I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 983 Cooking Competition

Although Xiang Ye knew that her system was sometimes not very up-to-date, she didn't expect such a thing to happen. This wave of operations directly flashed Xiang Ye's needs.

You were the one who started it first, you were the one who released the mission, and you were the one who asked me to provoke you, but why did you withdraw first when there was some trouble?

Xiang Ye was relieved that the system wasn't unlocked, and the system had a bit of a conscience.

So, here comes the question, now... what to do.

Feeling everyone's attention, Xiang Ye knew that she didn't want to be ashamed, and now her own people could only bite the bullet.

Although the task was gone and there was an accident, but his own strength was real, and Xiang Ye believed in the restaurant owner.

After all, the restaurant owner is the one who can cook the legendary luminous dishes!

There was a smile on Xiang Ye's face again, although she lost her composure just now, but now everyone looked at the smile on Xiang Ye's face, and chose to forget the appearance of Xiang Ye's gaffe just now.

It must have been a vision just now, that's right, that's it.

However, the way Xiang Ye looked at Baili Yuan changed.

So, is it possible to have a cooking competition next? Xiang Ye asked aloud, guiding the incident to continue to develop, no longer entangled in the matter just now.

Andy showed a mocking smile, and Nicole made similar movements in a learned way, but there was a fierce feeling.

Bailiyuan pinched Nicole's face, making Nicole put away her expression.

Okay, let's get started, I'm ready anytime. Baili Yuan nodded.

Zhao Xing sighed and shrugged, expressing that he had no objection.

Although Zhao Xing was involved and suffered innocent disasters, he himself didn't mind. He came from a world where cooking skills are respected. He came to this restaurant by chance and became the owner of the restaurant, benefiting a lot. Many, what he pursues is the improvement of culinary skills, challenges and competitions are the ladder of progress.

And he also wants to see what the cooking skills of Andy and their world are like. He has seen the cooking skills and cooking methods of other worlds before, and these learning and reference may make his cooking skills go further.

Zhao Xing snapped his fingers, and then the restaurant changed, the guests' positions were moved around, and two cooking tables appeared in the center, with all the tableware on them.

A shelf with a lot of ingredients appeared on the side.

I only have these ingredients here, if you use what you bring. Zhao Xing scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

These ingredients come from many worlds, Zhao Xing often cooks, so he is quite familiar with them, but Bailiyuan's world may not have them, and it is Bailiyuan who suffers from the ingredients.

But Bailiyuan didn't mind.

At this moment, Xiang Ye spoke.

In this competition, I beat Boss Zhao to win, and my bargaining chip is... Xiang Ye stood up and took out something from her sleeve.

It is a blue fruit.

This fruit is called Qingyan Fruit. After taking it, it has the effect of beautifying the skin, but the biggest effect is to allow the eater to obtain the original power of the wood system and have the talent to practice the wood system ability.

Hearing Xiang Ye's words, many people gasped.

Some people don't know why.

Is this effect very powerful?

Of course it's amazing. The beauty effect is second. If people can really gain the original power of the wood system, it will open up a new path of practice for people. Those who don't have the qualifications for practice can also use this fruit to embark on the path of practice. .” Someone explained.

Bailiyuan looked at the Qingyan fruit, this fruit should have a high level.

Andy's eyes lit up, no matter what it is for, it can beautify the face, it is a good fruit.

But Andy knew that this fruit was not hers yet, and the other party was provoking her.

As the other party to the appointment, how could Andy not say anything?

Andy also stood up, and then took out something from the emblem space, which was a beautiful silver bracelet.

The name of this jumping bracelet is Sky Scar. It is a special equipment that can enhance the strength of the spiritual system. Even a person with my strength can double the spiritual power. But the biggest use is that it is noble and can increase your own charm. !

Xiang Ye looked at the bracelet in Andy's hand, and her eyes lit up.

These treasures are dusty in your hands, why don't you let me use them. Xiang Ye said with a smile, opened the folding fan, and covered her smiling mouth.

Hehe, that's exactly what I want to say, so, are you going to give me something now? Andy said with his chest in his arms.

Then the eyes of Andy and Xiangye met in the air, and Bailiyuan and Zhao Xing seemed to feel the feeling of lightning and thunder.

Boss Zhao, don't lose, I will definitely thank you again! Xiang Ye said seriously to Zhao Xing.

You too, if you lose, I'll stew you when you go back! Andy said to Bailiyuan.

Come on, Papa! Nana will win! Nicole clapped her hands and said.

Zhao Xing was a little embarrassed.

Try my best, but as a contestant, I'll bet on something, even though I don't have anything too good. Zhao Xing took out a book from his pocket as he spoke.

This book is a recipe I got from a guest. It is called Hogwarts Cuisine Encyclopedia. It is a recipe that combines magic and cooking. Are you satisfied with the feeding, cultivation and one hundred and eight cooking methods?

Bailiyuan nodded.

Okay, then let me come up with something useful. If you win, I can also write you a copy of my recipe.

Zhao Xing didn't feel anything wrong with Bailiyuan's words, but nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, Bailiyuan knew very well that he was doing business without money, after all...he is not a cook either.

Then, let's determine the theme of the cuisine and the method of competition. Zhao Xing said.

Are you sure. Bailiyuan left the initiative to Zhao Xing.

Then two wins out of three. Master Andy, Master Xiang Ye and a guest will be the judges. We will each write three themes of the dishes, and then draw lots to determine them. Each dish is limited to one hour.

Yes. Baili Yuan had no objection.

Then the two wrote six themes according to the steps Zhao Xing said, and then threw them into the prepared box.

On the other side, the guest who served as the third judge was also selected. He was a strong-looking old man with a scar near his right eye.

Game start!

Rei stood next to the box and drew out the theme of the first course.

The first dish, fried rice!

Bailiyuan was a little surprised. This was the topic he wrote. Zhao Xing also looked at Bailiyuan unexpectedly. He didn't expect Bailiyuan to choose such a topic.

Choose the ingredients now, and the cooking time will be one hour! Lian said.

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