I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 886: Each show is robbing

The moment the lid was opened, the golden light filled the entire food store.

"Good glare!" Lan Cai and his eyes narrowed, exclaimed.

"This is the treasure of food!" Zhang Guo always knows the goods, and his eyes are followed.

Then, countless wonderful scenes began to emerge, which was a pleasant picture.

Not only visual impact, but also auditory impact.

A bright female voice began to sound, singing is actually "Today is a good day"!

Today is a good day, and everything I can think of can be done. Tomorrow is a good day, open the door to welcome the spring breeze...

"Song is very pleasant, and the name of the dish of Huang Daoji is extremely consistent, wonderful, good." Han Xiangzi was so intoxicated, and exclaimed.

What is Huang Daoji Day? The "Qinglong, Tiande, Yutang, Siming, Mingtang, and Jinyu" in the 12th dynasty of the Yellow Dynasties are called the six ecliptic roads. When the ecliptic is worth the day, it is the ecliptic.

After the disappearance of the vision, the Eight Immortals looked at the dishes on the plate.

Qinglong hovered around the periphery, such as Yurulei. The gods and the golden dragonfly are a piece of things like gold coins, and they are in the midst of a fascinating glow. The priest is the phoenix star, with chicken phoenix, wings stretched, crispy and crispy, filled with extremely attractive fragrant incense. Mingtang and Yutang are fragrant vegetables, like the phoenix feathers, dotted with them...

When seeing this scene, the Eight Immortals felt the double incitement of the flesh and the soul.

A thought rises without warning.

That is, I really want to eat! !

Eight people started to move chopsticks at the same time. They were quite reserved at first. After all, they have lived for so long, and no big winds have ever seen them.

However, let those dishes be delivered to the entrance.

Everything has changed.

Eight immortals also shuddered at the same time.

"Ah... this taste..."

"God! Oh..."


Suddenly, the spirits stirred up, and the chopsticks turned into a burst of shadows!

"Almost let go! This chicken wing is mine!" Lu Dongbin screamed, chopsticks like a sword, the chopsticks that attacked the surrounding attack.

"No! I just want those smart vegetables, why do you want to hit me?" Blue picking chopsticks like bluegrass, with soft grams, constantly swaying around the chopsticks.

He Xianggu snorted, and the lotus shadow shrouded a piece of chicken wings, scorning: "The chicken wings are so delicious, Lu Dongbin, you want to swallow, have you asked me?"

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, don't know how to respect the old, I will come first!" The chopsticks of Tiezhu Li attached to the power of Jin Dao, and they became fierce, but they broke through the blueness and the softness. Go to the green dragon-like meat clip!

"Hey! I don't respect the old, why don't you say that you love children?" Lan Cai and shouted, chopsticks and Zhang Guo fight together again.

"You are all old, what kind of tender?" Zhang Guo was furious.

"Oh, among the Eight Immortals, I am the youngest, I am not a young one?" Blue mining and rebuttal are justified, and the chopsticks attack is more and more sophisticated.

Cao Guozhen is even more powerful. On the surface, he uses chopsticks to attack. In fact, he uses the soul technique to divide the soul of the villain and sneak into the dishes of the Yuanbao. He wants to make a leak.

This move, Ming Xiu Road, dark Chen Cang, used really is wonderful.

It is a pity that this move was disfigured by the Han Zhong, who has the eyes of the **** of the gods. He will kill the gods and souls with a flame: "Hey, Lao Cao, you are not kind, do you still want to steal the chicken and touch the dog?"

"It’s a man who should be positive!" Han Xiangzi laughed and waved with one hand, and even gathered hundreds of action-sensitive villains in the air, directly rushing to Huang Daoji, and was planning to accept all!

"Hold the grass, Lao Han, you are not particularly kind!!" Han Zhong was shocked, took out a fan directly, and suddenly, a flame burst.


The flame bursts like a ball.

The heavenly kitchen chef Anlin gourmet shop was fried...

Fortunately, Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu have protected the Huang Daoji Day at a crucial moment, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"Hold the grass! Han Zhong is away, are you so crazy?" Han Xiangzi yelled.

"It is obvious that you are crazy first, but you still want to accept all!" Han Zhong laughed and laughed, and the **** fort.

So the two began to pick up again.

No, it should be said that eight immortals, and began to smash for the ecliptic.

Anlin looked at the dark shop in the side, and his heart hurt.

Nima! Before entering, the eight immortals of the sacred wind bones, why did the painting style collapse and collapse? Is it really good to fight in the street? !

Now it seems that he is just arrogant to find a simple shop.

No matter how good the store is, there is a fart, and it’s blown up in less than a day! ! !

Eight Immortals crossing the sea... Hey!

It’s the Eight Immortals’ shop, and each showcases the food.

Eight Immortals were above the Huang Daoji Day. After a fierce battle, they were finally exhausted and lying on the ground panting.

Huang Daoji was cleaned up by them.

"Where... I never thought that we would fight because of a dish." Han Zhong was breathing heavily and whispered.

"An Lin's craft is really great!" He Xiangu's pink tongue licked his lips, and some of them were still unfinished.

Lu Dongbin nodded: "This dish of Anlin Xiaoyou, I give full marks!"

"Haha, the seniors have won the prize. If they like it, they can continue tomorrow." An Lin said cheerfully.

"Tomorrow we have to go to the East China Sea to get a task, can't we do today? We can increase the price and do more!" Zhang Guo was aroused by the temperament, could not help but open the door.

Anlin shook his head with some regrets: "No, my predecessors, my dishes can only be done one day for some special reason!"

The Eight Immortals heard a sigh of disappointment~www.readwn.com~Anlin Xiaoyou, you can rest assured that we will help you publicize after we go back. The dishes you make, in terms of quality, do not lose to the kitchen **** Hu Jiahao! "Blue mining and excited.

The other seven immortals heard the words and agreed to help Anlin publicize and make a tap.

Anlin heard great news and sent a cage to him.

You must know that the network of people in the Eight Immortals is very wide. If they personally advertise, the effect is absolutely extraordinary.

In this way, the Eight Immortals try to return to the group.

They made a comment on Anlin's cooking skills as a taste-taking group. That is, the name of the kitchen **** is well deserved!

This news, in the heavens, once again caused a sensation!

The propaganda of the Emperor of Heaven is like the official propaganda. Although it is reliable, it is not grounded.

However, the propaganda of the Eight Immortals is like the most reliable buyer show, giving the most authentic evaluation with the most personal experience.

It should be known that the tastes of the Eight Immortals are different. Men, women, old, young, rich, expensive, poor, and awkward are their signs. To make a dish and please eight different types of immortals, the difficulty is very big.

However, they all agree that Anlin's cooking can afford the title of kitchen god.

This represents Anlin's cooking, almost everyone kills!

This incident began to spread wildly in the heavens, and countless food fairies began to move around, turning their eyes to the simple shop in the food street.

Anlin’s food store is finally on fire!

Anlin decided not to sell buns first, do his own food store, and start the signboard.

In the afternoon of the next day, the Tianting God Chef Anlin Food Store gathered a group of immortals.

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