I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 664: Accompanied by Cheng Ge

In the land of Blackpool, the three black mosquitoes were low in concentration and flew toward the giant city that was entrenched in the earth.

They are all black and black, they are constantly penetrating the void, they look very slow, but they are rushing towards the destination.

Suddenly, there was a pair of flashing eyes in the sky.

The eyes contain the **** thunder, as if the sacred spirits that dominated the Thunder are overlooking the ants, and the horrible power seems to kill the three mosquitoes directly.

The three mosquitoes were scared of urine and stayed in the same place and did not dare to move.

"This predecessor is slow! I, we are the servants of Anlin..." One of the mosquitoes reacted very quickly, explaining with a revered voice.

The pair of powerful eyes stared at the moment and began to dissipate as if nothing had happened.

The three mosquitoes breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other with enthusiasm. This continued to fly to Huangquan City...

The weather is good today and the sun is very bright.

Anlin stood outside Huangquan City, opposite a very handsome man.

Then hundreds of meters away, standing a lot of people eating melons, looking at the two men in the center nervously.

"Sincere brother, take it easy, don't panic!" An Lin silently pulled out his chaotic alloy bricks and opened the way.

Xuan Chengcheng looked at Anlin without a word: "Please also ask Anlin students not to panic, your skin is so thick, really fried!"

"Not the same, even if it does not die, it will hurt, I am very sensitive." An Lin retorted.

"Sincere brother, you slowly release the field, the heart imagines a beautiful world, meditation on the core values ​​of socialism, don't be excited!" He said very seriously.

Xuanyuan feels that it is idle at any time, and it is better to call Anlin to help improve his field. After all, once you step into the gods, the field is completely fixed. He still wants to work harder to see if he can reverse the style of his own field.

Xuanyuan sincerely moved, and the white temperament instantly enveloped the scope of the square.

The field is like a thick hood, like a cloud like fog, unpredictable, containing the birthplace of the spirit, carrying a strong life. The dry and cracked ground is affected by this field, and there are also green small buds emerging, a peaceful and vibrant scene.

"Very good, keep this state of mind, don't be angry, don't think about it, honest brother, what you lack is this state of mind." An Lin explored his head from the black brick and encouraged him.

Some female students saw Xuanyuan Cheng Bai Yi, standing in the mist, and the appearance of the dust, can not help but see the fascination. On Yan value, Cheng Ge is still ranked first in Xianlian University!

An Lin swallowed a sip, did not dare to slack off, and slowly said: "That honest brother, I have increased my strength..."

"Well, Anlin, you come!" Xuanyuan Cheng was a little short of breath, apparently also a little nervous.

"Cheng Ge took the move!" An Lin shouted, and punched Xuan Chengcheng.

The boxing force tears the air and slams into Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Cheng Wanling Taiji Road was running, and Anlin’s attack was moved, and a dozens of holes were blown behind him.

"Anlin classmates, you don't have to be polite, force!"

"Well, honest brother, then you hold on, I have to work hard!"


Anlindilian’s magical work began to work, and a burst of golden light exploded.

Xuanyuan Cheng’s long sword danced, constantly resisting the violent attack of Anlin, occasionally making one or two counterattacks, but the blade was placed on Anlin’s body, and he could not open his body of God of War.

"Sincere brother, I want to call you!"

Bang! A thunder came out of the void.

Xuanyuan was unable to escape, was struck by the left shoulder, the clothes were broken and the skin was black.

Feeling the bursting energy, his heart swayed, and he thought that he would come to a devastating attack, but this incitement was resisted by him.

Anlin grabbed the black brick in one hand and kept the technique in one hand.

Xuanyuancheng has been suppressed by Anlin, and the field of softness and softness has gradually become unstable.

"Sincere brother, steady, take a deep breath!" Anlin reminded.

"Don't talk, hit me!" Xuan Chengcheng's eyes are hot.

Anlin saw this state of Xuanyuancheng. It was called a slap. The strength of the starting hand was dare to increase. I didn’t know it lightly. Even the gods who controlled the black brick began to increase...

"An Lin classmate, how is it getting more and more gentle? What I want is an aggression like a fire! A hearty battle!" The number of attacks by Xuanyuan since the beginning began to increase, the exquisite swordsman carrying the golden light, enveloped Anlin The body, the edge of the earth will tear and smash, the power is getting more and more terrible.

In the face of Xuan Zhencheng's so rude demands, after a fierce ideological battle, Anlin finally decided to obey: "Cheng Ge, then I want to be rude, you be careful!"

"Let's come over!" Xuan Chengcheng felt that he was in good shape and that the control of the field was getting better again.

However, at this moment, a fiery arrow hit the air, pulling a twisted trajectory in the void, piercing the field of Xuanyuan, and piercing the chest!

Xuanyuancheng reacted extremely quickly, and the sword deflected everything like white water, and it was slow to make it fast.

Unexpectedly, the long sword and the arrow touched the moment~www.readwn.com~ The hot flame spread instantly along the blade, shrouded Xuanyuan’s body... the raging light and heat, the violent and devastating atmosphere, fiercely Stimulating Xuan Yucheng's body, like touching a sensitive nerve, let him shudder.

While all the students were watching the intense battle, three mosquitoes flew unconsciously to the battle zone.

"Wow... the clothes of the Lord are cut open, and the figure is great!"

"Cocosti, whisper, we have to give the Lord a surprise!" McDonald's.

Some mosquitoes are hesitant and uneasy: "We suddenly appear like this, will it scare the Lord? I think it is better to be in a good position, so it always feels weird."

"No, we will hug the Lord in this way, and we can 'kick' a sip on his skin!" Mosquito said in a whisper, with a hot emotion in his tone.

"Well! Cocosti, you used to play this abacus. I said why you want to propose that mosquitoes appear in front of the Lord, oh..." The mosquitoes screamed and yelled.

When the mosquitoes thought about it, they still could not resist the temptation of the holy blood and chose silence.

The three mosquitoes slowly approached Anlin and entered the battle zone.

"Ah...Anlin, I can't help it!"

A sudden shout, with some kind of hearty emotions that I want to release, scared the three mosquitoes.

Then, an endless flame explosion engulfed the three mosquitoes.


The sky shook loudly and the earth shook.

The devastating explosion shattered the square of the kilometer, and the horrible energy shock caused the earth to rise. A mushroom cloud with a tumbling flame finally appeared on the ground...

(I, snail, tomorrow, five more!) 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit the reading house

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