I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 949: Fear dominated by the explosion

Ellie finally realized what she had done, and then continued like this Princess holding Anlin, Anlin will be locked by it!

It scared to immediately take Anlin out.


The blackened body was thrown to the ground and motionless.

"Ah! Big tits, are you okay?" Yili was shocked and flew to Anlin, immediately using the technique to explore the physical condition of Anlin.

After seeing the heartbeat, it finally sighed with relief.

Almost no hesitation, Yili applied treatment to Anlin.

"The **** are really... I suddenly kissed me... this is too sudden..."

"He is thinking about this, and he is so decisive..."

When Yili thought of the scene before, she was full of blush and her heartbeat accelerated.

"Oh, shame!"


Ellie blew again, and Anlin Jiao’s black body was blown up again.

"Ah! Big **** man! Sorry!"

Ellie screamed and rushed over to hug down the fallen Anlin...

The hot high temperature began to melt the body of Anlin.

On the black continent, the little bird's mouth twitched and looked at An Lin, who was constantly being whipped.

She silently held her eyes, the miserable appearance, it is too unbearable to look straight!

"You don't hate me either, I know where you really will kiss the sun..."

The little bird sighed and looked at Anlin, who looked so miserable, and muttered: "However, even if he knows that the Sun Guardian is the Sun, he still kisses him without hesitation, which proves what he said to me before. Really, he didn't lie to me."

Thinking of this, the little girl's nephew swayed, licked her mouth and smiled shallowly.

In the daytime.

It seems to have passed for a long time.

Anlin felt so hot and painful that he opened his eyes with difficulty.

What caught the eye was a piece of gold, and I couldn't see anything else.

Oh, it turned out that Ellie’s body was too big and too bright, occupying his vision and almost illuminating him twice.

"Ah! Big tits, you finally woke up!" Yili saw Anlin open her eyes and smiled happily. The whole body could not help but be a little brighter.

An Lin saw Yili, whose body was brightened, her legs weakened and she pleaded: "I beg you, beg you not to be excited!"

Ellie: "..."

Anlin was blown up and the whole person seemed to be abolished. In addition to being able to speak hard, the flesh-and-blood skeletons were all shocked by the light and heat of the explosion, and they were fragmented.

Ellie is constantly on the treatment of him, but according to this recovery rate, I am afraid that it will not be cured for half a month.

Yes, the price of kissing Ellie this time is much more than the cost of kissing the little girl.

He has a deep shadow on the operation of a strong kiss.

"Big man... you, why are you kissing me?" Ellie said that the lower the voice, the shyness, the look of Anlin, and shyly turned his eyes away.

Anlin didn't mind being seen by Ellie.

Just like you are running in the sunset, streaking, will you feel the light of the sky?

What a joke! This is just like taking a shower when you are bathing, and you will feel ashamed. I am afraid that it is not a metamorphosis.

Of course, the sun is alive, or a mother, and it is a bit different.

However, Anlin does not mind that this is not the same.

For the question of why the mother sun wants to kiss it, Anlin does not want to answer.

Because he hasn't thought of any good excuses...

Seeing that Anlin expressed silence, Ellie’s face became more blushing.

When Anlin saw this scene, he was trembled and a little scared.

He recalled the fear of being dominated by Yi Li's self-destruction. Was this little sun filled with something that couldn't be done?

"That... you should calm down first, don't think too much!" Anlin scared and said immediately.

Ellie nodded, the flames condensed into two hands, and again handed Jiuyan Zhenyang to Anlin: "Well... this is for you!"

Anlin saw that the fruit was big: "No, I can't ask for this fairy fruit, don't you say it? Use your kiss to change it!"

He was originally a bubbling beast. He came here to kiss the little sun. His face was really not thick enough to accept the two precious fruits.

Ellie didn't expect Anlin to reject the good intention again. She was excited: "Why are you kissing me? Why would you rather pay such a heavy price and do this for me?"

It is very exciting, not because of anger, but because of some inexplicable emotion.

"There has never been any soul who is willing to approach me so much, whether it is a flower, bird, or fish, or a strong animal-like existence. I am not willing to get in touch with me because I am really hot, but you are..."

The more excited Ellie said, the more intense the flames on her body.

An Lin’s mind came up again and said that he would wait until he recovered his injury and said that he was mentioning it. Is this Yili so unsettled?

But to be honest, although Yi Li injured him, it was not Yili’s original intention. On the contrary, after he was seriously injured, Yi Li was still trying to heal him, which made him extremely moved.

If Ellie stunned him~www.readwn.com~ because of his anger and violently screaming at him, he might have to be a fart in the sun tree.

The guardian of the sun tree, really unexpectedly gentle...

Perhaps, should I be happy?

Anlin’s heart moved, clearing the scorpion, and said: “The moth pursues the light and sees the beauty of the flame, and then throws it into the flame without hesitation. I also like the light, seeing the beauty of your radiant heat, so I am I want to use a kiss to express my love for the light!"

His implication is that he likes the flame that Yili releases, which is different from the body spirit. This is equivalent to boasting Yili, and reasonably explains the kiss. It should be able to fool the past...

Then, Anlin saw that Ellie’s body was getting brighter...

"Calm! Calm!" Ann Lin almost smashed out.


The ninth floor shook again.

The fire of the explosion illuminates the sun tree, and a blackened body is again blown into the sky.

"Ah! Sorry, big tits!" Ellie knew that she was out of control, and hugged the fallen Anlin.

Feeling the burning heat as if to melt his arms, An Lin was desperate, and was stunned.

Close contact with the sun, this is how unbearable the experience.

Ellie returned to God and was scared to immediately throw Anlin's body far away.


Anlin rolled down on the ground and was dying.

The little bird girl who was secretly observed, silently picked up her eyes.

"Hey...Anse, this person, why do you like to die like this? If you die like this, what if you accidentally die?"

She looked at the man who was going to die on the crystal screen and hesitated for a long time.

Finally, a silver bite, or made a decision.

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