I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 926: Sun Tree God of War

Little bird girl is the sun tree **** of war?

Anlin is forced, how is this possible? !

He is known for the legend of the Sun Tree God of War. It is the great existence of the battlefield that has won more than one hundred wins since winning the championship.

Only ten of the Sun Tree Ares titles were obtained, and their statues were displayed in the registration hall of the arena, and there was no statue of a little bird girl!

However, everyone on the field seems to know the little girl, so he doesn’t know...

Is it not right?

Anlin moved to the waiting room in a confused way, and the little bird girl came out at a light pace.

"Played well, Lin An!"

The little bird girl was very familiar with the shot of An Lin’s shoulder. The delicate face of Bai Yan had a bright smile, like an old friend who praised each other.

Anlin curiously said: "You are the Sun Tree God of War?"

"No." The little bird girl shook her head very sharply.

"Then why do they call you the Sun Tree God of War?" An Lin did not understand.

The little bird looked at Anlin with an eccentric look: "I said, brother, you really don't know my name? If you don't know anything, come to the corner, your heart is really big!"

"I don't think it's necessary to understand. Anyway, the final champion can only be me." An Lin Shi Cheng said.

"Oh..." The little girl couldn’t help but smile. "Lin An, you are really interesting. I am looking forward to your matchup. I am in a hurry and go first."

The bone eagle on the battlefield burst into tears: "It doesn't matter, I can wait, you continue to talk!"

Seeing the little girl turned around, Anlin quickly said: "You haven't answered my question yet."

"Haha, I won't tell you, guess." The little **** spit a little bit of powder on her tongue and turned to the battlefield.

Anlin is so angry!

The excited words of the host began to sound: "Our No. 34 player, Little Bird Girl, participated in ninety-nine field games in this decade and won ninety-nine consecutive games!"

"Today, it will be her 100th battlefield battle. If we can win again, our Sun Tree will usher in the eleventh God of War! Let us welcome the little girl with the warmest cheers!"

At the scene, there was another burst of cheers like a flash flood.

"Little tits!"

"Sun Tree God of War!"

"It must win!"

Little bird girl: "..."

An Lin: "..."

Ok, no guess, the host has the strength to assist.

It turns out that the little bird girl is the quasi-war **** of the gladiatorial field. The ninety-nine-game winning streak is equivalent to a hundred-game winning streak. It is said that the real **** of war is not an exaggeration. No wonder the popularity is so explosive.

An Lin smiled a little, but unfortunately, her road to winning streak will end here. The ninety-nine-game winning streak is a failure. Is this God's will?

The little bird girl quickly calmed her mind and greeted the audience with great enthusiasm.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, do you miss me?"

"Looking forward to my fight?"

"Love you, what?"

The little bird girl smiled stunnedly, like a masculine girl, shouting at nearly 100,000 spectators.

In the arena, the cheers of the audience have lasted for a long time.

An Lin looked at the scene in front of him without a word.

Nima, this little bird girl's way of playing is so grounded! It feels like a star is playing a concert. Can you be a little warlike?

The bone eagle is even more heart-stirring. I never thought that the last battle of the eagle's life was completely free of other creatures to pay attention to it, and it turned into a green grass against the flowers.

Even the moderator, the introduction to it has been omitted...

Soon, the referee announced that the battle began.

"Little girl, can you tap it?" The bone eagle pleaded.

The girl showed a smile, and she swayed the stalks and shook her fingers: "This depends on your performance."

Anlin saw interest and he wanted to see how much strength this little girl had.

The bone eagle is the beast of the peak of Yuling. The little bird girl should be able to kill, but at the moment she shot, Anlin can judge her approximate strength.

"Hey!" The bone eagle screamed, opened his mouth and spit out a sharp wind blade.

The power of every wind blade is enough to easily cut off steel.

The little girl stepped on her footsteps, and she quickly escaped a wind blade and continued to approach the bone eagle.

The bone eagle was shocked and the bones were stretched. The white bones of the wings were turned into spears and spurred to the little tits. The speed was almost invisible to the naked eye.

The little **** deflected the dexterous figure and avoided the dense spears in an incredible angle. The high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground and the force of recoil caused the body to fly to the bone eagle.

The bone eagle frightened the wings and flipped, like a knife to the little bird.

The little **** are leaning back, and the slender waist is curved like a water snake, avoiding the bone wing sniper.

Her colorful skirt flutters like a flower in the air, and the white and well-proportioned calf draws a beautiful arc in the air. The red high-heeled shoes are dangerously glowing and fall on the head of the bone eagle.


Like the sound of heavy objects.

The red waves spread, accompanied by the sound of broken bones.

The bone eagle opened his mouth and couldn't even make a sound. He broke off and fell to the ground.

"Winner, little bird girl!"

The host announced the results aloud.

The arena cheers and cheers, and shouted the name of the little girl.

"thanks for your support!"

"How is my fight, do you like it?"

“Do you think that I am a woman who is elegant and cute?”

The little bird girl interacted with the audience cheerfully, and the fanatical audience was about to break the throat. The heat of the scene was so hot that it could not be calmed for a long time.

This is a crisp and clean spike!

The audience was not surprised, but instead thought it was appropriate.

However, Anlin’s look was very unexpected.

In general, he is not surprised by the spike.

The way of killing the little bird girl made him breathe a cold breath.

"This sister... really will play..." Anlin muttered.

The bone eagle is the strongest of the peak of Yuling, but the little bird girl has suppressed her energy fluctuations to the early stage of Yuling. Her strength, speed, vitality rate... all kinds of indicators are suppressed at the level of the early stage of Yuling...

Most of the creatures didn't see it, but Ann Lin noticed it.

In other words, the little **** are suppressing themselves in the early days of the breeding, and then killing the bone eagle of the peak of Yuling!

The reason why she can do it is to rely on extremely precise timing of fighting, super-combat awareness, and the way of fighting the heavens and the earth...

In short ~www.readwn.com~ she is very strong! Very amazing battle level!

This is a strong person who likes to play the more-order battle. If she fights with the strength of the peak of the gods, what kind of situation will it be...

Anlin’s look became dignified, and this opponent deserves his attention!

After the little girl interacted with the audience, it was returned to the waiting room.

She smiled at Anlin with a smile, and asked in some confusion: "How, seeing my battle, regret not coming to the competition? Are you afraid?"

"To defeat a spirit beast of the peak of Yuling, what is worthy of sorrow." An Lin said with disdain.

"You really can't read?" The bright big eyes of the little bird reflected the man's face.

"Look, understand?" Ann Lin said stupid.

The little **** licked the delicate mouth and ignored Anlin. She turned her head and went to another corner.

A master's lonely, unrecognizable face, appeared on her face.

An Lin sneered in the heart, when the real battle, let her understand, what is the real strength, give her a big surprise... Ps: Book friends, I am the moon on the moon, recommend a free novel App, Support novel downloading, listening to books, zero advertising, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public number: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) book friends to pay attention!

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