I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 806: Real **** land?

The shadow giant is desperate, and the power of terror makes it involuntarily, and quickly flies toward the red, empty sky in the sky.

The white stars on the ground have moved and turned into white streams. The dark and hard sky has also lowered a certain force. Now it has no retreat, only fight!

The shadow giant screamed at all the power of the explosion, and by the initial speed, the body turned into a shadow, and flew away from the floating continent not far away.

Anlin, Xu Xiaolan, and all the beasts turned their eyes to the shadow giant.

Its fate, to a certain extent, also determines the fate of the rest.

The red continent is not far from the starry sky. The shadow giant scorpion quickly entered the range of the kilometer ban, and its speed did not change, falling straight on the red continent.


The ground blew open, and the dust and dust filled the room, and the figure of the shadow giant scorpion slowly emerged.

What is exciting is that the stars that are chasing, as if they have lost their goals, have circled slightly in confusion and slowly returned to the stars.

The power of the dark sky is also lost invisible.

Anlin clenched his fists, his eyes fixed on the red mans above.


The red mans are twisted and condensed, and they form a thin line of red energy. They fly toward the shadow giant, and the speed is so desperate.

The shadow giant can only fight, and the mid-temporal repair is a full-scale explosion. The body swings, and the black-and-ink shield wraps the whole body.

The ultra-high-density thin lines form a network, and they pass by the shadow giants, like a death sickle!

Hey... Hey!

The Shadow Shield's shield is broken, but it reveals its intact body.

Anlin took a deep breath and burst into the eyes: "Nothing! Success!"

The Shadow Python also stayed for a while, apparently not expecting to really survive.

But soon, it reacted and rushed toward the center of the floating continent!

"The inverted floating land, after entering the restricted area, gravity is dominated by the ground of the floating land. Obviously there is some rule to isolate the external interference. Now is the best time to enter that place! Anlin excitedly said.

"Let's go!" Xu Xiaolan apparently couldn't help himself.

The two men, one cow, one frog, began to rush to the floating land.

The marmots and the surviving orcs, at the moment, also tried their best to rush to the land. In order to compete for Qilin blood jade is one of them, leaving this ghost place with extremely high mortality is the most important reason!

A stream of light flies to the sky and reverses the mainland.

Starry earth, countless dazzling stars chasing after, like a star-shaped waterfall straight into the sky, the scene is extremely spectacular.

However, those stars are not scenery, they are terrible killers.

The Shadow Python is not dead. It is because the Shadow Python is a meta-beast in the middle of the gods. It has certain strength, and the other beasts of the spiritual period are not so lucky.

The head of the beast was run through the body by the stars, screaming and dying.

Some fast-moving flying beasts have finally entered the red-scale mainland ban, but the result has been divided into hundreds of segments by the ruthless energy thin lines.

In the end, you can safely escape all the disasters, leaving only the groundhog and the other two orc guards of the orc strong, they are the beasts of the peak of the gods!

Anlin, they landed faster than the groundhog, and they have begun to chase the shadow giant. No, to be precise, they are involved in the battle for Qilin blood jade.

There is no doubt that the most likely place for Kirin blood jade is the giant mushroom that shines in the center of the continent.

Shadow Python uses Shadow Dafa, and the slender body is like a black shadow. It spreads to giant mushrooms and is extremely fast. It has no retreat, and must win the unicorn blood jade, so that it can go to the peak of the snake!


The shadow giant cockroach looked up and could already see the seductive light radiating from the mushroom head of the giant mushroom building.

"Ha ha ha... Kirin blood jade, I am coming!" The shadow giant is excited, and the gods are fully released, trying to sense the specific position of the Qilin blood jade.

Then, it felt like there was something beside him.

At the entrance of another mushroom room, the red shadow flashed, and the cold blade tore the shadow, which penetrated the head of the shadow giant with great precision.

"Hey!" The shadow giant screamed, and the tail slammed into the red figure.

Hey! The red flashes toward the back, and the sharp blade in the hand draws a curve on the body of the giant clam.

The Shadow Python only felt that the neck was cold, and then there was an indescribable pain.

"Hey!" The head of the giant clam was completely cut off.

It screamed in tears, and the two bodies squirmed on the ground, eventually breaking off the vitality...

An Lin and Xu Xiaolan saw the red figure and his face became dignified.

Suddenly in front of them is a cat who is full of blood red.

It holds a scarlet sword, a breath of horror, and even stronger than the magic blood orcs that were previously encountered in the mutated blood phoenix!

However, Anlin did not look at it, but did not hesitate to draw a golden thunder on his side.

Bang! The thunder rang through the clouds, and between the golden mines, the red mushroom house was torn into powder. A red figure exploded, and the strange laughter echoed: "Hey, hahaha... The food this time is a high-quality ingredient!"

"Goat god, be careful, the other party can find you, the strength is not simple." The cat shakes the blood on the sword, and says carefully, but carelessly takes the elegant catwalk~www.readwn.com~ Slowly walk toward Anlin.

"Good opportunity, they were dragged!" The marmot who followed came to see it, and decisively began to detour, trying to avoid the blockage of the blood-blood orc, and attacking the giant mushroom from the side.

However, it has not been happy for three seconds, and a sudden big hammer will fall from the sky.

The hammer was hundreds of meters wide and enveloped the groundhog and the remaining two members of the SanGuard.

Bang! The giant hammer fell, the earth moved!

There has been a fierce battle on the periphery.

The innermost giant mushroom building is very quiet inside.

A creature shrouded in dark shadows, picking up a transparent wine glass with scarlet wines and a soft sip.

Beside the shadow creature, the two breaths are equally horrible, lying on the ground, and the eyes are falling outside through the wall.

There are countless skulls flying in the wings of the blue flying tiger, half-squinting: "There are people I have a very annoying breath..."

A monster in the face of a sheep, grinding a **** tooth, slowly opening: "Hungry, I want to eat..."

"Don't worry, the delicious food is on the pot, so let's make a bubble." The shadow creature put the glass on the table and knocked out a sound that spread throughout the continent.


The red earth began to burst into countless red blood.

In the meantime, the blood tumbling throughout the continent, with the mourning and despair of the undead.

Heaven and earth turned into a **** purgatory!

Anlin saw this terrible scene, and a thought suddenly popped up.

Is it the real **** land here?

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