I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2251: Thanks to An Lin Giant

The grand ceremony was held in the Central City.

Welcome the once Saints to go home.

Dina is still extremely popular with the people. The more beautiful and beautiful the appearance, the more praise and marvel of the countless people.

No matter where it is, the world looks at the face.

Harris looked at the same grace as his own body. Now he has grown bigger than a dozen times. He can’t help but curious: "How do you become so big?"

"Because I grew up." Dina replied.

Harris: "???"

"The saint, you have traveled to the new world, what about the new world? Is there really a new world?" Mandel asked more curiously.

"Yes, and the new world is so big that it is so big that you can't imagine that their magnificent city might be bigger than our entire continent... there are many animals there, and there are dozens of animals. Zhang Gao, and some even have tens of thousands of feet of beasts..." Dina is very eager to describe the scenes of the new world with her friends.

All the strong people are very fascinated.

Dina’s cousin, the current saint Merlot, even heard God, full of envy and said: “It’s so powerful... It’s so big in the world... I want to see it...”

Yana smiled and licked the head of the elf in front of her eyes and said, "Oh, when you find a qualified successor, the sister will take you to the New World for a long time!"

"You are still very embarrassed to say, I have been away for more than a hundred years without a word." Melody looked at Senna with resentment and gave an empire to her, but she ran to live so long, the cousin said Very envious and very wronged.

"Well, don't be angry, my sister brought you a good thing." Yan Na Su turned over, a small three-color flower bud, appeared in her palm, releasing extremely amazing energy fluctuations.

"This is..." Melody was so beautiful that she exclaimed, "This is a sacrament! No... even more powerful than the holy device. What treasure is this?!"

"This is a fairy, the high-end fairy three-sex flower, has the flexibility and flexibility, the unpredictable power, you use it is also suitable, take it to defend yourself." Dina is extremely generous.

The sacristy in their eyes is actually the spirit of the early continent.

At the beginning, Dina was also stunned by An Lin’s treasure. But now, she is already a rich woman in the world, and she can use the unmanned operation of the fairy, and she can use it without any pain.

"Thank you, sister, Sister Na is the best!!" Melody received the ecstasy of the three immortals, and the little resentment in her heart suddenly vanished.

Both Harris and Mandel are envious, and their small eyes are wide.

Dina naturally would not treat these two loyal veterans, and gave them a common fairy, which made them grateful and excited.

Unconventional weapons can make them stronger and better protect the world, so everything is worth it.

Dina became the size of a small man and began to walk in the Central City.

In order to be less eye-catching, Anlin has become the same size as Dina.

"This is my favorite store. The dessert is delicious. I didn't expect it to be open now." Dina took Anlin and went to the dessert shop to taste the food.

"This is the largest clothing store in Central City. Xiaona used to have a lot of clothes to buy in it." Dina was very happy to take Anlin into the clothing store to try on clothes.

All kinds of flower skirts, white gauze skirts, grass and rattan clothes, whether it is cheesy or exquisite clothes, with the value of the elf's anti-sky, can be dressed as perfect as Xianshang.

Anlin ushered in a wave of visual feast.

Dina's ingenuity and the perfect temperament of nature, can not find a second fairy in the entire mainland can be compared with it, no matter how you look, what clothes to wear, give him a feeling like a spring breeze.

I bought a few clothes.

Dina and Anlin went to the dojo, went to the church, went to the house where Xiaona once lived, and recalled everything in the past.

They are like an old photo.

No matter how long it has passed.

Still the same as before.

"At that time, I thought the whole world was so big. I thought that this world has only so many scenes..."

Dina’s crystal-clear hand holds Anlin, bathes in the warm sunshine, and walks along the bluestone steps to the dojo.

"Because the Anlin Giants, you have seen many different scenery and saw many amazing and shocking scenery in the world."

Dina looked up and squinted slightly, but the light was unprecedentedly clear, as if the waves reflected the whole world.

"You made my life more exciting and more magnificent. If it weren't for you, I would definitely stay in this small place, be a saint who is innocent and innocent?"

Anlin is somewhat proud: "So, my Anlin never lie to you, and all the promises promised will be realized, right?"

"Well..." Dina glared at her mouth and looked at the sky with her eyes shining.

"Hey, Xiaona, how are you crying?"

"No... no... it’s hard to go home~www.readwn.com~so..."

"Hah, I can't think of Xiaona as a person who is so emotional."

Anlin and Dina walked all the way, finally had a meal with the friends here, and then hurriedly bid farewell to this quiet place.

The war is not over yet.

After a short break, they have to continue to the battlefield!

The heavens in the early ancient times continued to collapse and ruin.

Anlin must not let the Taichu continent reproduce the tragedy of the ancient times.

They flew out of the enchantment of the little world, Anlin did not feel relieved, and added a dark enchantment to the little enchantment, and Dina also added a mirror enchantment to strengthen the defense of the world. Dozens of times, this is safe to leave.

The two crossed the cracks of the sky that released the horrible chaos and turbulence. In an extremely sturdy way, according to the coordinates given by the heavens, all the way to tear apart the chaos, cross the barriers of the two borders, and safely return to the mainland!

When Anlin returned to the mainland, he contacted Ziwei Emperor and asked about the recent situation in the mainland. Zhaiwei the Great said that nothing happened in the past few days, and occasionally there were some small frictions, but no matter whether it was the sky, the sea or the light, there was no shot.

This made Anlin finally relieved.

Think about it too.

He only left for a few days.

The big decisive battle will not happen again and again.

You must know that those high-ranking gods, after the first battle of Bai Qionghai, a world explosion, the two roads of the explosion, and should not have been slowed down now. Not to mention God tomorrow, I am so hurt, I must take a good rest.

The injuries of An Lin and Dina have recovered almost.

I don't know, is the damage of God of Light tomorrow restored?

Can you take the opportunity to sneak a wave?


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