I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 309: Frozen poor man

Under the broad daylight, Anlin frozen himself and covered it with thick ice.

In this way, all the monks were shocked.

"The practice of Anlin Daoyou can actually freeze himself into this look!?"

Cheng Ying was stunned, as if the three views were refreshed again.

"The eyes are still not closed, is it really ok?" Lu Xueyu's eyes widened and his face had a worried look.

An Mingchuan saw Anlin’s eyes wide open and the painful expression of solidified, but also very worried, but did not know what to do.

"I will send the forest back to the North Smoky Mountains first!" An Mingchuan knew that the corpse was not removed. Even at the terminus of Changbai Mountain, it was still dangerous, and immediately said.

The safest place he could think of was the North Smoky Mountains, so he decided to move the body of Anlin to the place.

"Well, Mingchuan first took Anlin Road to leave, there is something that we need to help, despite the opening." Cheng Ying said that he and An Mingchuan had goodbye and a look of concern on his face.

"Well, Mingchuan first thanked the generals here."

An Mingchuan arched his hand and walked to the side of Anlin. He lifted it hard and picked it up.

"Uncle Un, put Ange on my back, I will carry you, Wang!" Dabai said in the spirit of the beast.

An Mingchuan nodded, glaring at the Anlin, wrapped in ice, and hopping on the back of the white, and vacated.

North foggy mountains, above a misty mountain.

In the pavilion, there is a middle-aged man who is relaxing with tea alone.

Later, he sensed the familiar atmosphere, and immediately opened the gap in the array, welcoming the arrival of the familiar figure.

"Ha ha ha... Anlin Daoyou finished the matter so quickly? You can finally have a cup with you." Cui Zhe stood up and greeted him with a smile.

Then his smile solidified on his face.

How is An Mingchuan sitting on the dog! ?

Hold the grass! An Mingchuan is holding Anlin? Anlin turned into ice! ?

An Mingchuan gently placed Anlin on the ground and gasped slightly.

Cui Zhe walked quickly and his face was difficult to hide the shocked look: "Ming Chuan, this... What happened to this Anlin Taoist friend?"

"He is practicing a practice, and he has to become a frozen person for three days. I put him here to protect his safety." He said, An Mingchuan looked up at the bright sunshine, and some looked forward to it. Just basking here, see if this sunshine can warm my son..."

Cui Zhe looked at the ice cube and didn't know what to look like. It was a long time to see it!

Anlin was in a very mysterious state at the moment, and he did not fall asleep.

His vision, hearing is not affected, but the body is constantly invading by the endless chill.

It was a cold that was so cold that even the soul felt painful. The power of this icy cold made him very uncomfortable.

He can see his father's anxious look. Cui Zhe is somewhat worried and curious. He can see Dabai standing in front of him, squinting his eyes wide and staring at him.

Dabai suddenly smiled evilly.

It uses the voice to the ear: "Ang, are you still alive, can you talk?"

An Lin: "..."

He can't use any action, only the consciousness is awake, and naturally he can't communicate.

Then, he saw the white phone out of the phone and called.

"Hey, Xu Xiaolan, Anlin is now an ice cube. Would you like to come over and see?"

"Nothing! Don't be nervous, only three days of visit time, time is not lost, no longer come."

"Well, I sent the coordinates to you, oh... Wang!"

The phone hangs and continues to call another phone.

"Hey, Xuanyuan sincerely, Anlin is now turning into ice, want to come over and see?"

"Don't be impulsive! Don't take revenge, it's his own initiative to change, only three days of visit time."

"It’s not lost, no more, no... I sent the coordinates to you... Wang!"

Subsequently, there was a tangled look on the white face.

"It’s a pity that the phone number of Liu Qian’s big beauty doesn’t seem to be... Wang!”

In the ice, An Lin’s heart is so stuffy.

Mommy! Calling so many people to visit their owners?

Oh, Dabai is really grown up. After three days, he came out and must eat dog meat!

Xu Xiaolan and Su Xiaoyun were the first people to come. They descended from the sky and fell in front of Anlin.

What makes Anlin happy is that they have a worried look on their faces, not as conscience as big white.

"An Lin, do you have something, talk, don't scare me!" Xu Xiaolan's pretty face was full of panic expressions, and the white-handed jade hand patted the ice and tried to wake him up.

"Xiaolan is not excited. If he accidentally broke Anlin's classmates, it would be bad." Su Xiaoyun quickly went up to stop Xu Xiaolan's behavior.

"Then I burn with fire!"

On the top of Xu Xiaolan's filigree jade, a golden flame was vacated, and the ice in front of him was poked.

This flame carries a kind of power to pure yang. Not to mention, Anlin actually felt a warmth.

It feels like being in the ice of the ages, suddenly finding a trace of warmth!

Anlin is happy, Xu Xiaolan is the best!

"Oh! Xiaolan is not excited. If you accidentally burned Anlin's classmates, it would be bad!" Su Xiaoyun quickly went up to stop Xu Xiaolan's behavior.

An Lin: "..."

Xu Xiaolan Liu Mei slightly stunned, but eventually stopped the fire, because she found her own flame, even the outermost ice can not melt, this is obviously not ordinary ice.

In this way, Anlin’s last warmth was gone.

He was once again in the endless cold, very painful.

If he can cry, he has already burst into tears.

How much he hopes that Xu Xiaolan will continue to burn, Su Xiaoyun, why are you doing this to stop Xu Xiaolan...

Just then, An Mingchuan also came over and saw Xu Xiaolan was a surprise.

"Are you Xu Xiaolan? I am Anlin's father, An Mingchuan!" An Mingchuan looked at Xu Xiaolan with kindness.

Xu Xiaolan's face appeared a smile, very gentle and bluntly replied: "Hello Uncle, I have already heard of An Lin, I have already mentioned you, um... I have some small gifts here, I want to give you."

An Mingchuan was somewhat flattered to receive some of the medicinal herbs and some body-protecting accessories donated by Xu Xiaolan. The more he looked at the prospective wife, the more pleasing to the eye.

Su Xiaoyun knew that An Mingchuan was the father of Anlin~www.readwn.com~ He also took out an Anzhengzhu from the birthplace and gave it to An Mingchuan.

An Mingchuan was so fascinated by Su Xiaoyun's peerless appearance. Rao was his age, and he couldn't help but feel tight. Su Xiaoyun was definitely the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

After learning that Su Xiaoyun and Anlin had a good relationship, he directly invited two women to the tea in the pavilion to talk about life. Although Su Shaoyun does not speak Mandarin, it does not matter, Xu Xiaolan will translate.

An Mingchuan said the interesting things about the mortal world and the interesting things of An Lin when he was a child. Xu Xiaolan and Su Xiaoyun spoke about the knowledge of the Kyushu world. For a while, the three people talked very much, and they were happy and happy.

Dabai is also excited to look at Su Xiaoyun and Xu Xiaolan, selling Meng, selling meat, not happy.

Only a poor person who was frozen stood alone in a forgotten corner and quietly listened to the laughter in the pavilion.

The sun on the sky poured down, warming the earth, passing through the crystal ice, but unable to warm his heart...)!!

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