I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 875: Injured uncle

Anlin felt that the uncle's person was set to collapse.

From the beginning of the meeting, Kirin Aotian became the stupid uncle of today.

He is stupid, the key is not to pull him! In order to increase the sense of substitution, what is the real pain of the arm being split?

He is not shaking M!

By the way, there are tens of thousands of slaps, and it’s just moral sorrow...

Anlin estimates that he will not forget the woman’s slap in this life.

Wonder hand fast.

The most famous medical museum in Lingmiao City.

Physician Oriental Mengjie is not only beautiful, but also the doctors are the best in the city. Therefore, the people who come to treat her here can be described as endless.

Fortunately, the city is relatively small, otherwise she is really busy.

Today, she kept a prescription medicine by her side and prepared to go home and swear.

But soon, she returned, and the unreasonable guy has gone...

Oriental Meng Jie silently hid the medicine in the independent medicine cabinet, and could not tell what it felt like.

At this time, a middle-aged uncle stepped in and touched the injured arm with a panic on his face: "Doctor, save me, my arm is hurt!"

When Dongfang Mengjie saw it, she immediately prepared emergency measures. She was sorting out the tools and gave birth to her hands.

She looked up and looked at the man in front of her. She looked better and was very raw.

These are not the focus, she wrinkled the delicate nose, and her eyes turned to the middle-aged man again.

The atmosphere suddenly calmed down.

Some of the men’s gaze is dodging: "Doctor, what's wrong with you?"

"Kirin?" Oriental Dream Jie suddenly said.

The man widened his eyes: "Ha? You said? Hey, you haven't seen me?"

"Oh, still telling the truth... This mantra..." The oriental dream cleansing like autumn water, suddenly smiles, like a sudden bloom of flowers, bright and beautiful.

The man looked at the woman slyly.

"Hey!" A familiar and hot slap fell again.

The man is trembled, this feeling, so miss!

Dongfang Mengjie hands akimbo, the sound is crisp, Zhang mouth will reprimand: "Well! It didn't take long before you ran into it? Going to fight again, but also trying to lie to me? Be honest and trustworthy, don't understand, don't give you A few slaps, you are afraid that it is not long-term memory!"

The man groaned and squinted and said: "You, how did you find me?"

"Oh, you saved me, what is your blood taste, I don't know?"

Oriental Mengjie has a small smug face: "I am close to you, I smell the familiar taste in the blood, so even if you change the appearance, hide the breath, I can still recognize your identity!"

The man was shocked and Anlin was shocked!

Can you be identified by blood? This ability is really powerful!

Is human figure self-propelled genetic identification?

"That... then my hand?" was recognized, and the man stood awkwardly.

"Sit down!" Dongfang Mengjie glanced at the man with a sigh of relief. "I will help you bandage!"

The man was happy to sit down and stretched out his arm.

The woman was gentle and dexterous in her hands touching his arm. The man looked at the look of the woman in front of him and felt that he had returned to the small house in Lingtian.

She is still so serious, so gentle, slap is still so exciting.

"Right, who are you fighting with this time?" asked Dongfang Mengjie frowning.

"Hey...a phoenix!" the man said.

"Phoenix? Is it beautiful?"

"I am not interested in it! Say it, it is public!"

"Ah? What are you talking about? I asked you if the Phoenix is ​​not beautiful. I have never seen a Phoenix, so I am curious. What do you answer?"


The Oriental Dream is bright and bright, looking at the man in front of him, smiling slightly: "I recognize you now, why do you still maintain the human appearance?"

"Because... I am afraid that the original look will scare others, so I still do as the Romans do!" The man found a good reason for himself and seemed a little happy.

"I don't think you are scary. Also, your horn is very beautiful. I still like it very much. It is so hidden. What a pity."

"Beautiful? I can make it out!"

The man was a little excited, he heard a very important word, she liked it!

The strange uncle with the unicorn horn was born.

The good times are always short, and soon the uncle's arms are bandaged.

"Well, I am bandaging, you have to be careful next time." Oriental Mengjie touched the unicorn of the man's head like a red glass, smiling shallowly.

The man nodded and felt that there was no reason to stay here again.

"That... then see you!" The man said goodbye.

"Goodbye." Dongfang Mengjie smiled and began to treat other patients.

Uncle left.

He reached out and touched the bandage on his hand, and his face looked satisfied.

There is still a lot of things in the evil spirits prison, and he has to deal with it. He really has to leave this time.

Uncle continued to start the life of the beasts.

A month later.

Uncle missed her.

He wants to see her, but can't find any good reason.

The uncle took out the white bandage of the Naduan, and suddenly the flash of light flashed, one hand slid toward his lap, and the blood was shot again...

An Lin: "mmp!"

Then, the two dogs and men met again.

The atmosphere is very harmonious, and I am talking about the sky.

After the injury was cured, the uncle was amazing.

Then, when the uncle wants to see Dongfang Mengjie, he begins the road of self-harm...

Can't the injury be the same? Otherwise it will be too obvious.

Ever since, Anlin personally experienced the broken hand, the internal organs were blown up, poisoned, the sea was hit, the meridians were wounded, and various disability-level pains...

If Anlin can control this body, he will definitely kill the East with his own strength!

"Kirin, you really hurt this time, you can not pay more attention to the body?" Oriental Dream Jie frowned.

"Well, I will pay attention next time." Uncle nodded and said, "Yes, don't call me Kirin, it's a bit strange, give me a human name."

"Human name?" Oriental Dream Jie was a little surprised and blinked. "Well... what type of name do you want?"

"Well, just follow your last name." The man spoke.

"Follow my family name..." The face of the Oriental Dream's white face flew a blush, and the small hand that was long and jade on the table shook gently. "That is... call the East to be strong!"

"Oriental sturdy?" Uncle took a sip of cold air~www.readwn.com~Dongfang Mengjie smiled, and there was a little playfulness in the alum, explaining: "Your body is always in trouble, come to me for treatment. Then I will give you a name that symbolizes a good wish!"

"You think, strong, meaning strong and strong, representing a life of vitality! Contains the most simple, true emotions, can also be in line with life, and easy to understand, catchy..."

After the woman finished speaking, the scene of the rebellious rebellion that had been envisioned, or the unyielding scene that did not appear.

The man smiled happily: "It turned out to be the case. The name you took is really good. I will call the East strong afterwards!"

"Oh..." Oriental Meng Jie's pink lips were opened, I don't know what to say.

Anlin’s heart was shocked. The original uncle’s name for hanging the sky was like this?

In the final analysis, it is still his own disaster! This should be done...

"That, Kirin." Oriental dream clean voice.

"Please call me strong!" Uncle said awkwardly.

"Well, sturdy..." The Oriental Dream Jie slowed down and said, "That, I opened a tea garden in the flower garden in the east. I will go there for tea on weekdays. If you are interested in tea, You can also go there to drink tea every month. They are all spiritual teas. It is not difficult to drink."

"Be careful in the future, don't hurt anymore..."

The eastern sturdy smelled a glimpse, then smiled softly: "Well, I will be careful in the future, try not to get hurt again!"

When Anlin heard these words, he was so moved that he was about to cry.

Heaven! These two guys with thin faces and negative IQs are finally enlightened! !

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