I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 959: The truth about the earth's transformation

The reaction of Bai Ling snake greatly exceeded the expectations of Bi Qiong and Emperor Ziyang.

Anlin did not expect that the White Snake would say so decisively.

Is this woman in front of me a little better for herself?

Even if you admire him, shouldn't you admire this?

He didn't think much, he had the opportunity to get information, and he naturally didn't want to miss it.

"White spirit snake is really good, tell me now, why are you here, and know something?" An Lin smiled softly and said.

The crowd gathered on the grass.

Bi Qiong’s female emperor hated and glanced at An Lin, but did not say anything against it.

As for the Ziyang War Emperor, it is even more clever, standing respectfully and respectfully.

The White Snake has now mastered the absolute right to speak.

"Well... Where do I start from?" Bai Ling snake said.

"Nothing, starting from scratch, long story, I have time, the more detailed the better." An Lin looked forward.

Biqiong female emperor: "..."

Bai Ling snake nodded and said: "Then the black feather invasion of three years ago said it was the first time that the black feathers had passed some kind of external force, and opened the passage of the mainland and the borders of the early days. They also sent out. The power of the dark night, the king of the imaginary peak, invaded the border and tried to win the sword of victory."

"Although they were defeated by Anlin's predecessors, they were also destroyed by the predecessors in one fell swoop. However, no matter how many times the two channels were destroyed, they could be re-established, and the borders would be in danger of being re-invaded."

"The key is what the way the black feathers establish their passages, and what is the use of the relationship between the Taiyuan continent and the borders. The only communication channel between the current and the early mainland is the Tiantian's Nantianmen. They must find black. When the feathers establish two boundaries, what are the defects used, and then repair the defects."

When Anlin heard these words, he thought deeply and nodded.

If other creatures can use the loopholes to sneak into the world of mirrors when they are not allowed, Dina will be restless and even mad.

"Later, the niece maiden sent out the snake spirits, that is, the sacred snakes of the mainland, who entered the borders, but they found nothing."

"Until the most recent month, the world has changed, the temperature has risen, and the density of the vitality has increased substantially. The maiden speculation is likely to be a change at the world level. The real upheaval will happen after a successful local monk is successfully robbed. ""

"Now, the black sister relies on the nodes of the world's dramatic changes, and speculates on the position of the natural evolution of the world. The place where we are now is the sub-line of the big array."

Bai Ling snake explained it word by word.

"Wait, here is the vice-eye? Is the line still divided?" Anlin was surprised.

"The deputy array of eyes is the eye on the face. When the big array is really outlined, it is really under the ground." Bai Ling snake extended the lush jade finger, pointing to the ground, smiling, "black My sister is on the ground and is guarding in the real eye."

"You said the black sister... is it a black snake?" Anlin was nervous.

"Yes! She is the black snake sister."

"I know now that I am a woman of the niece. I was reborn and revived in some way after a thousand years of sleep and nourishment in the Five Elements of the Lotus."

Bai Lingzi replied with a smile, no hesitation.

Bi Qiong’s female emperor smashed her eyebrows. What did the White Lord say to An Lin?

Sure enough, she!

An Lin heard a bit of panic.

He had long guessed about the identity of the White Snake, so it was not too scary to learn that the White Snake was the power of reincarnation. The black snake is here, the place that scares him the most. The goods and his enemies, what if you violently meet him in the event of a meeting?

"Then you are guarding the line, what is it for?"

This strange big array, if there is any big change, the eye is often the core of change. The Nuwa power did not inform the heavens of this in advance. What is the secret of this murder?

"This thing... It is the secret of my family..." The white snake's beautiful face was hesitant, and apparently began to hesitate.

"Do you see you...and have you been an outsider?"

Anlin was disappointed and frowned.

When Bi Qiong’s female emperor saw the white snake’s look finally hesitated, she pulled out the sword directly. Looking at An Lin’s gaze was like looking at a pig who wanted to sculpt cabbage. She was angry and said, “Are you not an outsider?”

"That is, the white master does not care about him, this is the secret of my family!" The Ziyang war emperor was afraid of the white spirit snake, and even more afraid that the black spirit snake would settle the account afterwards. At this moment, he could not help but agree.

"Don't do this! Anlin's predecessors are their own people!" Bai Lingshe hurriedly showed his attitude.

She stared at An Lin and took a deep breath. He said: "This world upgrade in the world needs to absorb energy from chaos. We use the chaotic space to measure the passage of the world to absorb energy, which is located in the array. The main core of the law is in the eye."

"It is the core, the transmission port of external chaos, and the biggest flaw."

Anlin’s eyes are condensed: “You mean, the black feathers used the transmission port of what is outside the chaos, and found the position of the border?”

Bai Ling snake nodded: "This is the most likely, so the black sister is at the transmission port and waits for it to change."

"Then you are in the eyes of this sub-core, what is it for?" Anlin curious.

"Well..." Bai Ling snake licked his lips. "Because of the sub-core array, it is very likely that there is a passage to the ancient snake-like domain of the ancient times."

"Ha?" Ann Lin stunned.

If she is thoughtful, she guesses: "Is it because of this world, but also because of the world's crystal source and the heart of the world?"

The white spirit snake looked at the elf in front and said with amazement: "Hey, do you know this knowledge?"

"There are some seniors and I have mentioned a few words of this knowledge." Dina's face was slightly red, but my heart added, I will not tell you ~www.readwn.com~ I also created a world.

Her world of mirrors has been upgraded. Although it will be sensitive to the ancient times, it has never absorbed the energy of the outside world. I don't know where the energy comes from. The boundaries between right and wrong are not clear.

Maybe, there is nothing, nothing is there?

Only in this way can we achieve miracles that are born out of nothing.

"Then I will stay with you."

"The world is in charge of the rise and fall of the husband. This has already involved the safety of my hometown. In order to maintain world peace, I have reason to make a contribution." Anlin Yizheng spoke openly.

Both Biqiong and Emperor Ziyang are silent, so they can only intervene in the work of their gods and snakes. I am afraid that only Anlin can do it.

And it is still the reason for Wei Guangzheng, they are difficult to refute.

Bai Lingzi smiled happily and kept nodding. "Well! Anlin's predecessors are the best!") Book friends are paying attention!

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