I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 942: The heart of the heart of the heart of the lake

Although Black Tengge and Baihangge are very surprised, the attitude of Anlin is changing.

However, Anlin decided to go to the Zhixin Lake for a test with Bai Xingge, or let the Baihang song be happy for a while, and agreed on the spot.

"Well, Lin An is a refreshing person, and I will take you to the heart of the lake."

Bai Xingge leads the way in front, and there is a touch of excitement in his heart.

It has a very complicated mood for Anlin. The favorite one of the gladiator stars died in the hands of Anlin. Although it was an upright test, Anlin appeared here and still made it uncomfortable.

Bai Xingge wants to pass the Taoist test. On the one hand, he makes a break for this knot, on the other hand, he does not want Anlin to stay in the sun tree.

Anlin followed the white line to the western edge of the mainland, where there was a cave entrance made up of white branches.

Just getting close to it, I felt a feeling of shady.

"This is the power of the yin attribute?" Anlin said with amazement.

In the area where the earth is full of positive attributes, it is really unexpected to find such a strong negative attribute.

"Yes, this is the only area we found on the sun tree with the power of strong yin. The yin and yang are originally born, and there is such a place where the sun tree is harmonious and perfect." The opening explained.

The white line song did not speak, but the eyes were a little more respectful, and even the wings of the stretch were completely gathered, as if entering a sacred place.

Its size is not big, about thirty or forty Anlin is so big.

This figure, in the Suzaku family, is very petite.

Even so, it still uses the technique to narrow the body and become almost the same size as An Lin.

Not far away, I saw a very clear lake.

The lake is vast, with rippling ripples, and the power of the yin attribute comes from all directions, gathering here, rich to the extreme.

It was shrouded in a faint white mist and could not see the end of the scene.

Anlin released his knowledge to explore, but found that even his powerful gods could not penetrate the white mist.

“This is the heart of the lake?” asked Anlin.

Bai Xingge nodded: "Yes, this asks the heart of the lake to pave the way, how far you can go, determines the toughness of your heart. Once the road is unstable, the lake under your feet will no longer support your body. You will fall into the lake and be swept back to the shore by the lake."

Anlin recalled the original Quartet exchange meeting, and there was also a trial of torture. At that time, he could not even go out one step at a time, and got a zero point directly.

With this in mind, he could not help but be afraid.

Bai Xingge captured the look of Anlin very well. When he saw the fear of Anlin, his heart was very pleasant. He smiled faintly: "Why, is Lin Andao's friend afraid?"

"I am afraid that you will lose too much, and you will be angry." An Lin smiled resentfully while observing the surrounding environment.

"You..." Bai Xing sighed black, coldly said: "When you fall into the water as a loser, I hope you can say this!"

After the two men bickered, they finally began to test.

Anlin secretly observed the environment and found that the flow and convergence of the yin attribute forces are spatially superior. In other words, the power of a part of the negative attribute flows down from the eighth or even the ninth.

This may be what Heitenger said, and is inextricably linked with the Sun Tree?

Then, can we enter the eighth layer of the Sun Tree in the opposite direction from the negative flow?

"Lin An, our test, let's get started now! I will let you know that your heart is not worth mentioning for me!" Bai Xingge took care of the feathers and looked at Anlin with great enthusiasm. .

An Lin’s face is light, and he is too lazy to take care of the white song. He just looks at the distance of the lake quietly, his eyes are deep, his clothes are white, and he is a noble man.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to take care of the white song, but... his heart is awkward, he doesn’t understand it...

"Hey! You will force it! When you fall into the lake, I see how you can pretend it?" Bai Xingge saw that Anlin did not take care of its battle declaration, and screamed.

Anlin did not speak, and first stepped to the heart of the lake.

The ripples rippled, and his reflection appeared in the clear lake under the faint white awn.

Did not fall! An Lin is very excited!

Can become, this wave can be!

He turned his head and looked at the white song, smiling slightly: "Begin?"

Seeing Anlin’s confident and domineering eyes, Bai Xing’s face changed slightly, raising his proud head, not to be outdone: “Come on!”

It also pedaled on the surface of the lake, the ripples of the lake rippled gently, and lifted its body.

Anlin continued to walk forward, he did not dare to go too fast, for fear of suddenly falling into the lake.

Bai Xingge also followed the foot of the lake and kept moving forward. He still had to lead Anlin in a position like a child who was angry.

Anlin flipped his eyes and turned his eyes.

He felt that this Lake of Motivation was not as difficult as it was supposed to be. He stepped on it and felt like a flat, a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, there are no illusions or tribulations to hinder him. It really seems to be walking.

In this way, one person and one bird walked hundreds of meters.

Black Tengge stood on the shore ~www.readwn.com~ Because of the white fog, they could not see them.

Anlin slightly frowned, not right, this is a problem than the test.

After walking for so long, there is no difficulty or obstacle. How can it be so simple to test the test of the heart? !

He couldn't help but glance at the white line song beside him.

I don't know what to expect.

"Hold the grass! White brother, what are you doing?" Anlin exclaimed.

He saw that the white line of songs was like a twitching and shivering. Every step took it, as if it had to pay a lot of power. Even so, it is still desperate to go to the front of Anlin, leading a position.

"Who is your brother! I will not be lower than people in my life, and will not be lower than you!" Bai Xingge heard the words and looked at An Lin, he said.

An Lin: "..."

Bai Xingge did not look okay, and now when I saw the look of An Lin, I was shocked.

"You, why don't you have a painful expression?!"

"A painful expression?" An Lin blinked his eyes, suddenly spit out his tongue, his eyes turned white, his voice hoarse, "So?"

"Hey..." Bai Xingge spit out an old blood.

Nima! It is exhausted and exhausted, and it is best to go ahead. The man who is behind him is not suffering at all. Is there any effort to sell Meng?

Have to say, this really stimulates it!

"No! You must have put it out, in order to create psychological pressure for me!"

Bai Xingge suddenly reacted and sneered: "Oh, good heart! You must have been trembled now, very painful, you can't hold on? Your tricks have been seen by me, and finally won. It must be me!"

An Lin: "..."

Is this bird sick?

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