I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2233: Invincible trainees in the Holy Land

"Calling... I am exhausted..."

Anlin lay on the ground and panted.

In one breath, the power of the vast amount of darkness was imparted to the five great scorpions in front of the eyes, and almost the dark power in his body was hollowed out. As a result, recovery will take a long time.

"God makes an adult, are you uncomfortable? Let Tianyi help you see it..." A pale pink fishtail was lightly attached to Anlin's body, and the clear and innocent face came to Anlin's face, softly Speaking in a whisper, the eyes are full of concerns.

When talking, Anlin could even feel a fragrant fragrance.

"Don't be like this, I don't like this position."

Anlin was shocked and hurriedly pushed the sky away.

Tianyi wrinkled Xiaoliumei, as if he didn't know what he was doing wrong, and looked at Anlin with a blank look: "What posture do you like?"

Anlin took out a **** in public and swallowed in it. "I like this position, understand?"

Tianyi’s clear and pure eyes set Anlin for a while, and then nodded: “Well, I understand...”

Then, on the jade finger, the Naduan flashed and a **** Dan appeared and was sent to An Lin’s mouth: “God makes the adult, his mouth is open... This position, do you like it?”

An Lin: "..."

Did the mermaid sister understand what was wrong?

Always feeling stupid.

Can such a young lady really get the title of the first card and enter the bookstore?

Anlin suddenly panicked.

Panic, he still swallowed the **** Dan who gave the mermaid sister.

The enormous potency of the drug began to make his body recover quickly.

Anlin stood up again and gave a slightly ritual: "You, please."

"Do not worry."

"Goddess, God makes adults, we will complete the task satisfactorily!"

"Isn't it the first card? Look at us!"

The creation gods are very confident.

"Linghuang, then you will arrange for them to become the trainees of the major regions." Anlin turned his head and looked at the emperor who was still in a daze.

"Okay, okay, no problem!" The Emperor returned to God and was very excited.

He felt that he had chosen the right one. Only Anlin could be the savior of the Holy Land in the beginning. Just looking at the help of so many top-level gangsters, I know that the depth of the deal is profound and unbelievable! !

"I still have this connection. One district, two districts, four districts, six districts, nine districts, and ten districts all need to be trained." Linghuang asked.

"Yes." Annlin nodded.

"If you encounter an emergency that cannot be solved, remember to call me. I have already established a relationship with you, and you can move to your side in an instant." Dina screamed with the creation gods.

The creation gods nodded very seriously.

"Then please come with me." The spirit of the emperor respectfully opened to the creation of the gods, and he could not afford it.

In this way, the creation gods all followed the spirits to leave.

Anlin looked at the figure who left in front of him. Miss Blackstone was a pair of high-cold and careless looks. The flow of gold was like an ordinary uncle who was amiable and angry. The three souls were very lively and asked questions to the Emperor. WEAT. Tianyi replied frequently to Anlin, and he smiled quite embarrassedly. The ink language silently rolled behind, without a word.

This lineup...

Always feel nervous...

"I am very recognized for their realm and strength, but can they really beat the talented top players?" An Lin always felt that it was not reliable.

Especially the stone, the whole process is a "咚", how to perform talent?

"An Lin Giant, don't underestimate them." Dina looked at the backs of the front, and smiled at the corners of her mouth. "The years can give civilization, and they have experienced the existence of endless years, what they have seen and heard. Knowing what you think, can be the basis of their stunning audience, you will wait for their good news."

Although Anlin feels that those are not very reliable, he believes in grace.

"Okay, let's go to the tenth district."

There are six unidentified districts, and the creation gods have selected five of them, so Anlin has to go to the last district to fight, so that all the books can be collected in the shortest possible time!

"There is no news that God will become the top card tomorrow. I hope that everything will come." Under the leadership of a senior cadre of Anlin Linghuang, I flew to the 10th district...

As for Dina, she silently entered the world of mirrors.

In the beginning of the Holy Land, after a brief storm, it fell into a calm. However, in the interior of the surface, the undercurrent has begun to flow again.

I don't know if it is to calm the panic of the creatures in the various regions, and they all decided to start a large-scale cultural performance.

Hundred days are empty.

On the bustling streets.

On the eve of the party, one scouts began to find good seedlings.

Then, in the training room, the gold medal instructors were shocked.

Of course, the final shock turned into ecstasy.

One trainee began to be one of the performers of the night.

Until the night falls.

At the beginning of the Holy Land, the highlights of the show began!

One district, within the territory of the White Emperor.

"Please practice Blackstone below, perform dance for us, praise the night!"

In the audience's questioning and surprise, a beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance, the twilight dawn, the fairy jade ~www.readwn.com~ a debut on the stage makes the atmosphere of the whole stage hot.

at the same time.

The second district, the territory of the tortoise.

Tianhai Pavilion, which was broken after the war.

Tianyi used a pink fishtail to smash thousands of bubbles. In the sad atmosphere, with the mermaid sound that the audience could not imagine, he sang the song of the trench.

This song, sings and cries everyone.

On the roof of the martial arts in the fourth district.

The real demon to the high gods of the gold played a set of boxing, a set of extremely shocking boxing, directly stunning all the audience on the field, some of the high-level monks, but also shocked for a long time without returning to God.

Inside the Dragon Valley in the sixth district.

The dragon emperor who had just been bullied for a meal saw a round stone on the stage, and the stone did not speak. It was so quietly standing in the center of the stage.

Tens of thousands of spectators were first stunned, then screamed, and finally, if they were thoughtful, they eventually realized that they wanted to understand what philosophy of life.

The Dragon Emperor burst into tears and fell into deep remorse.

The territory of the ninth district of the spirit fish king.


A small child was talking about three cross talks, which made the audience laugh and laughed. When they laughed, they thought of reality, feeling a lot, and even most of them were wet.

The tenth district, inside the dark square.

Liu Dabao once again made a stunning appearance and set off an unprecedented frenzy.

The shrine of the beginning of the night was quiet.

But this evening's sacred place was again climax.

Even, it created a history.

A whole set of five legendary creation gods, who even performed as a trainee, is definitely a big event that shocks the world and lasts forever in history!

It is their joint effort that has created an invincible myth of a trainee! !


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