is restored, we use three-phase reincarnation, even if we don't need the truth, we can kill Anlin..."

"Ah, ah... hateful, hateful, hateful!!" The **** of life is about to be crying, and the white teeth are almost bitten by themselves. Stepping on the continent? Who did he think he was? I want to kill him!!"

The voice just fell.

Sky God also gave a few waterfalls to the **** of life.

"You calm down again..."


Yuetong Shencheng.

Tens of millions of squadrons and tens of millions of people have seen the scene that is enough to surprise everyone. In the distant Baiqionghai, a round of dark moon crisscrossed the sky and fell straight into the world tree that was so daunting. That symbolizes the great life of Aoki, the eternal immortality, directly split into two by the black moon in the middle!

The world tree has fallen!

That sacredness is great and inviolable. It symbolizes the vitality of the Terran and is the world tree of the pride and spiritual pillars of the mid-line Heavenly Terrans. With the sound of the break, it slowly falls to the White Qionghai.

Countless days, the Terran collapsed again after experiencing the impact of the Earth God.

"My world tree has been smashed?"

"No... this is absolutely impossible! Fake, it must be fake!!"

"There are still the highest gods on the top, how come... Can they give up on us?"

"Ha ha ha... finished, everything is over..."

The morale of the Terran is almost to collapse.

On the contrary, breaking the sky to help the coalition forces, the momentum is like a rainbow!

"Ha ha ha! The world tree has fallen!"

"The black sword is absolutely the main body of An Linzong!"

"Anlin's lord is arrogant, and they all hit the other's nest."

"Ah, ah... so good and handsome, how can there be such a good and powerful man in the world, I really love him!"

"An Lin is too powerful, killing the earth **** is not enough, even the world tree is still smashed? If he can smash the Zhongtianmen, then it is invincible!"

"Strongly, I am going to break the army, we have to work hard, kill the gods of these dog days!!"

The break-up coalition forces are like fighting chicken blood several times and continue to fight for death.

Their fronts are constantly pushing forward.

The Heaven and Man Alliance Army has reached the edge of collapse!

At this moment, it was another stunned sword mans appearing in Bai Qionghai. It smashed through the sky and swallowed everything. The sharp swords of the sword divided the whole pure white sea into two halves.

Then there was a green light that covered the sky.

The infinite power of the source of life shocks the world at this moment.

"It is the **** of life!"

"Great, life gods will be able to kill Anlin!"

Next second.

The dark swordsman engulfed the green life and continued on.

Heavenly Terrans: "..."


It seems to have collided with something.

The dark black sword blasted open and swallowed the white mist, and then the body of Zhongtianmen appeared from the scattered white mist~www.readwn.com~ It was just a picture of being slag-blasted, and the two boundaries were fragmented. Sight.

Zhongtianmen was annihilated.

All the celestial beings are living in the woods.

It seems as if there is any belief in a rapid collapse.

Like a landslide, a tsunami, a ruin, the whole world is ruined...

Not to mention them, even the Sky Forces were shocked.

"Catch the grass! Lord Anlin, do you want to be so exaggerated..."

"I just said that I broke the Zhongtianmen and I was invincible. As a result, he showed me invincible in the next second?"

"Anlin's lord is arrogant!!"

"Stable, this is stable, and the **** of peace is my **** from today!"

"We have to hold the edge!"

"Yes, kill!"

The confidence of the break-up coalition forces broke out and rushed more bravely.

The joys and sorrows of the times have brought their war and momentum to the apex.

At the moment, the Tianren army was on the verge of collapse.

The defeat is like a mountain! !


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