I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 916: Crime and punishment

Hands and feet fly to the sky, sprinkling countless blood.

Countless onlookers stared at this scene as if they saw something incredible.

"How dare you do this? Let me release my apprentice!" The grandson’s machine was smashed, and he first reacted and slammed into Anlin.

Anlin’s left fist was covered with golden light, and his forehead Jinlian was flashing. The earth’s lotus **** was fully motivated, and the Gongsun’s grandson’s machine was so badly wounded that it was seriously injured.

"Duan Yong, if you can admit loudly that year, I may be able to leave you a life." An Lin looked coldly at the man under his feet.

Duan Yong smiled bitterly: "What has never been done, how can I recognize it?"

"Oh." Anlin faintly opened, and a black shadow flashed with a horrible edge.

Duan Yong screamed again, his little brother flew to the sky.

Uh... All the onlookers think that the lower body is cold, and some women have even shifted their gaze.

"This sword is for the sake of being drunk." Anlin's tone is gentle and there is no trace of emotion.

Duan Yong’s body was trembling with pain, his face was pale, and the lower body was more bloody.

Anlin once again waved a sword, and the white brilliance turned into a sharp sword and penetrated into the body, smashing all the meridians in the man's body!

"Ah...!" Duan Yong screamed again.


Suddenly, the world is full of earthquakes!

A huge array of circling rises and erupts with extremely powerful power.

"An Lin! You are a master of the forty-nine sects of the Tang dynasty. In the absence of evidence, they dare to kill our new lords. The gods and gods are angry. Today I will ask you for a statement!" Launched a large array of guards.

"I am a big sword, Fuyang big battle, it is created by Zhenyang real person, can..."

Bang! A red nail pulls a red track in the void and hits somewhere in the void.

In the future, it is possible to launch a large array of attacks, instantly collapse and dissipate invisible.

Grandson machine: "..."

Anlin’s head was not lifted, but the foot pressing Duan’s chest was getting more and more forceful. The sound of broken bones began to sound: “The next step is that I will destroy your roots, so you will never practice.”

The guardian squad was destroyed by the moment, and all the refuge was gone.

Duan Yong this time, the face finally emerged the color of fear.

Anlin suddenly smiled and said: "If you still want to live, you still have a chance..."

"What... what opportunity?" Duan Yong was really scared, and asked with a bite.

"As long as you admit what you did in the past, and who knows who to do it, you will confess in front of the grave of the family and the grave of her family. I swear in the name of the sect of the four nin sects, do it for you. The past is not awkward!" Anlin said.

Duan Yong’s body trembled, and the drunken incense died? It turned out to be a drunken thing, and recruited Anlin?

Anlin and the empty drunken incense should be unfamiliar. The forty-nine sects are also the super-large sects of the nine kings in the world. He swears in the name of Xianzong, and naturally will not repent.

It’s just that I admit it... I’m really ruined.

"An Lin... Are you serious?" What is the reputation of shit, life is the most important! Duan Yong knows that if he does not make a choice now, there will be only one dead end.

"Of course it is true, but you don't lie." Anlin took out the Suzaku. "My mirror can see people's hearts. Once I lie, I will not talk nonsense and kill you directly!"

Duan Yong struggled and eventually nodded: "Well, the first calendar was sealed on May 11, 8878, I killed the empty jade, and twenty-eight people in his family. Yes, his family did not have a demon. Zong collusion, but I am doing this to avoid the roots and avoid revenge or fall into the magic road!"

"Continue." An Lin faintly opened.

"Yes, I saw the color, insulted a woman, and then killed her. I am doing something wrong, I will regret it!" Duan Yong bowed his head.

The monks who stood by and watched again and again, countless eyes were full of shock and looked at Duan Yong, unable to believe that such a man of righteousness would actually do this kind of thing.

The elders of Xuan Qingzong even opened their mouths and looked at the new lord with a dull look.

“Who else knows about this?” continued Anlin.

Duan Yong extended his finger and pointed to the elders of Zongmen: "They know that I have destroyed the door of the empty jade."

After a short pause, he pointed to one of the old men on the field: "He knows... everything I do."

On the field, suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Anlin couldn’t help but laugh.

Duan Yong refers to the last old man, the old lord of Xuan Qingzong, the grandson.

Tens of thousands of monks silently said nothing, never imagined that the two lords of Xuan Qingzong would be such people, and the development of things made their three views somewhat collapsed.

"A good sect of the lord, the hiding is really deep enough, I almost did not find out." An Lin took a deep breath.

The grandson is a pair of eyes: "Nonsense! My mysterious Qing dynasty has been in the world for thousands of years. In addition to the magic and the Tao, it is possible to make such a thing! How can you do this for your life? Say this kind of words?!"

"Noisy!" An Linqing sighed.

When the palm of the hand is pressed, the giant palm will press the body of the grandson to the ground.

He glanced at the Suzaku and found that there was no movement. It seems that he has said it.


A golden sorrow thundered the void and landed on the identified elders.

The sound of screams sounded, and a famous aging man was coke and was killed alive.

They are just ordinary gods, where can they resist Anlin’s full force?

"You...Anlin, you didn't swear, as long as I admit my mistake, let us go?!" Duan Yong's eyes widened and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

Anlin looked coldly at Duan Yong's eyes: "Oh, I am not as good at the dregs as the animals, and I have not followed the promise."

Duan Yong opened his mouth and apparently did not expect Anlin to come out like this.

Gongsun’s face was white, and he couldn’t stop shaking. He pointed to Anlin and shouted: “The elders have not done bad things, just knowing. Why do you kill them? Anlin, you devil!”

Anlin's fingertips were picked, and Jin Xulei screamed and fell, and instantly turned the Gongsun machine into coke.

The grandson’s machine didn’t even have a chance to make a scream, so he’s so wide-eyed and his life is cut off.

"Xuan Qingzong is the so-called famous person of yours, and there will be such a scum of Duan Yong. Are you right? Duan Yong?" An Lin turned his eyes to the ground and his limbs were broken. The younger brother also broke. Duan Yong, slowly speaking.

"Why do you want to do this, what is the relationship between you and the empty drunk?" Duan Yong said with a desperate face.

Anlin smiled lightly: "I am a friend with her."

"How could it be..." Duan Yong has no eyes and is hard to accept this fact.

At this moment, the force once again tore his body, and destroyed it together with the roots.

Duan Yong once again screamed and worked hard for thousands of years to repair and destroy it.

"You killed me!" Duan Yong stared desperately and angrily at An Lin.

"Want to die? Sorry~www.readwn.com~ The crime you committed wants to die so easily, it's really too cheap for you." Anlin reached out and pressed his cover on his body.

"You... what are you doing?" Duan Yong opened his mouth in horror.

Anlin’s hands burst into a dark light, soaking the soul!

This is the enchantment learned from the martial arts that was taken from the broken soul.

Duan Yong’s eyes were sluggish, his life was fast, and the translucent origin of the soul was struggling to be taken out by Anlin.

Then, the four great fires appeared at the same time, burning with the soul that struggled in the void.

Unable to describe the horrible pain in the language, let Duan Yong stunned, and the screaming screams resounded through the heavens and the earth, burning the soul of the source is a hundred times more horrible than killing him directly.

"Kill me... I beg you, kill me..." Duan Yong cried and cried.

Anlin was unmoved, so he slowly roasted with the fire.

Tens of thousands of monks, some scared face whitish, and some clapping their hands.

In the end, the new lord of Xuan Qingzong, in the succession of the sect of the sect, under the eyes of the public, the soul of the origin was burned by the fire of the gods.

The scene was silent.

Anlin closed his eyes and took a sigh of relief.

He turned his gaze again and looked awkward and indifferent: "Today's event is a ruling made in the name of the Forty-nine Immortals. If you are not satisfied, you can come to the Forty-nine Immortals to find me at any time."

When he finished, he would start the dog and leave the ground full of mess.

There are tens of thousands of monk representatives, no one dares to stop.

They all looked up and looked at the white figure quietly and disappeared into the clouds.

Perhaps this overbearing and legendary figure will be deeply imprinted on their minds from now on.

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