I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 37 Kakashi, Come To Fight!

Listening to the rules Kakashi said, the three fell silent.

Naruto is good, he ate in the morning and ate a little more when he came back, so he was not hungry at all.

On the contrary, there is still a little bit of support.

However, Sasuke and the little Sakura looked dull, feeling a little hungry, looking at Kakashi's face with a mask, how disgusting it was.

Feelings said yesterday not to eat breakfast is waiting for them here?

Is there a more deceitful teacher than this one?

The two were deeply suspicious.

"Well, did you see the bento over there? As long as you can snatch the bell, you will pass. If you don't snatch it... Hehe, you guys understand!"

I understand your sister!

The three cursed secretly.

"Well, let's start now!"

"Oh, right!"

After Kakashi finished speaking, he thought about it, and it was too serious to bully these three fledgling little guys.

You have to make it harder for yourself.

Thinking about it, Kakashi reached into the ninja bag and took out a book.

It is the new biography of ninja before Naruto.

Naruto: "..."

This guy, he agreed to return it to me after reading it, and he hasn't exchanged it until now.


It's been a few years, don't you get tired of looking crooked?

"Go ahead and grab it, now...the assessment officially begins!"

Even though they were full of resentment, in order to become a real ninja, Sasuke and Sakura took a deep breath and dodged the moment Kakashi's voice fell.

"Well, decisive enough, and the evasion position is pretty good, the foundation of the two of them is quite solid!"

Kakashi took a glance, saw the positions of Sasuke and little Sakura, and nodded in agreement.

In his eyes, it may be full of flaws, but don't forget that he is Elite Jōnin and the owner of Sharingan, so that insight is there.

"Well, then..."

Kakashi looked up, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Naruto, why don't you act!"

Naruto cupped his hands: "It's not my style to avoid, just be reckless!"

Kakashi was silent.

Eyelids twitched slightly, this Naruto, what did he learn in school, he didn't meet any of the basic principles of ninja, and he was so bold and direct?

Court death!

"Tsk, since that's the case, let me see your strength!"

Kakashi doesn't care, no matter how they come, they will not be their opponents.

In today's lesson, apart from the assessment, there is also an important point, which is to establish the dignity of the teacher.

Strength is the best way to majesty.

"Then I'm here!"

Naruto touched the ninja bag with his hand, and with a stroke of a pen, a large roll of paper appeared in his hand.

This time, he wants to experiment with the combat function of his cheat.

Turning fiction into reality makes Naruto's thoughts flash continuously, and his fighting style can be changeable. In other words, this can completely be compared to his own special physique.

It's similar to those holy bodies and domineering bodies.

Each body has its own characteristics and each has its own differences.

Naruto pondered,

My own... is changeable.

Everything is ever-changing, and everything follows your heart.

"Oh? Draw a road?"

Kakashi's face moved slightly, and he was surprised. He had seen this kind of ninjutsu before, but few people in the entire ninja world knew how to use it.

There are many functions in painting, but the speed of painting and calligraphy is slow. People have already used ninjutsu a few times. You probably only drew a bird well.

Without a certain talent, it is impossible to control this kind of ninjutsu.

Naruto liked to draw before, Kakashi knew about it, and it spread throughout the village,

This guy sometimes draws on the walls of the street and other people's houses when he has nothing to do, which is very infuriating.

Catch... and can't catch anyone.

Sometimes you catch, and it turns out that the person you catch turns into something inexplicable.

Like...a slobbery hair object.

Surprise yourself with vicious animals like... that will turn into sharks.

As time goes by, no one cares about it anymore, so just paint, you paint and I paint, can't you?

However, Kakashi didn't expect that how Naruto got into the art of painting, this style of teacher and wife is completely unsuitable.

And no one taught him, how did he understand it?

Could it be that you can't comprehend it by yourself.

the other side,

Under Sasuke's and little Sakura's crazy-looking eyes, Naruto's hand trembled, and a scroll was spread out. Naruto's eyes narrowed, and he wrote, his wrist turned into an afterimage, shaking rapidly.

"Ninjutsu, Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!"

Naruto uttered a soft drink, shook his wrist, and the scroll shattered into tiny silver needles, densely packed, and went straight to Kakashi.




The silver needle vibrated weakly in the void, making a faint sound.

Individually, people can't hear it at all, but there are so many silver needles, gathered together, the harsh sound makes Kakashi frown, very uncomfortable.

I'm so...

Seeing this scene, Kakashi's scalp became numb, and he opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything.

Get away now.

If it is stabbed, it will definitely become a hedgehog.

The key is that he did not expect that Naruto's calligraphy and painting speed is so fast,

Oh My God,

With so many silver needles, even if you practice hand speed professionally for a hundred years, you will not be able to practice it.

Kakashi subconsciously cast the Body Replacement Technique, and the real body disappeared in place.




The sound of silver needles entering the body continued to resound, and there was a faint sound of clang clang clang in the air.

It was the collision of silver needles.

When the dust settles,

The three people in the open and in the dark all gasped.

The wood used by Kakashi for the Body Replacement Technique has been filled with silver needles, no...


Kakashi was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed. This is an ice needle, which is slowly melting.

Ice Shield! ?

Blood inheritance boundary?

Kakashi has a black face with a question mark, and the rainstorm pear blossom needle is also a bit scary.

Think about being pierced into your own flesh by these ice needles, hiss...

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle, and if I have trypophobia, it will be even more doomed.

"Mr. Kakashi, don't be dazed!"

On the top of the big tree in the distance, Naruto pulled the paper scroll again, and the pen went away like a dragon, and the next moment, Naruto yelled softly again: "Rasengan!"


The scroll shattered, and a dozen Rasengans flew across the sky, spun, and headed straight for Kakashi.

Kakashi: "..."

Throwing the book away casually, with a heavy expression on his face, he folded his hands together and quickly sealed:


"Fire Style, Phoenix Fire Technique!"

After the seal was completed, Kakashi opened his mouth and spat out, and a series of small fireballs shot down Rasengan one by one.

"Mr. Kakashi, you are careless!"


Naruto's voice echoed in Kakashi's ears, and a strong wind howled,

Kakashi's expression froze,

Naruto, unknowingly, came behind him, and the attack followed!

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