I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 2 Top Students And The Tail Of The Crane!

The breeze is blowing, and the clouds are erratic.

In the dilapidated room, Naruto opened his misty eyes, subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed it, yawned, stood up with difficulty,

Brush your teeth, wash your face.

Then take out the breakfast prepared yesterday and start eating.

Without the high-speed pace of life, Naruto ate breakfast very slowly, and it took more than ten minutes to solve the problem.

He glanced at the time, took his schoolbag casually, and walked leisurely towards the school.

go to school!

Naruto had some expectations before.

The school life is very simple, without so many intrigues.

Just like back then, when I was in school, I felt constrained and didn't like school life, but when you walk out of the school and go to the society, you will find that the world is so big and the school is so beautiful.

Well, personal feeling.

Soon, Naruto came to the school, ignored many indifferent eyes, and calmly took his place.


Take out the pen and ink, spread the paper, and start preparing to draw.

So far,

Naruto also didn't figure out how to advance the system, so he could only use the most stupid way... keep drawing to try to see if he could advance.

The interface of the system is actually very easy to understand.

Leaving aside the first glimpse or level, in Naruto's view, the most important thing about this system is the transformation of virtuality into reality, and the embellishment behind it: Fantastic!


This word made Naruto think a lot.

In the end, I also experimented, and the result is... At present, Naruto's paintings can only be ordinary things if they want to turn the imaginary into reality.

Such as food, yellow and white things and other items.

Things that involve ninjutsu cannot go to reality.

So... we can only wait for the system upgrade.

For this,

Naruto doesn't care either, it just so happens that continuous drawing can improve his drawing skills and speed.

With the system as the core, Naruto already knows that his future fighting style will be in the form of painting.

For example, Sai, he is a typical fighter who uses painting to fight, and his strength is outstanding and his style is changeable.

If Naruto goes this way, with the almost endless Chakra, the upper limit is very high.

Ignoring the surprised eyes of some people in the class, Naruto pondered while holding the pen, thinking about what to draw.

If possible, he would like to draw an ideal house,

But obviously, if you do this now, you will definitely be caught and sliced. Thinking of Danzo's gloomy eyes, Naruto shuddered.

forget it

Be a man, keep a low profile!

Then... Let's lift the handheld game console.

Childhood life is incomplete without the company of game consoles.

Back in the day, he held a handheld game console GBA in his arms throughout the summer vacation, almost inseparable, and a Pokemon was almost played by him.

"Just right, we can relive the classics!"

Naruto twitched his mouth and revealed a smile,

Pen down!




In some noisy classrooms, the pen in Naruto's hand wandered away, and there was a light swishing sound, which was barely audible.

It didn't take long for an exquisite GBA to appear on the paper.

The same classic style, the same Naruto endless aftertaste.

"Next, the game cartridge!"

Naruto continued to draw.

Cassettes are a delicate job, and the patterns on them are a big difficulty, but this is not a problem for Naruto,

He has plenty of time.

Occasionally find time to listen to the teacher's lecture,

Time passed and life was simple.

Because I have no friends,

Naruto's life is really simple, go to class, paint, then go home, paint.

Sometimes when the interest comes, I will go out for a walk and have a look at the scenery of Konoha.

Take a look at all-natural beauties.


Life is simple and fulfilling.

previous life,

He just likes to draw.

I still remember when I was in school, I took out my homework book and drew seven characters from Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Hokage on it.

Have fun.

Maybe amateur, but it can't stop his hobby.

In this life, since we have this cheat, we will naturally carry it forward.


Too much to say.

Just when Naruto was fascinated, Sasuke walked into the classroom with his schoolbag, and came to his seat as if no one else was there.

As soon as he raised his hand and pulled the chair away, Sasuke's eyes suddenly caught on to Naruto's painting, and he couldn't help being stunned.

what is this?

Looks like a quirky box with a small screen.

What is this mess?

Sasuke pouted: "It's ugly!"

Naruto paused slightly when he heard the words, looked up at Sasuke seriously, then nodded: "Yes, you are so ugly!"


Sasuke's eyelids twitched, and he said coldly, "Idiot, the tail of the crane!"

Naruto: "I'm glad I'm at the end of the crane, is it hindering you?"

Sasuke: "It's annoying to see you!"

Naruto: "Hehe!"


For a moment, the atmosphere between the two was tense, as if there were thunder and fire.

Seeing this scene,

Everyone is used to it.

This is the battle between the top students and the bottom of the crane, and it is also the daily Ichiraku.

The two are so close, Sasuke is a top student and is sought after by everyone. Naruto, who is the tail of the crane, is naturally unhappy to see it.


The struggle begins.

Shikamaru raised his eyes and touched his forehead: "Here again, is Haruno Sakura so beautiful?"

Glancing at the nympho Haruno Sakura, Shikamaru was puzzled.


The other brats didn't see the twists and turns, but Shikamaru from the IQ report did. Naruto likes the little Sakura with the broad forehead.

to this end,

He even fought wits and courage with Sasuke, fighting every day.

Really, I don't know who gave him the courage.

"Mr. Naruto!"

Behind, Hinata looked at Naruto with some worry, fearing that Naruto would suffer again.

The rest of the people felt that the excitement was not big enough, and they were all those who feared that the world would not be chaotic, and some even started to boo.

For a while, the classroom was noisy like a vegetable market.

In the lively center, Sasuke and Naruto confront each other, and the atmosphere is deadlocked.

After a long time, Naruto withdrew his gaze indifferently, and said casually: "Go aside, don't hinder me from drawing, I'm a brat, my hair hasn't even grown yet, how can I know my greatness!"


Sasuke vomits blood.

What a goddamn kid, aren’t you a kid too.

Sasuke has black lines on his face, what's going on with you little adult?

Seeing Naruto's indifferent look, Sasuke's hand was already ready to move,

"Damn it, this guy's expression is so beating, I really want to beat him up, what should I do!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.


If it wasn't for the fact that the school couldn't do it, with Naruto's expression, he must have stabbed him with a shuriken.

What the hell!

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