I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 829: The wrath of the **** bat

In the voice of Anlin, the voice of Ao Niu is still echoing.

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, Yan, Xiao Ze, everyone's face has become dignified at the same time, after all, now it is a super power!

It is very difficult for them to master the power of the power of the Shinto, and it is very difficult for them to be able to resist.

Can only escape!

"Get out of there! Let's go now!" Anlin said.

"Oh... can't go, the retreat was blocked by the nightmare clay man..." O'Neal whispered.

An Lin: "..."

He did not say anything, dialed the strong voice of the East, and what surprised him was that the notes were picked up by the second, and there was a very calm voice in the east: "Hey, Anlin Daoyou, what happened?"

"Do you know the things of the **** bat emperor? Are you really trapped now?" Anlin worried.

"Oh, nothing, the illusion of a nightmare clay man, wait for me for a minute... No, half a minute..."

Anlin did not hang up the notes, and heard the sound of energy collisions coming from inside.

"Ha ha ha ... magic blood unicorn, you will smash your hand, don't struggle again!" The voice of the nightmare clay voice came from the notes.

In addition, the dreams of fascination and madness are one after another.

Even through the notes, the spirit of Anlin and others caused a wave of volatility.

In the tiankeng.

Dark dreams cover the sky.

The body of the nightmare clay man was once again torn by the east.


The torn body is like a mud, and the nightmare is muddy. The blood of the muddy mouth is extremely wilting, but the face has a triumphant smile.

"Hahahaha... If you can hurt me 10,000 times, I will be very hurt, but before the arrival of the **** bat, you can't kill me! Do you know what life is? My vitality Is it what you can imagine?!"

Even if the nightmare clay figurine has been abused for thousands of times, I don’t know why, but there is still a sense of superiority, as if it is particularly resistant, it is also a kind of glory.

Actually... this doesn't blame it. After all, it can get the hand, this one...

When the East heard the nightmare clay man's words, he couldn't help but smile: "Life? Do you think that I don't understand life? Have you forgotten, how did the title of my **** unicorn come?"

A very dangerous sign is in the heart of the nightmare clay figurine.

It will gaze at the sturdy unicorn claws in the east. I don’t know why, my heart trembles!

There is still blood on the unicorn claws, and the blood slowly turns black and twisted, and then collapses into ultra-fine particles that cannot be captured by the soul.

The nightmare mud man's pupils shrink, so terrible power of death.

"噗通!" At this moment, its heart suddenly violently beat.

The nightmare mud man's face changed greatly and began to go crazy.

"It's useless. When I used your unicorn claw to tear your body, I already injected that magic blood into your body..." The eastern sturdy mouth opened and revealed a bloodthirsty smile.

"Ah...!" The pain of heartbreaking, suddenly hit the whole body.

The life of the nightmare clay figurine began to collapse from the inside, not only the body and the meridians, but even the sea of ​​spirits, the soul of the soul, began to decline and collapse! !

The East stood steadily in the same place, ignoring the nightmare clay figurines who fled, and smiled cruelly: "I don't understand life? I used to create a blood-blood orc army with blood, wouldn't I understand life?"

"With a drop of magic blood, you can poison a city, drop the blood and rain, you can deprive a family of life, so I won the title of the **** unicorn, will not understand life?"

The nightmare muddy body is constantly breaking down, but there is absolutely no way to stop this power from raging. It is the power to remove the roots and completely deprive the vitality!

"No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" The nightmare Muddy desperately screamed, looking at the sturdy eyes of the East and becoming more and more fearful.

The eastern sturdy eyes flashed bloodthirsty red awns, admiring the collapse of the nightmare clay figurines, pouting, and sending out a very pleasant and extremely magical laughter: "Hehehe haha... Feel the joy of death, this will be your feelings about life. The deepest moment!"

The groundhog, the Ox, the poisonous frog, looked at the eastern sturdy sky in the face. At this moment, he still has the appearance of a half-cultural man, and he is completely ruthless in the human skin! And this, I am afraid it is the true face of the East!

"Ah...!" With a screaming scream, the gas of the nightmare clay man was finally cut off, the power of the Shinto dissipated, the cage collapsed, and the skylight fell into the world again.

The nightmare mud man never imagined that he had no effort to build a cage. Because the choice of the sturdy in the East is to kill it directly, and then sway away.

The Eastern Zhuang is still trying to pick up the uninterrupted notes: "Get it, I will come to you now."

Anlin’s face outside the crater, Anlin’s face was silently holding a note.

Although I did not see the battle with my own eyes, I also knew the fierce battle through the sound. Oh no, it’s fierce for the nightmare clay figurine. It’s a pleasure for the eastern sturdy!

He has been able to make up the uncle's magical smile through laughter, and the picture is very beautiful...

I quietly calculated the time, it seems that it is really less than a minute.

The Orient Strong received the nightmare of the Nightmare Mud Man as a trophy, and then took the groundhog, the Ox, the poisonous frog, crossed the space, and crossed the direction of Anlin and others.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan waited in the same place, and Anlin kept taking Lingshi out and feeding three to four to supplement energy.

The strength of the three-four-four is strong, and the amount of rice is more powerful. All of a sudden, I swallowed tens of thousands of Lingshi of Anlin, and it really hurts.


The crack in the space opened, and the eastern sturdy came to Anlin with three three-headed salted fish.

"It seems that we have performed very well. We are all enemies." The East looked strong and looked at the spectacular pit, and spoke with great satisfaction.

"Don't worry about it! Let's run with us!" Anlin urged him very nervously.

The current strength of the East is not the opponent of the **** bat emperor ~www.readwn.com~ really have to be caught, they have to finish.

Before the secret, everyone discussed it. With the strength of the nightmare clay figurine, it will definitely find the existence of the eastern strong and so on, and he will definitely contact the **** bat emperor.

So what Anlin and others can do is to run the road as soon as they come out, or to completely kill the enemy and run again. The former is confined by the nightmare clay figurine, and the risk of the **** bat emperor chasing. Although the latter is difficult, it is really done, and the risk will be much smaller.

They have the utmost strength in the East, and they are very arrogant. They chose to kill the enemy first. In fact, they did it, but there were three pig teammates who took the note...

The eastern sturdy belt took Anlin and others, and at the same time used the space to cross and left the place.

He can now play the strength of returning to the peak, used to run, enough.

Two minutes later, an extremely large crack appeared on the tiankeng.

The **** bat emperor came to the world, followed by the power of the three heads back to the late stage.

Looking at the devastated tiankeng, looking at the **** whirlpool channel that was about to close, he trembled with anger: "They are all dead... The **** unicorn has also escaped..."

Bang! At this moment, the sky is gloomy, as if it contains endless anger.

"They can't escape, notify the beasts everywhere, block the prison of the beast, and start the big eye!"

"Let me find them at any cost!!"

The **** bat is like a thunder, and it is clearly on the verge of rage.


The three-headed beast began to contact the fairy beasts around the world.

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