I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 824: Don't go, fight to dawn

Xiao Ze is very confused, but also admire Master.

I received an uncle as a harem for the time being, but I can still make the harem so harmonious! As the owner of the first house, Xu Xiaolan, there is no strange performance at the moment, that is to prove!

"The gap between me and Master is so great. When I was still worrying about the mother dragon, he had already crossed the race and gender and extended his claws to the beast. I still have a lot to learn..." Xiao Ze whispered softly.

"What are you talking about?" An Lin turned his head to Xiao Ze.

"Ah, no!" Xiao Ze shook his head instinctively.

"If you don't have anything to do, help the little bones and cockroaches, lest the two beasts run away." Anlin said.

"Good!" Xiao Zewen sang up and rushed to the battlefield where the four heads returned to the virtual beast.

The nightmare clay people are basically not in charge, and they are crushed to death by the East.

But the flame eagle and evil dragons have to manage, return to the virtual level of fighting, if the strength gap is not big, one party is determined to escape, the other side is difficult to stop.

This is the case at the moment. The realm of the evil dragons is the mid-return period, which is higher than the peak of the returning flame of the eagle eagle. However, if the speed of escape is high, the flame eagle is even better.

After the flame eagle saw that the nightmare mud man was abused and could not take care of himself, there was no emotion of love fighting, and he desperately wanted to escape.

It has two wings, rolling up the wind and the clouds, and the body is turned into a golden streamer and flies away.

You are constantly using the technique to keep it, but it is difficult to stop it.

"Hey, sample, come and bite me, don't you know that you have a pair of invisible wings?" The flame eagle fled, while not forgetting to sneer at the sneak peek behind him.

It has a myriad of magical powers about flying and speed. There is really nothing to be afraid of facing the cockroaches. After that, the distance will only get farther and farther.

I also understand this. The only thing it can do is to drag the flame eagle and prevent it from using the technique of crossing the space.

The flame eagle didn't feel good for a long time, his face gradually changed.

It felt another momentum behind him, like the wind and rain, mixed with Haoran Longwei, so that the void has become a lot heavier.

"It's you!" The flame eagle saw the coming, and the feathers were all erected.

A thousand feet of black dragon is flying at a very horrible speed, and the distance is shrinking.

Xiao Ze was originally the Taikoo Dragon who returned to the peak of the mid-virtual period. The flame eagle was the peak of the return to the virtual, and the two worlds were much worse.

Coupled with the flying speed of the dragons, it is also extremely horrible. It also has the secret of the clouds and the fog. The two overlap each other. How can they not catch up with the flying eagle?

"Hey! I also have a pair of invisible wings! Don't go, fight to dawn!" Xiao Zexiao smiled.

The thousand-foot dragon is coming from the thundercloud, and the body looks like a black thunder.

The flame flying eagle has a strong sense of crisis. It has a double-winged wave, and the flames behind it are like a tsunami, and they are raging over the black dragon, hoping to drag the Black Dragon's castration.

However, what it did not think was that the Black Dragon did not choose any resistance, so it directly slammed into the fiery sea.

Is it crazy? The flame eagle saw this scene, and his heart was full of puzzles.

The flame is its full blow, it can be burned to the ground, even if it is the power of the late return, it can not be seen as nothing.

However, it is wrong again.

After Xiao Ze penetrated the flame, it appeared unharmed in front of the flame flying eagle. The black scales were covered with strange metallic luster, one by one, domineering and round.

"How is it possible?" The flame eagle's feathers were all erected and looked shocked.

"It doesn't hurt, it's it, now it's me." Xiao Ze smiled and looked at the flying eagle that was almost close to the distance.

The dark dragon thunder tears the void, and the whole world is suddenly dark.


With a loud bang, accompanied by the screams of the flame flying eagle. The flying eagle began to fall toward the ground, pulling a flame trail in the void, like a meteorite falling from the earth.

In another place, the evil dragons who are wrestling with the bone jade worms have a smile on their faces.

Oh, silly flying Eagle, I really think that Laozi will not run away?

I just chose to fight here because I was afraid of the dragon.

Shooting a bird, how can you not understand this sentence?

Now that dragon is chasing you, the enemy in front of me is just a bug that has returned to the peak of the early days of the virtual, and I am a powerful man in the mid-negative phase... Can this bug really stop my way?

What a joke!

The evil dragon's mouth is rising, and the superiority of an IQ is crushed.

Now is the best time to escape!

"Get out of the way!" It clenched the dark dragon force, and the power climbed to the peak, and the bone jade worm that had already turned the butterfly in front of it crashed down.


Long Xiaosheng swayed in the void, and the land of a square kilometer cracked and shattered.

The fist smashed the void into a flat twist, and the bone jade butterfly was shaken back by the sudden burst of the body.

At this moment, the evil dragon smashed his hammer on his chest, his face full of provocation and disdain, then turned around and ran!

"Hey, bullying my little bones, I want to run away?"

The sound sounded in front of you, and the evil dragons were shocked and stunned, and there were enemies?

However, when it saw the comers in front of him, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahahaha... Who am I to be, a monk in the middle of the gods, a monk in the late days of the gods, and dare to block the way of the uncle? Are you coming to give me a meal?" I am too lazy to look at ~www.readwn.com~ directly to the two humans in front of me.

Is the **** monk returning to the virtual power? I am afraid not crazy!

For this kind of idiot that doesn't know how to be thick, just eat it!

"Do you have to pull me here? You won't be on your own? There are so many cards." Xu Xiaolan has some helplessness.

Anlin silently took Xu Xiaolan's hand and shook his head: "I don't, I just want to use the skill of combining with you!"

Xu Xiaolan turned a cute little white eye, not very airy: "naive!"


The blood-colored phoenix condenses in the void, and the two are in one.

Already rushed to the evil dragons in front of An Lin and Xu Xiaolan, the pupils shrink, and a bad hunch emerges in my heart.

The next moment, a horrible explosion appeared.


The flames of the different blood phoenix engulf the heavens and the earth, like the **** sun, burning all the things in the dozens around!

"Hey!" The evil dragon screamed and was suddenly blown up by a sudden explosion.

It was burned all over, the body had many traces of burnt black, and it was madly receding, and the waves of the waves were set in the heart. Such a horrible technique can be used by two gods and monks?

This Nima is too enchanting!

The fairy beast that was in the midst of the illusion was wounded by two monks of the gods. I am afraid that no one can dare to believe this!

Just when it was injured and retreated, the bone jade butterfly had already rushed over and joined the battlefield again.

The escape plan of the evil dragons was dragged by the monks of the gods...

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