I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 647: Nightmare villain

In this way, in the southern part of the world of mirrors, suddenly there is a huge space door.

The second generation of the spirited beasts began to emerge from the dark and deep space of the door, they no longer shouted "to eat the brain", but faintly said "revenge". They are low-spirited like ghosts, and have beast-like vigilance, slowly immersed in the darkness, and really have a dark hunter's force.

Anlin and Dina are very satisfied to look at the second generation of the spirited beast, such a villain, can definitely bring a nightmare experience to the nine majors!

This time, Dina has improved on the basis of the original beastly beast. The power consumed is much less than that of creating a creature out of thin air. Therefore, there is still room for speeding up after use.

The first space symbolizing the shame of the villain began to collapse. This event symbolizes the real victory of the nine ethnic groups in the fight against foreign aggression. All races are jubilant, and many historical officials began to write heroic epics of this battle. Heroes of some races are eternal.

However, this joy did not last long and the new crisis began to come.

In the beginning, some hunters who went deep into the jungle of the beasts were inexplicably missing. Some of the strongmen who came out of the sphere of influence never went back. Later, similar incidents were more and more.

Finally, the return of a top fighter from the Sanwu nationality caused a sensation throughout the mainland.

At the edge of a spiritual lake, he encountered an extremely powerful and dark creature. The biological atmosphere is low, and the speed and strength reach a very terrible situation. If the realm of the strong man reaches the peak of Yuling, I am afraid that it will be assassinated to death.

Finally, after a fierce battle, the Shengwu strongman successfully subdued the black creature and bound it to the city. And the creatures are creatures that they are familiar with, and they are beasts!

The spirited beast is back! This news is like a huge storm, and it has swept the nine major ethnic groups in an instant. Even the ethnic groups who have some connection with the nine major ethnic groups have heard about it.

The savage beast has become more powerful and less stupid!

They don't perceive where there are many people with high intelligence, and they go where they are without brains. They chose to lurk in the wild, lurking on the bottom of the sea, lurking in the clouds in the sky, and finding the right opportunity to start.

For a time, a huge sense of crisis shrouded the heads of the nine major groups.

They seem to have been stimulated, rejuvenated and motivated, and the squadrons of the crusades began to set up, and it is necessary to kill these resurgence monsters.

A battle in the outlying areas of the forces began to break out.

"Hey!" A tiger-shaped beastly beast suddenly jumped from a tree and rushed to the crusade squad of an snaketail on the ground.

"Be careful!" a man shouted, his hands slamming against the black tiger's hands, and the hot flames sprang out.

The tiger-shaped beastly beast suddenly opened his wings and stroked a curve in the air, avoiding the man’s flame bombardment. At this time, the other four snake spirits on the ground also threw the technique into the air. Flying tiger.

The breeze came, and the leaves rustled. A dark, dark shadow appears slowly in the jungle.

It was a six-tailed fox that slowly approached the squad as the Flying Tiger caught attention. The tail of the six tails is sharp like a spear, suddenly elongating, tearing the air, and piercing the chest of the five snake spirits!

In the night, a flamingo burning in a red flame fell on the top of a tree because of long-distance flight. The temperature of the flame was not high, but it had a warm feeling. Even if it touched the leaves, it would not burn it.

It was about to close his eyes, and a black giant python that was shrouded in the shadow suddenly exploded like a cannonball, opening a **** mouth.

The flamingo sneaked a smile, and the wings slammed open and flew into the sky, avoiding the slamming of the giant python.

How can the beast beast be strong, it can fly, and some time is to slowly deal with the beast that hangs on the tree. Just when it thought so, suddenly the chest burst open with blood.

The feeling of death enveloped the whole body, and the flamingo felt the terrible smell behind him. A winged beast with a wings behind it, the body is a fish-like beast, inserting a spear into its chest and constantly sucking its life.

The blood is spreading and the horror is slowly spreading...

It may be because the first generation of the beast is too stupid, the nine majors do not really value the incident from the bottom of their hearts, just treat them as the embers of the reinvigorated beast.

Then, they began to find out that the stalking beast that appeared this time was much more terrible than the imagination.

The crusade team loses more and wins less. There is no squad in which the strong-minded people sit in the town. Once they meet the spirited beast, it is the rhythm of the whole army. After a period of confrontation, the crusade was a complete defeat, and the front line began to shrink quickly.

Many people who are hot-headed have quietly returned to their cities. They want to do big things and become heroes, but countless **** battles, but they are reminding them that they have no chance to force their own strength and die very quickly.

The emergence of the beastly beast, the fierce battles, began to make the nine majors realize that they are not enough to control the entire continent. And if they want to survive, they have to be stronger!

The battle between the nine majors and the spirited beasts continues, but their battles are beginning to be elite. They are not qualified to participate in the battle because they find that the beasts can become stronger by swallowing their lives. .

They slowly expanded their security territory and built the wall.

"There will be big changes in the world." Dina suddenly opened her mouth.

Anlin’s heart and mind began to look forward to it.

One day, the top demonstration squad of a certain demon of the real demon was trapped on a Montenegro by dozens of stalking beasts~www.readwn.com~ These savage beasts have lords flying in the sky, and fierce overlords on the ground. . The five true spirits of the cultivating period use the array method to resist the constant attack and are about to lose.

"Captain, you run fast, we will fight for life, but also to make a gap for you!" A true magic face reveals openly.

As the death approached, the captain in the center was silent, and his black and foggy field turned into a black dragon wrapped around the formation, resisting the attack of the beast.

Hearing the words of the players, the captain suddenly meditated on the ground, breathing long, and suddenly there was a surge.

Suddenly, the clouds were suddenly covered with clouds, and the Thunder rolled over, and there was a surge of vitality.

what's going on? The middle team members were horrified.

"Is it, captain you..." A team member looked at his captain in disbelief.

The team members took a deep breath and there was no step taken by any of their souls. Did their captain finally go out?

When Anlin, who was eating the melons, saw this scene, he also excited: "This is... the robbery? Is this world finally going to give birth to a real god?!"

Dina laughed and said: "The robbery of the robbery... This proves that some level of life is not allowed by the heavens and the earth, so it is necessary to lower the punishment. If the birth of the soul is successful, a certain powerful existence can be born, and the world can be made more Moving at a high level! This is an inevitable law of world development and a win-win phenomenon!"

Anlin followed and nodded, looking forward to the real man.


A thunder of lightning suddenly fell, squatting on the body of the real demon, causing him to tremble violently.

The rest of the team members saw the appearance of the transitional robbery, and their faces changed to look into the sky. They roared and said: "Where is the demon swearing to sneak up on the ghosts, dare to attack our captain, and not ready to appear!"

An Lin: "..." 8)

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