I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3194 Dream?

Hope smiled.

This is not the king's private banquet, but a formal banquet between the king and the strongest.

The six knights of the round table behind Hope stood up straight, creating a unique momentum.

That is the aura of a strong man!

Taylor's pupils moved slightly, and he clenched his fist quietly.

Standing opposite so many strong men, Taylor still felt nervous.

Bailiyuan still looked casual, picked up the napkin, and wiped the milk stains on his mouth.

Throw down the napkin.

Bailiyuan showed an interested smile.

You mean, this is a king's banquet?

Hope was taken aback, then nodded with a smile, You can understand that.

The six round table knights frowned slightly.

Bailiyuan dared to be like Hope, and felt that he had the same status as Hope?

Even if you have the strength, you can't challenge the majesty of the Queen and the King of Knights like this!

You haven't become a prince yet, but if you become a prince, what's the deal?

Who made the two titles of queen and knight king the beliefs of all the citizens of Elizabeth.

Just like believers' belief in God, some people come out and say that they are equal to God. Believers absolutely cannot stand such a challenge to God's authority.

Taylor looked at Bailiyuan.

The secret service organization analyzed Bailiyuan's character before, and let Taylor know that Bailiyuan has the secondary attributes that are often found in the Sakura Kingdom.

It now appears that this is indeed the case.

King's Banquet? Listening, Taylor almost deducted three rooms and one living room with his feet on the ground.

Baili Yuan didn't think there was anything strange about it. When talking about things, one must always have a formal identity.

The king's banquet is just nice to hear, in fact, the father-daughter banquet, mother-child banquet... Baili Yuan doesn't mind.

The two parties involved, Hope and Bailiyuan, didn't think there was much wrong, and Hope also talked about his own affairs.

You should be able to guess my purpose. That's right, it's to win you over. The world's strongest is worth giving everything to win you over.

Saying that, Hope suddenly laughed.

Even before I came to the dinner, the domestic parliament sent a message, telling me to find a way to take you down, even if I get you drunk and then take the opportunity to do it. Their exact words are...

I just take action against you, and they will fix the legal issues.

Taylor: ...

Knights of the Round Table: ... ×6

They were all shocked.

The ruling knight gritted his silver teeth tightly.

Those dirty scum want Wang to do such a shameless thing. When I go back, I must make them accept the punishment and break their legs!

As expected of the Judgment Knight.

Taylor stared at Hope, as if he wanted to see Hope's own thoughts, but Hope just smiled and continued to talk to Bailiyuan indifferently.

Although I have already guessed what your answer will be, but for the sake of my country, I want to try again.

Xiaoyuan, are you willing to form an alliance with my country, Elizabeth? Even...be my prince!

Hope knew what the answer was.

Because during the day, Bailiyuan had already said that his answer must be...

You can consider it. Baili Yuan said thoughtfully.


Others looked at Bailiyuan one after another, this time Hope was also surprised.

Don't you still say no during the day? Why did you change your mind at night?

Do boys change too?

Bailiyuan showed a relaxed smile.

If it's just an alliance, it can be considered. Both me and the scholar organization need allies.

What are you going to do? Taylor asked.

Previously, the countries chose to compromise and ignored the scholar organization. On the one hand, Bailiyuan is strong, and on the other hand, it is because the nature of the scholar organization is a neutral organization.

Now Bailiyuan started looking for allies for the scholar organization.

This is not a good sign.

In fact, all countries know that there is no absolutely neutral country or neutral organization in this world, but they are still reluctant to see scholar organizations join a certain party.

The same is true for Hope, who doesn't show much joy.

Because if it is just an ally, there may not be only one.

Even if the Kingdom of Elizabeth can gain the most benefits as the first ally, it still needs to consider the influence that the scholar organization and Baili Yuan will have on the world situation.

At that time, if the scholar organization stands on the opposite side of the world, what will Elizabeth do?

To tease Bailiyuan and make Bailiyuan the prince is the benefit that Hope, as the Queen and King of Knights of the Elizabeth Kingdom, chooses for the country.

When Hope became the Queen and King of Knights, everything about her did not belong to herself completely, but also belonged to Elizabeth Kingdom, including love and body.

Hope is not a love brain, and her love must be for the country.

Hope would give up his feelings if Elizabeth was threatened.

This is the responsibility of being the Queen and the King of Knights.

For ordinary people, this may not be acceptable.

But Hope is no ordinary person.

She loves her country and is loyal to her people. Her every move and decision will affect the fate of thousands of people on the land.

She couldn't help being careless.

This was the case with Hope's grandma and the former queen, so she was supported by countless citizens, and even respected by countless people all over the world. She deserves to be called a great man.

Hope has always followed his grandma's example, and wants to do even better.

Therefore, the meal tonight is not a private banquet.

Baili Yuan's smile remained unchanged, and he spoke slowly.

Elves from another world have come to this world, and elves with special powers are enough to compete with humans for the right to own the world.

You should all know that I have subdued very powerful elves, and I have also learned the secrets of elves from them. Those truly powerful elves possess power beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Now, the elves of light have come to this world, which means that those truly powerful beings among the elves are coming to this world!

Some of them can shake the entire continental patch, some can control time and space, and some can block the planet...

Therefore, the survival mode of human beings must change!

Bailiyuan stood up.

I intend to start with the organization of scholars, to abandon national and racial barriers, and create a human alliance, which can be one or many.

The purpose of the alliance is to completely change the rules of the world, to find a way for humans and elves to coexist harmoniously, and to create a better world!

While speaking, Bailiyuan walked outside.

Since we want to talk about business, I will just tell you this matter. You can go back and discuss with other people whether you want to join us, build a new alliance together, and find a way for humans and elves to survive together.

I like a saying - Weakness is not an obstacle to survival, arrogance is!

Since we want to form an alliance, I will definitely promote it. If you can't be friends, you can only be enemies.

Bailiyuan came to the stairs, and before going down the stairs, he smiled and said to other people who were still reacting to this incident.

Finally, I would like to remind you that whether it is the Iron Mewtwo who destroyed the army back then, or the elves of light that appeared before, they are not the strongest elves.

Everyone's pupils shrank sharply.

Baili Yuan left after speaking, while the others were still thinking.

Tyler took a deep breath.

This...is unbelievable.

Hope smiled emotionally.

I have to say, his idea...is too idealistic. As the leader of a country, Hope certainly knew the difficulty of what Baili Yuan said.

That kind of scene can only appear in fairy tales and sub-supplied animations.

But he still has powerful power, and this power will become threatening, no, it should be said to be dangerous. Taylor's eyes were serious.


Bailiyuan walked in the city under the night, looking at the crescent moon in the sky.

If it's not necessary to form an alliance, I don't want to bother.

Facts have proved that the predecessor of the elf world chose the right path.

Artificial black elves have appeared.

If humans are allowed to mess around like this, Arceus will come out one day and feel that he doesn't like the style of this world, so he will restart the world directly.

After all, this world wasn't created by Arceus, so it's okay to treat the things you pick up, even if you play them badly.

When Bailiyuan was looking at the crescent moon in the sky, his eyes suddenly changed, because he saw a pink-blue figure flying past the moonlight.

That is……

Dream God?

Cresselia? !

However, with a quick glance, Bailiyuan found that Cresselia seemed to be looking for something, and what she brought was not a beautiful dream...

These two pictures are overdone at the end, and the next thing is to make a fist - the big one is coming!

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