Just like that, nothing happened,

Insipidly, another month has passed.

Naruto confirmed that the timeline of this Hokage has been quietly changed, but it doesn't matter,

Naruto didn't care either.

Sitting on the eaves, Naruto drinks tea against the moon, which has a different flavor.

In the bright starry sky, countless stars twinkle, even in the dark night, they are clearly reflected by these stars and the bright moonlight.

The breeze is gentle and the trees are whirling.

Naruto stretched his waist, and his face was full of comfort... so what!

"Naruto, good evening!"

Shikamaru passed by and greeted Naruto.

Alongside Shikamaru are Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Chōji, the three of them are always inseparable.

"Good evening, would you like to come up for a drink?"

Naruto raises his glass: "Very good tea!"

"There is no need for tea, I have brought drinks!"

Shikamaru nodded and also climbed to the eaves to watch the stars with Naruto.

"Today's starry sky is beautiful!"

Yamanaka Ino raised her head, and the bright moonlight shone on her delicate face, which seemed to glow faintly.

"I feel like pancakes!"

Hearing Akimichi Chōji's words, Naruto and the three of them had black lines on their faces.

This can all be related to pancakes, you are amazing.

Shikamaru shook his head and laughed: "Naruto, are you still doing missions in the village?"


Naruto took a sip of tea, and said helplessly, "That lazy Kakashi, I have nothing to do!"

"Don't say that, I heard that Kakashi is very powerful and famous in the ninja world!"

"I know this!"

Naruto nodded: "Copy ninjas? I heard that many ninjas have been copied!"

"The strength is also very strong, there are not many people in the village who are his opponents!"

"I know a little bit, but this can't cover up his lazy nature as a student!"

Shikamaru: "..."

Okay, pretend I didn't say it.

"By the way, Third Hokage came to my house recently, and I also saw an interesting story!"

Naruto was surprised: "Will the old man of Third Generation still show Shikamaru the story?"

"It was for my father, but I also saw it on the side!"

Shikamaru chuckled: "That's the story about Ōtsutsuki Kaguya!"

Naruto: "..."

It always feels a little familiar.

"What are you talking about about Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife? Really, I'm laughing at it!"

"I've seen this too, and I was dumbfounded at the time!"

Ino raised his hand: "It is said that that piece of parchment was found by the side of the garbage dump. I don't know who made such a spoof and destroyed a good parchment!"



Akimichi Chōji nodded, he had seen it too, but wasn't interested.

Naruto: "..."

This Third Generation old man, can't hide even good things? He even started to walk around and share his joy.


fair enough.

Naruto rubbed his chin and laughed a few times.

This is publicity in disguise. When the real Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber appears, how shocked will people who have seen this content be.

Naruto can even foresee the bloody storm in the ninja world.


Instead of putting unnecessary energy on calculating each other, it is better to grab those two artifacts and vent these unnecessary energy,

In this way, the world is relatively harmonious, and ordinary people can be relatively stable.

Of course, you have to grasp the degree yourself.


"Bai, we will definitely build a very large country in the future!"

Standing on the top of the mountain, staring at the lights of Wanjia below, he said a word without beheading or looking back.

Bai: "I believe in never beheading Mr.!"

"Let's go, I feel the trembling of the beheading sword, I can feel that there is something that scares the beheading sword!"

Weapons have spirits, which is naturally impossible in the Hokage world.


The Beheading Sword has experienced a lot, and has become a little extraordinary, and can vaguely perceive the existence of the Dragon Sword,

So trembling.

Even though it was slight, it was still caught by Zabuzhan.

This shocked Zabu Zhan.


What is there? so terrible.

At the same time, the heart that is no longer beheaded began to be excited, and it was able to trigger the beheading sword. It must be something more powerful than the beheading sword.

If you get it yourself, your strength will probably increase again.

This time, don't miss it!

Glancing at Bai who was following behind him step by step, he pulled the corner of his mouth again, revealing an ugly smile, which disappeared in a flash.

The two figures gradually disappeared into the boundless night.


Going around, half a month passed,

On this day, Naruto finished the task early and invited Hinata and others to play cards at home.

Occasional relaxation is the person in charge of your own body.


It's rare that everyone is in the village today, so Naruto played host and called everyone out.

Hinata was a little shy when she came over: "Naruto-kun, long time no see!"


Naruto turned his head when he heard the words, and saw the shy Hinata's eyes lit up: "Long time no see, you're beautiful again!"

On the eaves in the distance, Hyuga Miwako curled her lips: 'Slick tongue! '

Hinata lowered her head and muttered softly: "Really?"

"Hey, don't bow your head, go, come in!"

Naruto took Hinata's little hand with a smile and went into the room.

at this time,

Naruto's house is a bit old after five years, but it is still brand new inside.

In recent years, some old Naruto will replace it, and occasionally change the style.


Only the bookshelves have not changed. At this time, there are already so many books on the bookshelves that they almost fill up the bookshelves.


It's been a long time since I haven't seen friends get together, there are always endless topics to talk about,

Naruto and Shikamaru Sasuke didn't talk much, just watched them chatting and joking with a smile, occasionally interjecting a sentence to brighten the atmosphere,

The days of reunion are always short, and parting comes soon.

With the new moon in the sky, Naruto watched these close friends leave, leaving only Hinata behind.

Do not misunderstand,

Naruto didn't do that, and didn't dare.

Hyuga Hiashi, the uncle Naruto who is always on the line all day, still has a little respect, this is his future father-in-law.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get something!"

Naruto left Hinata behind, and then went into the study alone, spread out the scroll, and started painting.

Hinata often goes outside to do tasks now, he is a little worried,

He can't help with the rest, only the equipment can work hard.

"Let's get a better shuriken first!"

Naruto pondered, then wrote.

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