I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2220: ?The collapse of the golden bell

Who is it to vote for?

60,000 spectators are lost in thought.

Jin Feihong, who is hiding in the corner, has a little more expectation.

He still has a mind that compares with Anlin.

Although Anlin’s performance was better than him, there was no fan at all before Anlin! He has a fan advantage, super Anlin is no problem, right? If his flower ticket is more than Anlin tonight, then he will be more confident when he returns to the training room...

The vote has begun.

Some super iron powder naturally does not hesitate to vote for the artist.

But how many of the 60,000 high-ranking people are super iron powder of an artist? Most of them like several head cards at the same time. After all, each head card is so talented and can't like one alone.

The voting time is only one minute, and everyone can't discuss it. You can only ponder it in your heart, and then follow your heart to make a decision.

Obviously, the head of Red Ink Square is the hottest ticket.

"The new character of the ancient autumn goddess is absolutely beautiful, and the aftertaste is endless. It is her."

"The dance of the Golden Wheel Dancer is the most favorite, I want to dance the emperor brother!"

"The song of Yun Xian is my favorite!!"

"The golden bells of Jin Linger are super nice."

"The ice sculpture of the ice wolf is art!"

In addition to discussing the head card, no matter which audience, the mind can not help but emerge a person's figure.

Chicken you are too fragrant!

"The head cards are good, but I still can't forget the chicken."

“The cooking dance also satisfies the visual and taste enjoyment, and always feels good!”

Some fan groups have begun to shout loudly.

"Invest in the golden bell, vote for the golden bell, and vote for the golden bell!"

"To cast the ancient goddess!!"

"Invest in Jinfeihong!!"

A fan of Jin Feihong’s fan group is also shouting.

After shouting, he himself voted for the man with the pan.

Anyway, Jin Feihong has so many fans, isn’t he a ticket?

Liu Dabao's debut is not easy. Wan Dabao won too few flowers, was hit, lost the power to cook, and no longer cook, what should I do? That will be the loss of the entire Holy Land of the entire Red Ink Square!

The head of the fan group feels that they should secretly encourage each other.

He also thought about watching the show next time, and was able to eat Liu Dabao's dishes again.

The head of the fan group did not expect that there were actually a lot of fans holding similar ideas with him. On the contrary, in fact, many, many...

Much more than he thought.


Because everyone thinks that Liu Dabao will get very few flowers.

After all, there is no fan base.

But Liu Dabao’s dance is so good, the chicken is too fragrant!

He should have fans!

When his fan group was not built, they would take a moment to be a fan of Liu Dabao, cast a flower ticket, and cook a dance.

Fans of famous brands, even fans of the top cards, began to secretly change their camps. They did not yell Liu Dabao’s name, but the flower tickets in their hands have already been voted for Liu Dabao, and they voted for their audience tonight. optimal.

Jin Feihong was in the corner, listening to his **** fans shouting his name, his heart was very gratified and satisfied, his influence is still not weak.

See no, Liu Dabao?

This is the difference!

I have a group of **** fans?

do you have?

Jin Feihong listened to the audience screaming for Liu Dabao at the conference, showing a smile of stability, although he did not know what he was.

But it is happy.

A minute passed quickly.

The red sister and another host have started on the stage.

At the same time, a huge holographic energy screen began to appear in the center of the stage, ready to show the results of the vote.

"The vote is over!"

"It’s finally time to announce the result of the vote!"

"Who will the flower owner be tonight?"

"According to the usual practice, we will announce the results of the top ten artists who won the votes!"

"Let's see who is the artist who won the 10th place in the vote?!"

As soon as the voice fell, a stone-trunk old man composed of stones appeared on the screen, and there were flowers, 1072.

"The tenth place is that the painter is invincible! The number of votes is 1072, congratulations!"

Hua sister smiled and congratulated, and the audience on the field followed the applause.

A stone man walked to the stage and thanked the audience.

Then, the ninth-ranked flower millet, who won 1200 votes, was also happy to come to power.

The votes of these artists are expected by the audience.

"How come Liu Dabao?"

“Don't you say that Liu Dabao is not on the list?”

Some viewers began to lose, began to regret, and even confessed to Liu Dabao’s name when they voted. It is obviously a very talented artist. Will Liu Dabao be sad, will he not cook from then on?

At the thought of this, the hearts of the audience are even more painful.

Only Jin Feihong is very happy.

Ok! The top ten can't go up. See what is your big treasure? !


Then, the eighth place appeared the head of Jin Feihong.

"The eighth place is the martial artist Jin Feihong! The number of votes is 1282, congratulations!"

Jin Feihong’s face in the corner was a glimpse.


He is only eighth? !

You know, he is the strongest artist below the top card.

There are only five top cards on the scene, so he should be the sixth?

How is the eighth? !

Despite being very aggressive and very hard hit, Jin Feihong was still a strong smile, pretending to be very excited and excited to stand on the stage and yell at the audience~www.readwn.com~ At the same time his heart began to wonder, as if he was on the scene Hardcore fans, more than 1282 are right...

"The seventh place is the famous brand Dao Xuan!! The number of votes is 1373, congratulations!!" The red sister still read out loud.

In the cheers of everyone, a large tortoise climbed to the stage and happily responded to the audience with cheers and applause.

Jin Feihong suddenly realized that Hei Xuan was really amazing in this performance, and the number of votes was more understandable than him.

However, it is only seventh!

How are the five famous brands in six positions, and one brand name on the black mystery?

Just then, a cute and pretty girl in yellow dress appeared on the big screen.

The first card, the golden bell, the number of tickets, 3698, ranked sixth.

Silent, dead silence.

Even the red sister did not start broadcasting immediately, and it took a long while.

what happened? The sixth place is not a famous brand, is it actually a head card?

Does this prove that there is a famous brand with more votes than the top card?

This is a terrible event! !

But no brand-name performance can beat the top card...

Wait, there is one person who can do it!

The audience began to suddenly wake up.

There is a trainer who is neither a head card nor a brand name.

Liu Dabao!

Absolutely Liu Dabao! !

The golden bells in the background saw this scene, their eyes were black, and they almost fainted.

"Liu Dabao! You destroy my youth!"

"You ruin my head career!"

The girl's eyes are red, she thinks she is the first flower ticket lost to the trainer's head card, which is destined to be the stain of her life.


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