I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 378: Start the god

Wangyue Mountain, more than a dozen students have come to the mountain X23US in Wangyue Mountain. COM update is the fastest

Xu Xiaolan, Xuan Yucheng, Su Xiaoyun, Liu Qianyi, Luo Ziping, Miao Tian, ​​Zong Yongyan, Sun Shenglian, Yao Mingxi, Yao Xiu, Hu Guan, Tang Ximen, Liu Dabao, Zhao Huaiyin...

After learning about this news, Anlin’s friends waited for the first time at the peak of Wangyue Mountain.

There is also a handsome and extraordinary white man with a waist-shouldered sword standing proudly on the top of the mountain. He is the class teacher of Ling Lin, who is the class teacher of Anlin.

Anlin can only rely on his own strength, no one can help him.

The friend teacher came here just to prevent accidents outside the robbery, and to give Anlin spiritual encouragement.

The matter of Anlin's transformation of the gods is still a secret. If it is really spread out, it may cause a shock to the whole school. At that time, I am afraid that Wangyue Mountain will be filled with tens of thousands of students, so he has to choose a low-key treatment, only to know a dozen or so close people.

"Looking at the year, I still had a hard time with Anlin. I didn't expect that today, he would have to turn his mind..." Liu Dabao's dark face had a sly look.

"People will always change, even if it is a dog, it will change." Zhao Huaiyin looked up at the sky and sighed.

Liu Qiang smiled and said: "I didn't expect the first time that our school would enter the realm of the gods, Anlin, my sister-in-law!"

Tang Ximen was white and Liu Qianyi looked: "How come I didn't see your embarrassed expression? But my senior is really embarrassed."

"I thought that when he entered the school, he only said that he was working hard. I also advised him to work hard. Unexpectedly, three years later, he has become the first student of ours." Xuanyuan's face still has recollections. look.

"But isn't Anlin still not half-stepping the gods? How can it be promoted to the gods now?" Su Xiaoyun's face is so confused and puzzled.

Zong Yongyan shook his fan and opened his eyes with a look at everything: "Who is Ang, can you use common sense? The tenth section of the Tao can hang back to the virtual peak, even if it is directly promoted to the robbery I am not surprised by the return period."

"That is, that is the big god!" Miao sweet that white and beautiful face is full of admiration.

"Ange is the best in the world!" Yao Mingxi, Hu Guan and other brain powder echoed loudly.

Xu Xiaolan looked at the bluestone path that went down to the bottom, saw a figure of red robe, and a beautiful smile on his face: "An Lin is coming."

Everyone heard the words turned to the path, and I saw Anlin, a red robe, with a monkey behind him, a dog, a girl who was extremely enchanting.

Anlin went to the top of the mountain and looked at the people who had already gathered together. He couldn’t help but feel a little lost. Then he looked at him with a sigh of relief: "I'm sorry, I have kept you waiting."

"Oh, we are all coming in advance, and Anlin students said that this sentence will be seen." Ling Xiao Jian Xian looked at An Lin, his face full of gratification and expectation.

"When you say An Lin, why do you wear a red robes? You haven't seen you through it before." Su Xiaoyun glared at the blue scorpion, curious.

"It's not married, what do you wear in this kind of clothes? Do you want to hang a red hydrangea on your chest?" Xu Xiaolan rolled his eyes and stunned.

Anlin proudly stood up and smiled. "What do you know? It is natural to wear a big event like a robbery!"

"Hey..." Su Xiaoyun's beautiful eyes flashed a lot of color, and his face "learned".

"Ange Yingming!" Miao Tian and others excitedly shouted.

"Xiaohong." Anlin shouted at the girl behind her.

The girl nodded and turned into a red light, rushing to the head of An Lin, and finally on his head, turned into a small red flower swaying in the wind.

Ling Xiaojian Xianqi said: "An Lin classmate, what is this?"

Anlin smiled lightly: "Teacher, this is called Hong (Red)!"

Ling Xiao Jian Xian: "..."

Hu Guan Yao Mingxi and others excitedly shouted: "I can think of it, Ange is great!"

Xu Xiaolan Fu Xing: "This is a **** of death, can you be serious?"

Liu Qian illusion saw this scene, could not help but "snack" and laughed out, silently took out the mobile phone, took a photo for An Lin to be remembered.

Ling Xiao Jian Xian is not the person who used to see the big world. In the face of Anlin’s wonderful actions, he quickly calmed down again. He looked solemnly and asked: “An Lin’s classmates, who are promoted to the gods, need to cross seven seven. Forty-nine thunders. No one can help you during the robbery. Everything depends on you. If you succeed, you will be a god. If you fail, you will die. Are you ready?"

As soon as this was said, everyone converges with a frivolous look and looks at Anlin nervously.

It is not a trivial matter to rob, although the thunder of the gods is the lowest level of small thunder, but the survival rate will not be more than half. The geniuses of the major gates will have a much higher success rate, but there are still many examples of unsuccessful robbery. Therefore, for Anlin, the robbery is also very dangerous.

"I am ready, I can start at any time." An Lin smiled and smiled back.

If you want to continue moving forward and want to ask for a longevity, you will never be able to withdraw at this time.

Ling Xiaojian nodded and looked around the students and said: "We are now leaving beyond Baizhang, so as not to interfere with the classmates of Anlin."

Everyone heard the words began to retreat.

"An Lin, come on!" Xu Xiaolan looked at An Lin deeply and suddenly began.

Her words instantly evoked the emotions of the students on the field.

"Anlin students, you can!"

"Ang, come on!"

"Ang, let's see you robbery..."

Anlin looked at the words of encouragement and expectation when the people left, and could not help but feel warm.

Dabai, the clown and Xiaohong also left his side. If they were disturbed by external forces during the robbery, the thunder would become even more horrible, and even the things such as the tactics could not be used.

"An Lin, we are waiting for you to come back!"

In addition to Baizhang, Xu Xiaolan’s crisp and sweet voice sounded again.

An Lin looked at the green shadow that had been clenched with both hands, taking a deep breath and comparing a victory gesture.

All the people who retired to Baizhang were looking at Anlin nervously, and their eyes were reluctant to move.

Then, a scene began to appear.

Anlin has begun to meditate, ready to lead the Tianlei to rob?

Ah, he took out a golden ginseng from the Nayong!

What is this going to do?

I rely on, that ginseng will move!

Ling Xiao Jian Xian suddenly binocular and concealed: "This ... this energy fluctuation is extremely unusual, it seems to be the supreme god?"

Supreme God, Ange has a supreme god! ?

What does he do with his demeanor?

Just when everyone was confused.

"Ah! The Supreme God is eaten by him!"

The people in the distance are scared and exclaimed~www.readwn.com~ The energy of the supreme **** is so overbearing, let alone Anlin’s period of cultivating, even if the power of the returning period is directly eaten, it may burst directly. The body is dead!

"An Lin classmate is okay?" Su Xiaoyun saw this scene cover a small mouth, the flower is disappointing.

"It should be okay, Ang is invincible." Although the brain residue powder Hu Guan and others said this, but the eyes also flashed a touch of worry.

At this time, Xu Xiaolan was relieved.

She always felt that Anlin must eat something and make a breakthrough, otherwise it would not be perfect. Now that it’s good, things are finally eaten, and it should be promoted smoothly...

Just when everyone was worried, Anlin’s eyes suddenly appeared in Jinmang.

In an instant, the vitality is rolling ten miles.

After a few breaths, the dark clouds enveloped the entire sky, and the sound of thunder seemed like the roar of the sky, shocking the entire floating continent! ) Download the free reader!!

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