I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 306: Corpse appeared

After the players around the group heard this sentence, they only felt that their hearts were rushing.

If Nima is so forced to do so, is it good to say that the emperor is saying that he will not be red? ?

Then, even more ridiculous things happened.

After thinking for a moment, Cheng Ying slightly nodded and promised: "Well, even if Anlin’s friends are coming, I will not call for support first."

The rest of the players heard it again and looked at their captain with a shocked look.

I dare to say "Even if God comes, I will kill you." This kind of slogan, Major General Cheng Ying actually believed! ?

Cheng Ying is different from them. He knows more about the Anlin person and is more comprehensive.

Therefore, he has reason to believe that Anlin can settle this all, and Anlin is the most powerful foreign aid!

Lu Xue smashed An Mingchuan with his white arms and curiously asked: "And Big Brother, who is your son?"

An Mingchuan smiled faintly, but his face had an unspeakable pride: "I can't say his identity, but I can tell you a little, that is, this blue frost sword, which my son gave me."

"What!? This is a spirit!"

Lu Xue took a deep breath and was very beautiful. His face was unbelievable.

The spiritual device in the monks of the Chinese country belongs to the category of the gods. Not to mention the monks of the Tao, even the monks of the spiritual period can not have a sword, but the person directly sent a spirit, this is a What kind of handwriting?

"Your son is really amazing!" For a moment, she was amazed.

"Generally speaking, it is also very common." An Mingchuan faintly replied.

Lu Xue: "..."

At this time, Cheng Ying spoke again: "Changbai Mountain is changing its vitality, and the energy of the heavens and the earth is gathering in the mountains. This is the time when the group dances."

"And this village that has been eroded by the corpse king should be the place where it refines the corpse. Only the corpses have not yet formed, we will kill them, so the corpse will be furious and will probably re- Return. Anlin Road Friends has not arrived yet, we will first find a hidden place to hide the figure."

Everyone heard the words and nodded in agreement. They did not expect much from the people who came to support. They could not stand so stupidly waiting for the corpse to appear.

However, as Cheng Ying’s voice just fell, a black mist became an environment surrounded by enchantment.

A smirk suddenly appeared, filled with the entire space: "Hehehehe... First to destroy the slave's pet, then I want to play hide-and-seek with the slaves, you guys can really play..."

Bang! An extremely powerful breath came from a distance, and the crowd was a little breathless.

"Everyone is careful! First hold a group, those black fog is a corpse poison, don't touch it!" Cheng Ying shouted, and pulled out the red long knife, looking at the front as far as the enemy.

"Oh... you don't resist, you become the slave's body, and the slaves can give you a good time..."

A woman walked through the dark fog and walked, said with a smile.

Her face is charming, with long black hair and waist, and her upper body is naked and choppy. The slender waist is surrounded by a grass skirt, and the two slender thighs are exposed to the air.

Everyone saw the woman's full and enchanting body, and there was no enthusiasm in her heart. Instead, she felt a chill of the bones, because her skin was white and black, and the strong dead air was emitted from the body, making people breathless.

Two golden-skinned men followed her behind her eyes, and her eyes were dull.

Cheng Ying feels that the woman's vast sea-like atmosphere knows that she is not an enemy, but he is still firmly guarding the team behind him.

"Don't act rashly, the corpse king will hand it over to me!" He crossed his knife on his chest and his eyes opened sharply.

"Oh, huh, huh... It’s a lovely human, my face is good." The long-haired woman smiled and said with a smooth, flat belly. "But... who told you, I am the corpse?"

The woman's pupil suddenly turned into a dark black color.

Then, the pressure of the raging violent violent pressure came like a mountain to the crowd.

She was surrounded by five feet, and suddenly there were tens of thousands of ghosts crying, corpses and chaos, and more corpse turned into a black dragon, claws and claws.

"This is... field!?" Cheng Ying’s body trembled and his face could no longer remain calm.

"Does? Is this the legendary period of the gods..."

"Well, we actually met the corpse!"

"What the **** is this luck? If you are a task, you can meet the enemy of the gods!"

"Now it really can't escape..."

More than a dozen players saw the field of women's release, and after feeling the horror of the atmosphere, they all showed a desperate look.

Lu Xue is a pretty woman. She has encountered such a powerful enemy before. She can only stand in the same place now, and she does not know how to deal with it.

"Is this the period of the gods?"

An Mingchuan looked dignified, holding a blue frost sword in his hand, looking at the woman in front, the body shivered involuntarily, it was an instinctive reaction caused by the huge power gap.

"Oh, dear, don't be nervous, I will be very gentle." A smile appeared on the woman's face, and a pair of flirtatious eyes swam over a dozen players who had shrunk into a group.

In the end, her eyes stayed on the sword of An Mingchuan, and there was a strange color in her eyes.

"Oh, there seems to be a good thing. The slaves are so profitable."

"Go, take the long sword to me!"

With the sacred god's command, the two golden skinned corpses suddenly swayed and rushed toward An Mingchuan.

"Hughing to move Mingchuan!"

Cheng Ying held a red long knife and blocked it in front of An Mingchuan, and cut it toward the golden corpse.

The two golden corpses did not hide, and they slammed into the red long knife.

The red long knife collided with the two fists of the fiery flame and the golden corpse, and the energy burst out and burst all the ground.

Cheng Ying was shocked by a horrible force, and he couldn’t help but spit out a blood.

The two golden corpses stood in place, and there was a white mark on the fist. Otherwise, there was no harm.

In this comparison, the power gap between the two is high.

"How could it be..." Cheng Ying did not expect that even the body of the corpse refining would be stronger than him.

In this way, how can this fight be played?

"Hey, why are you so slow, slaves can't wait, let the slaves do it themselves."

The corpse **** stretched out the pink tongue and licked the lips, and the black atomized body made two roaring black dragons, carrying an unstoppable power and swooping toward An Mingchuan.

The black dragon carries endless destruction and the power of death. Even the earth has become dark and corrosive, and the air has become sticky and dark, making people feel desperate.

The corpse **** faint smile, this move is powerful, even if Cheng Ying is in front of him, he will be killed instantly.

Some players looked at the black dragon that went straight, and even had been scared to sit down on the ground, his face pale.

An Mingchuan still holds the sword and faces the two black dragons. Although nervous, there is no despair because he knows that they have not lost yet!

"Dare to attack my father, find death!"

A loud anger, through the black fog array, blasted in the ears of people around.

Subsequently, a golden fist wrapped around the thunder and lightning descended from the sky, directly smashing the unstoppable black dragon.

"The wind king is pressing! Wang!"

A horrible hurricane slammed into the corpse, who was caught off guard, followed by a white figure, slamming toward the corpse, tearing the ghoul field and knocking her down on the ground.

Two white giant claws tightly lock the woman's wrist, and the big buttocks pressed against the woman's smooth flat belly.

The team members including Cheng Ying ~ www.readwn.com ~ are sucking a cold breath, looking at the incredulously looking at the person.

The powerful corpse **** was actually thrown down by a white-haired giant dog in a very standard posture! ?

An Mingchuan looked at the figure on the white giant dog, and the figure gave him a sense of security.

His son has grown up...

Everyone will have a sigh of relief in the future.

I saw that the white-haired giant dog was hit hard and the blood blew into the air!

The hearts of the players were lifted up and they knew that the corpse had counterattacked.

Then a shock came:

"I rely on! Ang, how can this woman not wear clothes!"

"It's too hot! Wang!")!!

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