I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 12 I Like The Tail Of The Crane!

On the playground, Iruka looked at Naruto and the others solemnly, and said seriously: "Don't think that you can be complacent if you do well in the written test, it's useless!"

Under the discolored eyes of most people, Iruka smiled indifferently: "To become a qualified ninja, one must not only have a good foundation, but also a talent for fighting, and most importantly...strength!"

Without strength, everything is empty.

Everything is based on strong strength.

"So, today's assessment is all about strength. No matter what method you use, whether it's playing a rogue or crushing with absolute strength, your goal is only one, and that is to defeat your opponent and win!"

finished speaking,

Iruka reached into the wooden box and began to extract.

This is random.

According to Iruka, luck is also a part of strength.

If you draw a top student like Sasuke, then sorry, your luck is really not very good, and the loss is also due to luck.


"Let me see, what you said Naruto is strong?"

In the distance, Sarutobi Hiruzen was watching the school field quietly, with Anbu members standing beside him.

Anbu members curled their lips in disdain upon hearing this,

I asked you to watch it yesterday, but you didn’t want to watch it, but you just wanted to watch it with a crystal ball. Now, in a panic, I ran over to watch the children fight.

This is really Hokage.

"Haruno Sakura VS Yamanaka Ino!"

Iruka looked at the note in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched, why did these two people always match each other.

Iruka stepped aside, giving the place to the two of them.


It's only the first grade now, and they haven't learned anything, even if some people have learned it in the family school, what can a child who is only seven years old learn.

Not everyone is pervert like Kakashi and Itachi.

After all, this kind of existence is a minority.

Naruto is even more indifferent. Two children fight, you hit me, I hit it, it's nothing to watch.

With this kind of strength, Naruto thinks, it is estimated that only one knife can solve all of them.

"The strength is good!"

Seeing the two little girls fighting with shurikens on the field, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded in satisfaction.

This year may not have the pervert of Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi, but the victory lies in the solid foundation.

but also,

In the war-torn era, there was no time to give them the basics of training, and they were all rushing ducks to the shelves.

A genius is a genius everywhere,

So many powerful legends have been created.

But now is a slightly more peaceful era, children can do their own things without worry, there is no need to pull the heartstrings so tightly.

Therefore, having this strength is already very satisfying.


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Naruto, and his eyelids twitched.

What is he doing?


There is no mistake.

Sarutobi Hiruzen almost spurted blood.

At this time, many people are tense, hoping to get a good grade, but what's the matter with you?

Anbu on the side probably understood Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart, and said in a low voice: "There are crane tails on the left and right, so he doesn't care what he ranks in the class!"


That's how willful it is.

I have strength, but I just don't show it.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is the best.


low key!

"So, you asked me to come here just to see this?"

Hearing Anbu's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Why didn't you tell me about this issue earlier yesterday? You only told me now that I am here.


Don't want to mess around.

Anbu member: "..."



"Forget it, it's all here, let's continue watching!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head helplessly and continued to watch the game.

These are Konoha's future, it's okay to take a look, anyway, idle is idle.

As time went by, it was...

It was Naruto's turn.

Iruka sighed helplessly: "Next, Uzumaki NarutoVS Uchiha Sasuke!"

It seemed to him that the end was already obvious.

Hinata looked at Naruto worriedly in the audience: "Mr. Naruto!"

"Relax, it doesn't matter!"

Naruto shrugged without any burden in his heart.

The tail of the crane, the top student, is there a difference?


Top students get too much attention, which is no less than a kind of torture for Naruto, who likes to be quiet and brags with his friends.

It's like being a star, everywhere you go, there are eyes on you, even your own life is not good.

In short,

Individuals have personal preferences.

A top student, it doesn't matter if I let it go to Sasuke.

Naruto raised his hand: "I surrender!"


Iruka looked indifferently at Naruto who was throwing his hands up without shame, completely speechless.

Sasuke: "Hmph, the end of the crane!"

Hinata asked quietly from the side: "Mr. Naruto, you are so powerful, why did you surrender? Do you want to prove that you are not good?"

Naruto gave Hinata a weird look when he heard that.

It's really fast to learn, and it's not fragrant so fast.


With a dry cough, the celebrity said in a low voice: "When I become famous, I will be like Sasuke. There are many girls who like me. What do you think?"

Hinata was silent.

He silently retracted that sentence in his heart.

never mind,

You should still be the tail of your crane.

Iruka's face turned dark after seeing this scene.

Are all the little ghosts today so powerful?

Poor me...still single.


Iruka's face was full of insiders, at this moment, his heart was broken.


He found that he was actually inferior to a kid who was only seven years old.

Look at the way these two people bow their heads and whisper to each other...




Ever since, this assessment passed in an anticlimactic manner without causing any disturbance.

Life goes on and everyone goes about their business.

During this period, the ninja world was fairly peaceful, without much disturbance.

Naruto also started his ideal life,

Lying in the sun, Naruto looked at the new ninja biography in his hand, his face was full of joy.

He likes this slow pace of life very much.

"Naruto-kun, don't you train?"

Hinata tilted his head and looked at Naruto strangely, he was very hardworking before, but it didn't take long before he became as idle as he is now.

heard that,

Naruto, who was watching his life, closed the book and said with a smile: "I have found a new goal!"

"New target!?"

Hinata was curious: "What target?"

"The ritual sense of life!"

Hinata: "???"

What the hell?

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