I! Naruto! A Man Who Aspires To Be Hokage!

Chapter 66 Teacher Hong, I'm So Scared 】

"Nani!" Asuma and Hong were startled, "You are...!"

Itachi took off his hat.

"Uchiha Itachi! It's really you!" Asuma said in surprise.

"Are you two acquaintances of Mr. Itachi?" Another figure also took off his hat, revealing a scary shark face, it was Kisame. "Then let me introduce you to the two of you.


"No, thank you!" Hong said suddenly, staring at Itachi nervously.

Kisame: "..." Does the supporting role have no human rights?

"My name is Kisame Kisame. I will teach you more in the future..." The two people on the opposite side continued to stare at Itachi


Kisame took out a 2-meter-long stick and threw it at Asuma.

The battle unfolded in an instant.

"It seems that we can't leave the village peacefully." Itachi said, "Don't overdo it. Your moves are very attractive.

Asuma took out the flying swallow to block in front of Hong, and Hong withdrew her hands to make a seal: "Illusion - tree binding and strangulation!"

At this time Kisame shouted: "Samehada is not for chopping! It is for peeling!" With a sudden pull back, Asuma's arm was cut off with a piece of flesh and blood.

A huge tree rises from the ground and binds Kisame and Itachi, and a red figure emerges from the tree, holding a kunai stab at Uchiha Itachi.

Itachi was expressionless, and suddenly Hong noticed that the two of them had switched shapes, and Hong was tied to a tree.

"Damn it, the illusion bounces back!" Hong said in surprise. Itachi took out a shuriken and rushed towards 183 Hong. Hong was about to forcibly reverse Chakra's illusion, when suddenly a figure appeared in front of Hong.

Boom! Naruto held Itachi's shuriken with one hand.

"You are...!" Hong heart was shocked, a figure overlapped with Naruto in his mind, Hong shook his head, "Impossible.

"Yo, Itachi, you didn't say hello to me when you came back this time." Naruto looked at Uchiha Itachi with a smile.

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Itachi looked at Naruto solemnly.

"Hey~" Asuma looked shocked. Isn't this Kakashi's student? Are students so scary these days?

"It's been almost a year since the last time we met in Namanokuni, Itachi, Oh, and that shark face! You two really haven't changed at all." Naruto said helplessly, "I was wearing this outfit before, and I'm still wearing it now. Don't you need to wash these clothes, you guys?

Itachi and Kisame: "...

"Then..." Naruto was just about to start the fight. After a sudden pause, Kakashi appeared in front of Naruto.

"Naruto, why are you here! Quick! It's dangerous here, step back and stand behind Teacher Hong!" Kakashi said.

Asuma, Red, Kisame, Itachi:

"Eh? What's wrong with you guys, why are you looking at me (bbcf)?" Kakashi looked at the speechless four in wonder.

"It's nothing, Mr. Kakashi, I'm so scared! Come on! Come on! Fuck him!" After speaking, Naruto walked up to Hong, and I went. This figure is really great.

Hong frowned and looked at Naruto, feeling that this shameless person was becoming more and more like a person: "Asshole, this is not that person's son!" Hong thought angrily in her heart.

Naruto's face was full of black question marks, and he looked at Hong in bewilderment, I haven't started the strategy yet, why does he look like he wants to kill me?

At this time, Kisame continued to attack Asuma with a plastic machine, and Kakashi was confronting Itachi. Suddenly, Kisame withdrew his hands and made several seals in a serious manner: "Water Style - Dumpling Bomb


A water dragon rises from the river, only to be killed by Kakashi's hand-copied dumplings.

On the other hand, Jiraiya is looking for Naruto all over the village.

Eh? Strange, neither by the river nor in the bathhouse. Jiraiya reached out and opened the curtain of the ramen shop. At this time, Naruto had rushed to the hero to save the beauty. Jiraiya flinched, scratched her head, and walked out.


"Now that things have happened, why do you come to this village?" Kakashi said solemnly to Itachi.

Itachi: "..." I'm here to stand for my brother, I won't tell you.

"Hey, Hong, you see they are cross-eyed." Naruto interrupted suddenly.

The tense atmosphere was instantly broken, and everyone stared at Naruto with black lines on their faces, Naruto shrugged.

"Mr. Itachi's brother is really interesting, I have the urge to cut him!" Kisame pointed at Naruto with a shark muscle.

Hong hurriedly stood in front of Naruto. After all, in her eyes, she was just a Genin, subconsciously ignoring the scene of saving him just now.

"Ah! Teacher Hong! I'm so scared." Naruto put his arms around Hong's waist and said hypocritically.

Asuma's face turned purple, her eyes were red, and she felt like she was wearing a forgiving ninja forehead protector.

The red face is speechless, it really looks like that bastard...

"Stop it, Kisame! Don't forget the purpose, the longer the delay, the more support the other party will get." Itachi said to Kisame.

"Mr. Kakashi, we are just looking for something, and we don't want to have too much communication with Konoha." Itachi glanced at Naruto and found that he was hugging Red

"Hmph, since you're here, don't leave." Kakashi rushed towards Itachi, suddenly Itachi's hand stretched out from his sleeve, holding a shuriken in his hand.

"Not good!" Kakashi stepped back quickly: "Water Style- Water Barrier!" Several water jets collided with Kakashi's Water Barrier.

"It's so fast!" Everyone was shocked.

Suddenly, a kunai thrust into Kakashi's body, and Itachi's figure appeared behind Kakashi.

Then Kakashi turned into a puddle of water.

Naruto hugged Hong and yawned boredly. Is this a Russian Matryoshka doll? In his previous life, Naruto felt that the Three Body Technique was the most buggy skill in this anime. As long as there is blue, no skill can beat it In the middle, one of the substitutes is gone, and I am speechless.

Suddenly, Itachi's Sharingan began to spin at high speed, gradually turning into a windmill shape: "Tsukuyomi!"

In the next second, Kakashi screamed and fell to the ground.

Kisame walked to Itachi's side in an instant: "Mr. Itachi, if you use those eyes too much, your body may not be able to hold on.

Kakashi looked up at Itachi with difficulty: "Is it Sasuke you're looking for?"

"No! We are looking for the heritage of the Fourth Generation!" After saying that, Itachi looked at Naruto.

Naruto is still holding Hong.

Hong: "He's gone, let him go!"

Naruto let go of Yuhihong reluctantly, really, what a good opportunity to go, then he gave Kisame a fierce look, and Guisame felt his hairs stand on his head in an instant.

"Naruto?" Kakashi thought of what Zirai told him.

Jiraiya: "Kakashi, leave Naruto to me first, I know you were appointed by the Third Generation to monitor Naruto, but the future situation can no longer be handled with your strength. When tracking Orochimaru, I found that he once joined an organization, Akatsuki organization! The members of that organization are made up of level 5 rebels, and I found out that they are collecting information about tailed beasts! The rebels of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi, are inside!"

Kakashi looked up at Itachi: "Dawn?"

Itachi and Kisame were startled, "Mr. Itachi, it seems that we are going to take Mr. Kakashi away, and make the rest disappear!"

At this moment, a figure came running from a distance: "Hey~! Naruto!"

Itachi narrowed his eyes and pulled Kisame up: "Yes!"

With a bang, he left in an instant. .

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