I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 878: Anlin is 4

Anlin felt that the body seemed to be torn, and the intense pain made the soul tremble.

Everything is in the dark.

But soon, the light slowly reappeared.

Between the moments, he opened his eyes and saw a huge head and round eyes.

The huge tongue stretched out and went to his face!

"哧 !!"

"Ang, you finally woke up, Wang!"

Dabai excited.

Anlin licked his head and climbed up from the ground.

"I... How long have I been dizzy?" Annlin said.

Aside, the East smiled sternly: "It didn't take long, about two days."

Two days?

Anlin heard a word, he felt that it has been many years!

He turned his attention to the woman next to the medicine cabinet.

In the sun, the woman smiles warmly, and the time does not leave any trace on her face.

Anlin once again saw the oriental dream Jie, there is no feeling of heartache.

An Qilin in the sea of ​​air has become extraordinarily quiet, as if it has been released, only a few minutes and emotions.

"This is the purpose of bringing me here?" asked Anlin.

The East nodded strongly: "Kirin blood jade is the flesh and blood of my past, let it put down the obsession, let go of everything about her, I will bear, this is the purpose of bringing you here."

Anlin nodded and thanked him: "Thank you, Uncle Dong."

Exposing the secret to him is only to clear the obsession and hidden dangers of the unicorn blood jade in his body.

This kindness, he wrote down.

He also knows one of the most authentic Eastern sturdy.

"Right, Anlin, about my business, if you dare to reveal a half, don't be blame!" The East looked at Anlin, suddenly said very seriously.

Anlin nodded and nodded.

The eastern sturdy and obsessively looked at the woman in front of this figure.

Dabai secretly told Anlin that after Anlin was in a coma, the uncle kept watching the woman.

Anlin thinks this is not surprising. For the sturdy of the East, don’t say a few days. It’s no problem to look at it for a few years.

This may be the opposite of both.

After a while, they left the **** land.

The uncle banned the **** land and took a sip of Anlin. He took a marmot and a donkey and embarked on a trip to restore the flesh.

Anlin returned to the campus and continued his ordinary career.

His return, caused a great sensation in the Xiuxian United University.

In particular, the new schoolmates and sisters, with a reverent and curious attitude, pretended to "pass by" in the corridors of the fourth class.

They all want to see the first legendary characters on this campus.

No way, the legend about Anlin is too much.

The sect of the forty-nine sects of the sect, this identity **** countless.

Just like the president of the world's top 500 companies, what is a college student, the sensational effect, who can compare?

Don't say that Xiu Xian's not chasing stars, there is no such phenomenon, it just proves that you are not good enough.

Anlin looked at the window and happened to pass by, but his eyes stared at his schoolmates. They did not have the slightest pride and pride. Instead, they were faintly sighed:

"Oh... the road is still growing. In the past, I felt that the true God is invincible."

"But I didn't expect that the leader of this kind of uncle in the East would be suppressed by the existence. There is no end to it..."

"In other words, that power is so powerful, and there is no way to solve the hole in the sky?"

Anlin was a bit puzzled, and from time to time would think of the disappointing words of the Emperor.

On the podium.

The fate of the sword is telling the cause and effect of the monk.

"What is causality? The cause and effect is simply the connection between all things. Everyone and I have a cause and effect. I do something and produce some kind of result. This is the most basic cause and effect. That result will also become the cause of an event, leading to another result."

"So the cause and effect are endless. Some people say that all the causes and effects of the world can be leaped and detached. In my opinion, this is impossible."

"Because no matter what you do, there will be a continuation of cause and effect. You wave your hand. Maybe in a corner of the world, there will be flowers that bloom because of you. Even if you die, the world will have some meaning because of your appearance. The change in the above, this causal change will continue indefinitely, from the cause to the fruit, from the fruit to the cause, forever."

"So, never look down on your connection with the world. The world will change because of our lives. This change is endless and eternal."

An Lin gradually raised his mind, and this remark is very interesting.

This makes him feel that death is not a terrible thing.

Because in this world, the causal chain produced by him appears to be eternal, the meaning of his life does not disappear with death in the long river of time.

"Ming Yuan teacher's lecture is really amazing!" Dina sat on the shoulder of An Lin, holding her hands and looking at the man on the stage.

Anlin nodded with a nod. Since the death of the sword and the immortal to the virtual world, the understanding of the world has become more and more profound, and the good swordsmanship lesson has changed, and the Taoist theory class has been changed.

I have to say that it is really very good~www.readwn.com~Anlin Giant, for what Yuanyuan’s teacher said, it’s impossible to say that all causes and effects are flying up and down. I don’t think it’s right. . "缇娜 suddenly said.

"Oh? Why don't you feel right?" Annlin was amazed.

"Do you think, if a certain power reaches a certain realm, can reverse the time of the whole world, reverse the time before his birth, let the world no longer be born of him, then he will not take his cause and effect from this world. Did you give it away?" Dina whispered.

When Anlin heard it, it really made sense.

Is it possible to reverse the time? After seeing the oriental sturdy sacrifice artifacts and carrying out a finite time reversal, he would not say that it is impossible to reverse the time of the whole world.

But he thought about it carefully and felt that something was wrong.

“No,” Annlin said suddenly. “If he doesn’t want to be born, then he has to intervene in the world? If you don’t change the world’s original trajectory, how can you not be born? Once you change the world’s trajectory, even Killing sperm, it is also a cause and effect, still cause and effect."

"Oh..." Dina’s little face stayed.

According to An Lin’s statement, it seems that there is really no way to purify the cause and effect of this world.

In this way, the philosophical discussion between the two ended.

The next day, Dabai ignored the buns and reopened.

It is clear that only one hundred cages are sold, and there are thousands of students who come to watch. This broke his record of selling buns, but also showed the horror of others.

Anlin was surrounded by a giant panda, making him feel that he is not a legendary figure on campus, but a mascot...

In short, everything is back to normal.

This is his fourth year of life, plain, casual, and carefree.

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