I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2227: The true secret of the book

Anlin stood in the middle of hundreds of millions of books and felt everything around him.

The Holy Land in the early days was the last remnant of civilization in the early ancient times. It was the place where the turbulence of the heavens was most intense after the collapse of the heavens. Perhaps the heavens were struggling and did not want to destroy.

"Tiandao and Tiandao are close, I can absorb the information of books so quickly, perhaps not relying on darkness, but the highest authority..." Anlin thought of the God of Light, she should also use the power to absorb the information of books. Only she was illegally invaded, so she was hit hard by the secret prohibition.

The broken heaven does not want to die, but only Heaven can perceive the fragments of Heaven. Because of her characteristics, Bright God can easily perceive and absorb the broken heavens, and the probability of destruction of the broken heavens is enormous.

If it is not the anti-bone in the **** of Anlin, the other party will succeed sooner or later.

All this, I don't know if this is a coincidence or a necessity.

Anlin feels that fate is not only getting people, but even the supreme heaven, as if there is a fate in the middle of it...

"No matter what, anyway, you must not let the light of tomorrow!"

"In order to obtain a weapon, I will not hesitate to completely destroy the ancient domain of the early Taiji. This is a devastating thing, and she can do it by loss. I really don't know who she is in charge of, the light of who is." Anlin step by step to the Tianshu Pavilion Central.

It is undeniable that the weapons created by the broken heavens will be terrible, and even each strike contains the power of a top world.

Broken heaven, only heaven can be used.

At the same time, it is also the most suitable weapon for Tiandao.

Anlin walked to the place where the book was in a certain place, and began to describe the array with bare hands.

Yes, after combining the information of all the books, he knows where the real book is. There are Tianshu Pavilions in the ten major districts, and each Tianshu Pavilion has a Tianshu, which is a collection of heavens.

Heaven has avoided self-destruction in a very special way!

The array of Anlin's characterizations incorporates the astronomical geography and history, incorporates the civilized totems of the Wan people, and integrates the survival and beliefs of all living beings in the eighth district.

The formation of the array into the void, suddenly appeared strange fluctuations.

Then, a book with pure white light appeared in front of Anlin.

Anlin holds the book in his hand, as if holding a world, the invisible weight, so that his body and spirit are subject to unimaginable weight.

"This is the broken heaven? This feeling of destruction, how can I be a little excited?" An Lin was surprised to feel the state of the body.

Darkness represents destruction and nothingness.

The power of darkness in his body likes to break the state of heaven to death at this time, and even evokes its origin, which is somewhat scary. Is it hard that darkness is a symbol of the destruction of heaven?

"Never let the God of Light get this thing, as long as the Bible is still a book of heaven, the Holy Land will continue to exist in the heavens and the earth."

"But the question is, where should I put it? If you can't put it down, can you carry it with you?" Anlin muttered to himself.

At this moment, suddenly there was a clear and moving voice like a scorpio, and suddenly came from the ear: "An Lin Giant..."

An Lin trembled: "Xiao Na?!"

"Oh, yes, it is me."

"I have sensed something in the book that is missing in the world of mirrors. Can you give it to me for safekeeping?"

Ann Lin heard the words and was happy.

"Of course, but Xiaona can't hurt the Bible, this is the life of the Holy Land!" Anlin thought for a moment and added another sentence.

"Do not worry, Anlin Giant, I just read and feel."

The sound of the sweet and clear voice came.

An Lin heard this and agreed.

Dina needs a book of heaven, and he needs to keep it safe. If you put the book into the world of mirrors, isn't this the best custody? That’s the place where the light of tomorrow’s head can’t go!

How can Anlin miss it?

Suddenly, the void ripples.

The power of the two circles began to appear.

A pair of white and delicate jade hands emerged from the ripples, holding the Tianshu in the hand of Anlin in his hand, just like holding a very precious treasure.

"An Lin Giant, wait for me, I will make this world a better place!"

Xiaona’s promise echoed in her ears, and then Tianshu and her hands were gone.

There was no abnormality in the whole process, and the secret prohibition was not triggered.

"This is too smooth. Compared with the light, is it what I hoped for?" An Lin smiled and began to walk out of the Bible.

Outside the Temple of Heaven.

Ying Bao is watching the battle between the two district governors through a translucent dome.

The battle was extremely fierce and horrible, attracting the attention of all the creatures in the ten districts. No way, the whole sky was smashed by them. If it wasn’t for the sacred mask of the Holy Land, this battle was enough to push the Holy Land a dozen times.

This kind of disaster-level engagement, no one will do other things nervously.

Of course, some of the wonderful things that you want to read in the outbreak of the war are excluded.

Ying Bao thought of the man, bowed his mouth and couldn't help but complain: "Really, when is it, Dabao still wants to read books. This is a big event that can subvert the world. He can't care more. ?"

Gu Qiu also had some emotions: "He is really a strange person~www.readwn.com~ Others are all in the same place, and he is even more powerful. He can even read the book before the Taishan collapse."

"When he comes out, the world has to change?" Ying Bao gently shouted.

"Yeah... The Red Emperor has been unable to support it..." Gu Qiu saw a scarred woman in the sky, and her eyes flashed a sigh of relief.

If the Red Emperor is defeated, the eighth district will change its master. From then on, there will be no eighth district. Their fate will also be dominated by the dragon emperor. How sad it will be?

Of course, if they hate the Dragon Emperor, they can also transfer to other districts. After all, they are the top cards and have a very high degree of freedom, but Ying Bao and Su Shi and others are hard to say...

Gu Qiu can leave, but here is her home. It will be very unsatisfactory to leave like this. She wants to resist and wants to help the Red Emperor, but they can't do anything in front of them.

Just then, the golden dragon in the sky gave a bright breath to the Red Emperor.

The light shines in the world, pure and holy. The Red Emperor's double swords were staggered, but they finally couldn't hold back the golden dragon's breath power. They were invaded by the light of the light, spit out a blood, and slammed into the top of the Holy Land mask.

Almost all creatures are exclaimed.

They know that the Red Emperor can't hold it!

At this moment, a white man walked out of the Heavenly Book Court under the eyes of two gatekeepers, and came to the side of the woman who was nervously holding her hand.

"Ying Bao, how is the situation?"

"Well, the Red Emperor can't hold it."

Ying Bao’s eyes are red.

Suddenly, she seemed to notice something, and her body trembled, turning her head to look at her side, and then her face appeared like a ghostly expression.


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