I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 347: 9 ghosts

Anlin and others walked through the space channel and came to the second node space.

They saw a strange world where the sky was a thick rock formation, the ground was a hot earth, and the reddish magma was flowing slowly, and the air was filled with pungent gas.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Anlin felt a bit like the mezzanine of the underground world.

At the time of the Quartet's discussion of the exchange conference, there was a first level of survival in the desperate situation, which was very similar to the scene before it. However, the space that came here this time was many times wider than the previous one, and the height of the rock formation at the top was also much higher.

Just when there was some emotion in An Lin’s heart, the rock formation in the distant head suddenly cracked.


With a burst of loud noise, several dark bodies fell to the ground.

Anlin fixed his eyes and saw a look of surprise.

What appeared in front of him were nine strange creatures, all of them dark, biological structure and stability, not as chaotic and distorted as the demon, but also contained extremely vast energy, giving people a feeling of depression.

Their shapes are strange, some are walking upright like humans, some are giant tigers at both ends, and elephants with black mesh wings behind them...

"This is the nine secluded demons of the early mainland. The legend grows in the cracks in the underground. It grows by absorbing geothermal heat and dead air. They are famous for their great vitality. You must be careful!" Xuan Chengcheng looked solemnly Open the road.

Nine secluded demons whispered, the breath was clearly audible in the ground, and the red eyes stared at the crowd on the field, revealing the bloodthirsty red awn.

I don't know why, the atmosphere on the field became tense and tense.

Just as the two sides confronted each other, a voice suddenly sounded:

"I am going to open the group!"

After all, a woman with pink hair quickly floated her six staff in front of her body.

"Boom!" A white blazing ray of light smashed the earth and slammed into the foremost giant tiger.

That light column is the ultimate flash of Liu Qian's signature trick.

For this magical girl who opened up to meet, the two-headed giant tiger is too late to guard against it. In the future, it will be able to escape. The head will be penetrated by the light column. It contains a beam of energy with great energy, and it will blow a huge hole in its head!


The rest of the eight heads and nine secluded demons violently rushed to the side of Anlin and others!

The double-headed tiger that was penetrated by the ultimate flash did not fall down, and the black flesh slowly stuck, merged, and then returned to its original state.

Liu Qianmag saw this scene and knew that this battle could not be easily solved.

She was not discouraged, and she eagerly took the staff to fly toward the double-headed tiger.

A nine-faced demon with a humanoid shape rushed to Anlin, holding a small long sword and spurting it into a black shadow. The speed was so fast that even Anlin was difficult to keep up.

He just knew that this group of nine ghosts is very strong! Strong enough to only Xuan Yucheng, Su Shaoyun, Xu Xiaolan, Liu Qian magic four talents can cope, Yao Mingxi and Hu Guan can not stand alone.

Soon, Hu Guan was shot in the chest by a black giant python, and the giant force hit the sea and hit him directly.

After Anlin pulled out a black sword and forced the retreat of the nine secluded demons, he took the opportunity to release one to two to support Hu Guan and others.

One style, wind sword!

He was born with a wing, and the speed increased sharply. The victory and evil swords set a life-defying white line, squatting on the neck of the humanoid nine-faced demon, and the black blood spurted out.

The nine secluded demons took a few steps back from the neck, and the muscles squirmed, and the deadly wounds turned out to be the original look.

Anlin saw this kind of vitality and was irritated for a while. These nine secluded demons are still more difficult than the demon!

The demon is attacking the high, and the nine secluded demons are blood thick, just like the blood race!


A tragic sound suddenly came from a distance.

Anlin looked at that direction with the corner of his eye, and saw the giant demon-like demon in front of Xuan Yuancheng fell to the ground, and his life was cut off and slowly began to melt.

Well, Cheng brother is so powerful!

At this time, Xuanyuan Cheng has been holding the ancient sword to the giant scorpion that is fighting with the Gundam.

Cheng Ge’s swords are light and elegant, and the white swords are turned into countless fine nets, tearing the skin of the giant clams. These attacks are not fatal, but the extremely powerful giant clams cannot heal them.

The huge attack of the giant python is usually unloaded by Xuan Zhencheng to the ground, causing the earth to tremble and crack, and there are big pits.

After a fierce battle, Xuanyuan Cheng fluttered away like a geese.

"All spirits are dead and die - die!"

He raised his sword and his eyes fluttered through the space, acting on the body of the giant.

"Hey...!" The giant screams, and the wounds of Xuanyuan’s sincerity are quickly festering, and the vitality is also stripped of madness. Its powerful vitality, which is proud of it, has no resistance under this kind of vitality.

In the battle with the Nine Monsters, Anlin finally witnessed how Chengge defeated these sticky demons.

The Wanling Taiji Road is the yin and yang of life and death. For all kinds of special life, this move is actually the same. If you cut it, you will cast a curse and the curse will die.

This kind of powerful to abnormal exercise is extremely difficult to comprehend, but Cheng Ge has a deep understanding of this, which is why he is favored by the true God.

Seeing this, Anlin knows that he can't borrow the method of Cheng Ge. The home of this trial is Cheng Ge!

Xuanyuancheng killed the giant python, and the figure did not stop. He directly rushed to the direction of Yao Mingxi’s battle and began to support.

Anlin concentrated on fighting, and finally smashed the two demon swords in front of him. As a result, he stinked and repaired the injury and continued to fight.

The repair of the injury will make the atmosphere of the Nine Monsters weaker, but the strength will not be reduced, so this battle becomes a competition between the vitality of the Nine Monsters and their endurance~www.readwn.com~An Lin will look in the direction of the white spirit snake, Bi Qiong, the emperor is catching a nine-nine demon with a skill cage, and then let the white spirit snake continue to whip.

"Come on, white master, fight hard!"

"The harder you fight, the better your score will be when you win later!"

Bi Qiong, the emperor, said with a cheeky face.

"Okay, Xiaoqing, I will work hard!" Bai Ling snake's beautiful cheeks are full of solemnity, holding a white bone and thunder whip constantly screaming at the shadow demon wolf.

The demon wolf screamed in humiliation. It was not humiliated because it could not win, but because it was whipped by the thunder, so it felt humiliating.

It feels like a man of the top, being locked in a cage, and then being shot by a little boy with a water gun...

When Anlin saw this scene, he was filled with emotions. He really had a good beast and he was able to climb the peak of his life...

Then look at Tian Lingling's stocking, luck is not so good, lost a few Fuxi, can not hit the four-winged magic bird in the sky, can only look at it.

After the first attack, the four-winged magical bird was smashed by the Ziyang War Emperor. It was known that this character could not be tempted, so he planned to carry out a wretched attack in the distance, and from time to time swayed a few fierce wind blades.

But these attacks are not enough to see, all of them are easily blocked by Ziyang.

The Ziyang War Emperor will not take the initiative to kill the magic bird. Anyway, his task is to protect the two people. Some people come to fight him and stop. No one comes to fight him and he stupidly stands, very negatively absenteeism.

Anlin sighed slightly, it seems that this battle is still more reliable than the end of Cheng Ge.

Well, wait!

Anlin’s mind suddenly flashed in his mind, recalling a previous incident.

His eyes are bright, and he can do this kind of thing!

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