I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 10 Hyuga Hiashi Is Shocked!

At this time, Naruto sat cross-legged on the edge of the training ground, with the wooden knife across his lap, closed his eyes, and carefully recalled the knife just now.

that knife

Fast and hard!

Enough to tear apart any flesh and blood.

"Actually, it can be faster and sharper!"

Naruto thought of some settings from his previous life.

Strictly speaking, the target is dead, he just stands there, letting you chop without moving, this does not reflect the real strength.

In fact, the best shortcut to become stronger is to fight, fight, fight!

Grow in battle and become stronger in battle.

"Well, let's set a small goal now, that is..."

Naruto's eyes fell on the boundless fallen leaves: "Chop the leaves first!"

After all, such exquisiteness cannot be achieved in a dream.


Holding the wooden knife, Naruto looked at a big tree not far away, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Come out, I've seen you!"

behind the big tree,

Hinata: "..."

I was a little flustered.

What to do, was discovered?

After much deliberation, finally, Hinata came out slowly, with her head lowered, her fingers kept bumping: "That, that, I didn't mean to peek!"

"I know, you peeked openly!"


Hearing Naruto's words, Hinata was taken aback for a moment, then blushed, stammering and unable to refute: "Huh, come on, I didn't!"

"Allah, I don't mind, just look at it if you want, I allow you to look openly, don't hide behind the tree in the future, there are bugs!"

Hinata was silent.

There is a little joy in my heart.

Naruto-kun, is he caring about me?

"By the way, do you want to train together?"

"Ah, good!"

Hinata was immersed in joy and could not extricate herself, she agreed to Naruto's question without thinking.

after all

It has always been her dream to train with Naruto.

"Then come on!"

Naruto stood up holding the wooden knife, came under a big tree, and began to swing the knife.

Seeing this scene, Hinata's originally happy face gradually solidified, and her expression gradually became firm.

Naruto works so hard, why don't I work harder?

Recalling his father's teachings, Hinata began to put on a posture, and began to practice in a strict manner.

In the huge training ground, the two people who can't be called teenagers and girls began to practice day after day, and it was windy and rainy without interruption.



Among the Hyuga family, Hyuga Hiashi looked at Hyuga Miwako with a frown: "Where's Hinata?"

Hyuga Miwako's expression suddenly became strange.

"What's your expression?"

Hyuga Hiashi suddenly felt uncomfortable when he saw Hyuga Miwako's expression, this look, this expression, why does it feel like he despises me?


Hyuga Miwako coughed dryly: "Missy is training!"

"Oh, training!"

Hyuga Hiashi nodded knowingly.



Hyuga Hiashi felt something was wrong, and looked at Hyuga Miwako suddenly: "What are you talking about? Training? Are you sure?"

Three question marks in a row, showing Hyuga Hiashi's inner unrest.


Hinata autonomous training? Ah!

It's not that he despises his daughter, if there is no one to urge her, this little girl will know how to run outside, often looking at that blond-haired brat, and doesn't know what's so good about that brat.

Still training?

Think too much!

"Yes, it is independent training, and it is very serious, unprecedented seriousness!"

Seeing Hyuga Miwako's serious expression, Hyuga Hiashi was shocked.


This is real?

That's right.

At the same time, he was curious.

As Hyūga Hinata's father, how could he not know about his daughter's peeing nature? Yes, she wants to be strong, but she is too kind and doesn't want others to be hurt.

With such a character, Hyuga Hiashi has more than one headache.

As the eldest daughter, she will succeed Hyuga as the head of the clan in the future, but this kind and shy character is a bit bad.

Such a character is completely incapable of inheriting the position of Patriarch.

"Go, take me to see!"

With a smile on his face, Hyuga Hiashi followed Hyuga Miwako's Shadow Clone to the training ground.


There's no after that!

When he saw the blond boy with fluttering hair, he was in a bad mood.


Why is it this guy again?


So young, is she going to abduct her own daughter?

I can't stand it.

At this moment, Hyuga Hiashi was furious, wishing to grab Naruto and beat him up.

"Patriarch, did you see, miss, how serious she is!"

"Hehe, it's quite serious!"

Hyuga Hiashi replied with a half smile, already thinking about how to deal with Naruto.

I learned to hook up with little girls at a young age, and I can still get it when I grow up.


This guy needs to be cleaned up and needs to be cleaned up.


Hyuga Hiashi stared at Naruto, thinking slightly.

As the head of the family, his strength is transcendent, and he can understand Naruto's training at a glance.

This kid is actually chopping leaves.

No, to be precise, I was looking at the veins on the leaves.


This is a bit scary.

And looking at the movement of swinging the knife, it is capable, without any unnecessary movements, and it is done in one go.

How long does it take to train for such an achievement.

In an instant, a word flashed in Hyuga Hiashi's mind: "Monster!"

Standing silently in the dark and watching for a long time, Hyuga Hiashi turned and left.

For Hinata to start training spontaneously, he is happy, so...

There is no need to go forward and interrupt.

In this tragic world, every piece of strength and every piece of gain is a guarantee.


after a long time,

Naruto stopped, stopped the wooden knife, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and greeted Hinata with a smile: "Hinata, how do you feel!"

Hinata stopped, shyly: "Very good!"

"Then, I'll take you back!"

Looking at the sky, I realized that night was coming, and I couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.


Hinata agreed happily, when suddenly a figure appeared from the side, and the person said coldly: "No, this is the end, I'll take Missy home!"

Naruto: "..."

Hinata: "..."


With this light bulb, you are there wherever you go.

Naruto gave Hyuga Miwako a vicious look, touched the tip of his nose helplessly, and shrugged at Hinata, expressing his helplessness.

Hinata pursed her lips and smiled, saying goodbye to Naruto.

"Ah, what a beautiful day!"

Watching Hinata leave, Naruto stretched himself and went home with a happy mood.

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