I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 821: return with glory

The two men joined forces to trigger the power of the blood-changing phoenix, and the power can be described as earth-shattering.

In addition to some psychological preparations for the Ox, the poisonous frog, the groundhog, and the cockroach were all shocked by the sudden explosion.

The oriental sturdy is even more excited, sighing and sighing: "Good! This power is really powerful, I really did not see the wrong person!"

"Just, how is this power so familiar?"

The horrible blood-colored flame engulfed the entire blue channel. In the absence of triggering the power of Pangu, the cold force in front of it could not stop the power of this devastating flame, and it was ruined.

The crisp cracking sounds.

At the core of the energy operation, the Pangu seal began to break and collapse.

The power of the extreme cold lost the core guidance, and the energy began to slowly sink.

The flame is still raging, and a pair of eyes that seem to contain the stars and the sky suddenly appear in the broken place of the seal. Only a glimpse of the eyes, the **** flame will instantly dissipate.

An Lin and Xu Xiaolan began to tighten their bodies, and they were very familiar with the eyes, because when the vision was born, it was the same eyes!

From the mouth of the sturdy in the east, it is known that whether the stars are suppressed, the heavens are cut, or they are reversed, they are actually the laws and powers left after Pangu left.

The eyes are not too much for Pan Gu’s eyes.

When the two stood alone, they felt the endless pressure, as if they were facing the whole world, how small their own power was.

The eyes of the eyes fell on the body of Xu Xiaolan of Anlin. At that moment, An Lin’s heartbeat seemed to stop, and the fear spread throughout the body.

However, after those eyes stayed on Anlin for a few seconds, they began to dissipate.

The pressure around them suddenly disappeared, and both Anlin and Xu Xiaolan were relieved.

They only came back to God at this time, the hands holding each other, the palms are sweat.

"Haha... Great, Pangu's ice and cold nicks have finally disappeared, I am free!" The middle-aged uncle outside the door said excitedly, and the unicorn on his head also released a cheerful and cheerful light.

He took the shackles and a group of orcs to the front of An Lin and Xu Xiaolan. He was excited and said: "Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would have to suffer endless torture in this secret territory! ”

"Oh, I said, mix with me, I can promise you a Tongtian Avenue!" An Lin took a sleeve and said in an understatement.

The Eastern sturdy once again looked at the monk in front of him. It is true that the realm of the monk in front of him is not high in his opinion, but these talents, this kind of heart, this kind of temper... The future will be a big man !

He faces the door, his hands are sealed, and the energy fluctuations of the blood color spread to the outside, endless, and even caused the resonance of the heavens and the earth.

"What are you doing?" Anlin curious.

"The master wants to put away the blood of the earth." He said.

As soon as the voice fell, the outer floating continent began to twist and contract, as if it had been sucked into a strange space, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely!

Anlin looked at the east and opened his mouth, biting a **** bead in his mouth.

From the beads, he felt the extremely powerful space.

Kirin ball, can be said to take a floating land to leave, really quite domineering!

Beyond the blue light door, it is an empty void. At the far end is the starry sky, and at the other end is the dark earth. There is no red star in this secret territory.

"It seems that many of the orc strongs who have stayed in this mystery have to get lost..." Anlin whispered a sigh.

Losing the guidance of the blood star, a single yellow star, is not enough to judge the position of the exit, after all, the export is not above the yellow star. Three points to determine the position, two points to confirm the path, a point, only a few wandering...

Anlin is not a good person, and he does not want to live or die.

Under the leadership of the East, they kept going forward...

The land of the evil spirits, the prison god, the bat.

A huge tiankeng center.

Above the **** vortex, there is a light door flashing, where is the exit of the secret.

A humanoid creature wrapped in a thick black mist, standing not far from the exit.

The three-headed returning beast stood by its side, waiting for the orc strongman who returned from the secret.

The bone jade worm is also in the array, and the sapphire-like eyes are always watching the exit.

It knows that when An Lin and Xu Xiaolan appeared, it was when they struggled to escape.

The dedication of the **** bat emperor, the nightmare clay figurine of the late dynasty is here, their next action must be very dangerous, so there can be no negligence.

Another flash of light flashed, and a black mammoth with blood marks appeared.

The nightmare clay man waved with one hand, and the sticky black mist differentiated and condensed into five black humanoid monsters, examining the whole body and space artifacts of the mammoth.

"Hey! Useless waste!"

It is in a bad mood, and it is clear that this mammoth is nothing.

The first few batches occasionally get some secret treasures and provide some information about the blood, but the recent survival of these orcs is high, but there are very few harvests and valuable information that can be provided.

"I don't know how the progress of the SanGuard is. The red star is the biggest doubt. Now I can only pin my hopes on them." The dreamy clay man shook his head.

The SanGuard, led by the unparalleled swordsman, is still very reliable. There aren't any members of the SanGuard team coming out yet, maybe they are fighting for the Qilin blood jade?

There are many thoughts in the minds of the nightmare clay people. At this time, the changes are sudden.

The extremely large **** vortex, the blood pollution that emerged from the inside, began to slowly decrease, and even the power of distribution was much less.

"This...what is this?" The nightmare clay man looked at the scene in front of him incredulously. A bad guess rose from his heart. "Is it difficult... The passage of this secret world is closed?!"

No, you must contact the **** bat emperor!

This change is too sudden, not what he can handle.

The nightmare clay man just wanted to contact the **** bat emperor~www.readwn.com~ The light door not far away changed again.


Space fluctuations are once again swaying.

The nightmare clay man turned his gaze to the light door, and then saw a figure headed by it. It was golden glittering, holding two white-and-white swords, and it was mighty.

A nightmare in the heart of the nightmare, the captain of the Sanctuary, the unparalleled sword!

Great, it's back! Such a reliable groundhog, if you don’t come back, once you come back, it’s definitely coming back with the harvest!

Beside it is the poisonous frog and a member of the Guards!

The nightmare clay figurine is very gratified.

The poisonous frog is a relatively active presence in the Guards. It performs very well and looks very loyal and reliable. Although the parents died, there is no home, but it is old and mournful to go home, want to come to be a frog!

I don't know why, the nightmare mud man's impression of the poisonous frog is getting better and better, probably because of their triumphant return...

The nightmare clay figurines are going to meet in person to show respect, but find that there are still a few figures behind them, which don’t look like members of the SanGuard.

A long-haired white cow, and a monster with a human face, is it so familiar?

Soon, the eyes of the nightmare clay figurine were somewhat solidified, and it actually saw three humans!

No... There is a shape that is human, but there is a **** unicorn!

At that moment, the nightmare clay man couldn’t help but take a breath.

Who is that person? !


(The third is more, sell and sell, then ask for a monthly ticket~)

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