on the roof,

The breeze blows, and Naruto's golden hair flies.

"Naruto, I have to say that you are very courageous. To tell you the truth, I never showed my true strength in school!"

Sasuke looked at Naruto coldly: "You are finished!"


Naruto laughed, I have a bad temper, you speak as if you are hiding your clumsiness, don't tell me I can't.

Speaking of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, who is more Grandmaster than me.


"Come on, let me see your hidden strength!"

Naruto held the wooden knife and looked at Sasuke calmly, showing some sharpness.

Sasuke: "..."

Ignorance is bliss, since that's the case, let me show you my true strength,

Gaze at Naruto: "Be careful!"

finished speaking,

Sasuke clasped his hands together and quickly formed a seal.

Si, Wei, Shen, Hai, Wu, Yin, Zi!

"This is?"

Naruto's pupils shrank suddenly: "Jieyin, what kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Nine Tails: "Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique, Uchiha's Basic Ninjutsu!"

As soon as the words fell, Sasuke on the other side took a deep breath, put his hand in his mouth, and said softly: "Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!"

Then, he spit at Naruto sharply.


A huge fireball suddenly emerged, heading straight for Naruto.

From far away, Naruto felt a wave of heat sweeping towards him.

Naruto looked dignified. As expected of Sasuke, he had already learned Fire Style and Great Fireball Technique at a young age. On the other hand, he didn't learn anything except the basic Three Body Technique.

This gap is a bit big.

However, I play gymnastics.

Naruto held the knife, Ibrahimovic stepped out,



Naruto's figure disappeared in an instant, and phantoms emerged, dodging the Great Fireball's attack in an instant, quietly appearing behind Sasuke, and slashing down with a knife.


Sasuke's body shattered and turned into a piece of wood.

"Body Replacement Technique? Not bad!"

Naruto backhanded a knife, chopped off a shuriken, twisted his body under Sasuke's shocked gaze, and came to Sasuke again at an incredible speed,

The wooden knife has already landed on Sasuke's forehead.


The strands of hair were scattered, but they couldn't hide the shock and anger in Sasuke's eyes.

He... lost!

Completely defeated, defeated simply.

Even if you know Fire Style ninjutsu, it's useless if you can't keep up with Naruto's speed.

"How could your speed be so fast?"

Sasuke's face was ugly.

He's never seen Naruto training.

Just now, Naruto used pure body skills, and his speed soared under the boost of Chakra.

But this requires a strong physical body and physical strength, and it is impossible to reach this point without practicing day and night.

So the question is, how did Naruto do it?

"Is it fast? It's okay, you are too slow!"

Naruto chuckled, feeling proud that he didn't defeat Sasuke, defeating Sasuke...isn't it a normal operation?

Calm down, basic operation.

Sasuke: "..."

Listen, is this what people say?

Sasuke thinks that he is absolutely outstanding among his peers. Whether it is taijutsu, ninjutsu or shuriken, he is as pure as fire, but that's it.

Facing Naruto's attack, he couldn't block the second move.

The Body Replacement Technique was used just now, and it was subconsciously used after barely seeing Naruto's movements clearly.

"Okay, you lost, you must count your words!"

Sasuke was silent.

Silently picked up the shuriken, feeling confused.

Look at Naruto, Sasuke Mingwu... This is a model of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Quietly, the strength is far beyond him.

Among her peers... I am afraid that there is really no one who can match her.

"This guy!"

Seeing Naruto's handsome back, Sasuke gritted his teeth secretly, with a firm face: "I will definitely catch up with you!"

Recalling the tragedy of that night, that cold voice, Sasuke was like a madman.

No more than Naruto, talk about revenge for the tribe.


After a long time, Sasuke collected his mind and followed Naruto step by step.


"Hey, look, Naruto really brought Sasuke here!"

Shikamaru, who was waiting for Naruto at Naruto's house, gasped when he saw Sasuke's figure through the window.


This also works.

Sasuke these days, even Hokage-sama doesn't know much about it, unexpectedly he was brought here by Naruto.


Could this be the legendary Z...true love?

Shikamaru was lost in thought.


Ino and the others hurriedly looked over, and were also shocked when they saw Sasuke,

When did Naruto have this ability.


Naruto returned home and smiled: "At first, some useless things can be thrown away, but some things are still normal. It's actually quite easy!"

Looking around, Sasuke and others nodded secretly.

You are a boss, you are rich, it is quite easy.

Most of them had to be replaced with new ones, and Naruto mobilized the Hyuga family in order not to be embarrassed.

Like now...

Hyuga Miwako looked helplessly at the kitchen utensils and other household appliances in her hands.

Ma'am, I'm stunned.

If Naruto says a word, you will go to help, is it necessary?


"Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

In Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was looking at the crystal ball, trembled when someone called him ghastly, and looked up: "Oh, it's you!"

"Do you really think that Naruto's money was dug up by digging up treasure maps?"

"Any questions?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen touched the crystal ball casually, and asked without much concern.

Danzo glared at Sarutobi Hiruzen bitterly: "Don't you think it's too coincidental?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless: "What's the coincidence, the left and right are just money, how many are you?"

heard that,

Danzo's mouth twitched.

What am I in a hurry for?

That's Nine Tails Jinchūriki, so don't be careless.

Who will be responsible if something goes wrong.

"Anxin, Anbu has been watching. It's okay. I know that Naruto child. Although he is a little naughty, he is still kind-hearted and well-behaved!"

"No, Hokage-sama!"

At this moment, an Anbu member hurried over, knelt down on one knee, and solemnly said: "Naruto, bring Sasuke out of the hospital!"


Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen were startled at the same time.

Especially Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a half-smile.


This is what you call well-behaved.

What's going on with Sasuke now? The mood is not stable at all, and I need to observe it, but it was taken out of the hospital.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression sank, he stared straight at the Anbu member in front of him,

The eyes are very bad!

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