I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 674: 苟 in Huangquancheng

Eden the Great came to the Purple Snow Mountain and looked at the devastated land. The blood of the eyes was full of turmoil.

"Integrating the various defensive positions, there are more than eight people working, it is too strange... This level of raids, how could bin Laden not notice beforehand?"

Eden’s Emperor looked at the shocking hole at the center of the law and fell into silence.

He sneaked forward and finally flew in a certain direction, and then stopped in a dark crater in the mountains: "The horrible power of thunder, my son actually died in thunder... ”

The man is standing in the void, the blood cloud rolling, shielding the sky, the world is like purgatory.

He stood in the place for a long time, and this turned his eyes to the East: "There is only one truth... It is the combination of the people in the heavens and the ghosts in my family. I am seriously injured, I am killed, hate!!"


A **** rainbow of horror tears open the sky and heads toward the east.

Chaos thunder suddenly fell from the sky, blocking the way of the blood rainbow.

Another earth-shattering war broke out, and the land of Blackpool once again ushered in a devastating disaster. The landslides broke down, the rivers were cut off, and the city was ruined...

Finally, the blood rainbow fled to the center of the Blackpool Earth.

Lei Guang pursued thousands of miles without fruit and began to fold back.

The battle has come to a close, but the real impact has just begun.

Bin Laden is known as the most likely to become the true power of the true God in the virtual world, but it has fallen in the center of the black land. The spread of this news caused a huge sensation throughout the land of Blackpool.

"God, bin Laden is the surviving peak. Who dares to take the shot and join the super power?"

"Impossible. If it is a powerful shot of the right way, we must not be able to escape the exploration of the great emperors of the life palace. It should be the other hand that returns to the virtual power."

"Under the eyes of Eden's Emperor, killing his son, Niubi!"

"It is said that the mysterious powerhouse of Heaven is united by the **** people, and I don't know which one."

"This is where the black land and the heavens are not quite flat..."

"Take us a fart, let's find blood and drink."

This is the case with the blood family. Although they will discuss this matter hotly, the psychological revenge is not strong and the collective consciousness is weak. Generally, you must participate in any battle, but you must also be linked to your own interests.

If a certain power is killed, there is a large group of blood people who clamor for revenge, then the blood family has long been annihilated. Even Eden’s emperor temporarily suppressed the mind to immediately avenge, and chose to investigate the situation secretly.

I have to be steady. He is not enough to play with the thunder. What can he do?

The death of bin Laden was spread in the mainland of Kyushu. After the Kyushu community learned that it was very likely that the heavens had been done, everyone and the people were honored and beaten to celebrate, and the excitement was the same as the festival.

As a big enemy of the Terran, the blood family has such a top-notch degeneration, which is naturally a great thing for the Terran. This is what the heavens have done, and the people of the Kyushu world once again feel the power and reliability of the heavens.

If they know the main force of this matter, it is just a group of heavenly students and the influence of a certain student's squatting forces. I don't know how wonderful the expression will be.

Anlin and others have used the sneak clothes provided by the Emperor of Heaven to return to Huangquan City silently. No one outsider knows. Everything seemed to have returned to calm, and they continued to live in salted fish.

The only difference is that on the head of An Lin, suddenly there is a swinging grass.

"Hey..." The wall of the city, the cute and lovely Miao sweet saw Anlin's look and couldn't help but laugh. "Haha... Ang, your head is a bit green, is it something to suggest to us?" ?"

An Lin’s face is black: “You know a fart! Do you understand life? This grass can give me strength!”

Miao sweet smile can not be supported, and waved again and again: "When you do, you are right, haha... No, let me laugh for a while..."

An Lin left with a black face, and what he said was actually true.

After Bryce became a grass, standing on the head of Anlin, through the energy conversion of practicing photosynthesis, part of the power of life will be integrated into the body of An Lin.

That is to say, Bryce becomes stronger and he will become stronger! This is the external plug-in. Even if this kind of thing is even more wonderful, Anlin will not refuse it. After all, he is not a person who pays attention to appearance but emphasizes the content.

Just like his prospective Taoist, Xu Xiaolan is not beautiful, he doesn't know, but he knows that Xu Xiaolan is a woman with super connotation and super temperament, which is enough!

An Lin stupidly stood on the wall, and it was idle. The class teacher also banned various entertainment activities. He thought about it and had to pull Xiaolan to come down to play the blind chess.

"The cannon is eight flat." Anlin put his hands on the high wall and looked at the distance with a sad face.

Xu Xiaolan Liu Mei wrinkled, soft judo: "The car three into nine."

"The former soldiers are seven and six!" Anlin's eyes brightened.

The battle was slowly heated up, and finally Xu Xiaolan was still given to the general by Anlin.

This is not only a competition between chess forces, but also a competition between memory, spatial thinking logic and mentality.

Anlin won the battle with strength!

"Ha ha ha... I won, let me, Xiaolan!" Anlin was very happy.

Xu Xiaolan turned a lovely white eye and said helplessly: "Can you give me two cars this time?"

"You can, you have a car, but you have to throw a horse first."


Ever since, the two played a blind chess in the city. Not to mention, it was quite interesting.

Xuanyuan stood outside the city and found an open space to ponder the problems in the field.

From time to time, there are terrible explosions that make the earth tremble. Fortunately, the soldiers and students on the wall have become accustomed to it, no longer a surprise. They looked at the rising flames and the mud, and they felt very good-looking. Sometimes they would discuss the similarities and differences between this explosion and the last explosion. It is surprisingly calm.

Time passed slowly, and another day passed.

In the morning, the grass was swinging on the head of Anlin.

The elf opened his jewel-like eyes and stretched out a lazy waist. He felt that the strength of his body had recovered and he was full again.

She looked at Anlin, who was still asleep nearby, and smiled, and pranked and held Anlin's nose quite prank.

Anlin’s brow wrinkled and seemed to be a little uncomfortable.

The elf laughed and held it.


A slap in the air, and the elf is flying heavily.

Bang! The elf flew like a cannonball~www.readwn.com~ The wall was knocked out of a big hole.

"An Lin Giant!" Dina flew back in disarray, looking at An Lin's palm, shouting angrily.

Anlin is still asleep, obviously the slap is just an unintentional blow.

If people with low realms can be careful, such mischief will be killed by a slap.

When she saw that Ann Lin was still not awake, her hands burst into the white light and shrouded toward Anlin.


The two disappeared into this world.

The next second, the two appeared in the world of mirrors.

At this moment, the mysterious voice of God poured into the ears of Anlin.

The judgment of Cang as above is supreme and inviolable.

"An Lin Giant, get up!"

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