I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2259: The pursuit of the world

When Anlin saw the light ball in front of him, he came to the air: "I can't think of the goddess of light not talking, can you think of this method to anger me? Good, very good..."

He changed the course of war again, concentrated all the power at one point, and the entire ball of light was sagged again, and then began to retreat back like a ball, trying to keep a distance from his attack.

"I want to see how far you can run!" An Lin snorted and continued to catch up!

Dina and Uganda also followed suit and used all their strength to target the ball of light.

Anlin has been condensing the purple gold needle to the front, and the light ball has been regressing.

Miles, miles, miles, 100,000 miles, thousands of miles...

Anlin has been stabbing, the ball of light has been retreating, and later he has withdrawn from the foggy area of ​​the East China Sea and flew towards the West!

Anlin was also on the ball. No matter how the ball retreated, he had to stab it. Slowly, he poked the ball out of the East China Sea, poked the city of Chennai, poked Kyushu, and even poked it. Bai Qionghai, all the way to the West Sea poke...

He didn't know where the end was, the only thing he knew was that he had to poke the ball in front of him!

In the same way, Anlin chased the night from day to night, and chased the night from the night to the day. It took two days to chase the ball of light around the mainland, but still did not puncture the ball of light!

At this time, the heavens in the sky above the sky suddenly changed.

Cyril, Chen Chen, son-in-law, moral celestial and other creation gods, turned their eyes to the sky, the face looks changed.

The nuns took Xiao Hongling's pink little hand and walked out of the door of the life lodge. She blinked and came to the land of the early mainland, looking up at the sky together.

"The five heavenly gates have been destroyed. No matter whether it is the Tianren or the gods, they cannot enter our Taichu continent through any channel." The son-in-law whispered.

"Wow, it’s amazing." Xiao Hongling’s bright eyes widened and looked up at the sky. “Isn’t it just to remove all the supreme gods, are we safe in the early days?”

The son-in-law gently shook his head: "That is just drinking and quenching thirst, the heavens are crippled, the disaster and the collapse will continue to strike. To solve the problem from the fundamental aspect, only the heavens will be fully completed..."

"Of course, after the break, it is okay to recast the heavens." The son-in-law thought about it and added another sentence.

"Breaking the sky...the sky is not the original day..." Xiao Hongling heard this, and the delicate jade face appeared some kind of loss and reluctance.

The son-in-law shook his head and said: "Isn't the original day unimportant, we are for the world's beings, in fact, whether it is breaking the sky or filling the sky, as long as it can be successful."

"Just, the risk of breaking the sky is still too big. Once it fails, it will increase the difficulty of us to make up the sky. They should start to act..."

Just then, a stream of light suddenly crossed the sky from a distance.

What followed was the shocking pressure of Xiao Hongling and the son-in-law.

"This is... Anlin's lord?" Xiao Hongling was excited.

There was a smile on the beautiful face of Nüwa: "I broke the Heavenly Gate of the Heavenly Terran... The five heavenly gates were broken, and he made a decisive contribution. It was a great hero in the early days of the mainland!"

"Hey, Anlin's lord is indeed a great hero, but you still think about how to deal with him a while ago!" Xiao Hongling quite dissatisfiedly pouted a small mouth, apparently very dissatisfied with the way before the son-in-law.

"Oh... I was blinded by my own thoughts, and I would think about how to deal with An Lin in order to make up the sky."

She looked at the direction of the glory, and the clear eyes of the two eyes appeared a little confusing, muttering to himself: "Perhaps...the sky is not the greatest hope, but the world in which he is, is the greatest hope... ”

at the same time.

Broken sky in the temple.

Cyril, who sensed a certain change, suddenly stood up from the emperor, stretched out his arms, looked up at the sky through the transparent dome, and laughed happily: "Ha ha ha... Anlin Tianzi really lived up to expectations, completed The most difficult task, now is the time for us to get on the stage!"

"The time is ripe, let us take the last step!"

"The second step of the ruin ceremony, breaking the sky, is now officially open!"

Cyril went to the broken sky beam in the center of the glazed temple. The pillar of light became more and more solid, forming a black and white spear. The unimaginable edge directly poked the sky, tearing the sky out of a piece of spider web.

The ultimate energy, the ultimate in innocence, is released without reservation at this moment.

The black lines on the ground simultaneously release a strong break of the weather, from the end of the horizon to the sky, the deeper the lines, as if to swallow everything.

The energy of the entire early continent was motivated at this moment. In the vast continent of hundreds of millions of miles, the vitality began to appear rhythmic shocks.

The members of the Broken Glass Hall are scorning the curse, spreading their hands and spreading their power into the black and white spear. Cyril personally takes the spear, and his eyes are solemn but hot.

"Listen... Did you hear it? Heaven continues to break the sound..."

He is the only breath of the world's peak ~www.readwn.com~ released at this moment without reservation, the whole world began to tremble, a will above the heavens began to appear.

Cyril directly smashed the black and white spear toward the sky.

Black cracks have spread millions of times!

The power of destruction begins to spread! !

"The first day of the sky, the sky is a finger."

Chen Chen’s tone was dull, but his fingers went to the sky.

An indescribable finger, easily breaks the void, and even penetrates the **** of time, and points to the invisible but all-inclusive heaven.


The sky is roaring in anger.

The sky is sobbing blood in grief.

At this moment, the move of the gangsters shocked all the strong men of the mainland.

"Is it really going to be broken?" In the city of Dawn, the powerful people couldn't help but look up at the sky.

"Hey... the sky is still slower..."

The Emperor of Heaven stood at the head of the city and kept shaking his head and sighing.

Forty-nine sects.

Xiaohong looked at the crack in the sky that continued to spread, and even the sun became less bright, as if the whole world was covered with a haze.

She shook her head and whispered: "The second step of breaking the sky is to be carried out. The master has the opportunity to become a heavenly person... Although he is reluctant to live in the present day, if he can let the master really live, he still hopes to break the sky." A successful day..."

At this moment, An Lin, who chased the light group and ran across the world, also saw the earth-shattering scene of the breaking of the sky. He was shocked by the whole person.

Everything is too fast.

Everything is too far off guard.

At this moment, the light group that had been fleeing suddenly stopped at the same place.


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