I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 46 Naruto: Add Some Spice To You!

"Did that old man go to Konoha Village? He can really run!"

wave country,

In a very luxurious manor, Kado holds a goblet with a little red wine in it, shaking it slightly, which is very artistic.

Hearing the subordinate's return, Kado's mouth twitched, revealing a cold smile.

"Konoha Village is a large ninja village, and the system is very strict. With the old man's family property, it is estimated that he can only invite some Chūnin. If you want me to say, why don't you give up?"

After pondering for a while, Kaduo raised his head: "That arrogant one won't be beheaded anymore, let him send someone there, doesn't he have men?"


"Hmph, even if it's a ninja from Konoha Village, if it's a dragon on my territory, it'll have to lie on my stomach!"

Kado looked gloomy, and was not very afraid of the ninjas in Konoha Village.

In his eyes, having money means having everything.


No matter how famous and powerful the ghost man is, it's not for his use.


"Ninjas from Konoha Village?"

When Kado's subordinates found Zabuzhan, Zabuzhan was silent for a while.

Konoha Village,

As one of the most powerful ninja villages, many places are stronger than Wuying Village, and I don’t want to be an enemy of it.


Once the ninjas from Konoha Village come over, that secret will be lost.

"In that case, let's kill it!"

The faint voice was erratic, and he decided not to cut it. Once he gets the knife, his strength will definitely rise to a higher level. Will he still be afraid of a Konoha Village in the future?

Even if you are surrounded and suppressed, it is still very easy to escape if you cannot beat them.

"Since it's a C-level mission, there won't be too strong enemies, so let's ask those two brothers to go!"

Bai: "How about I make a move, it will be more stable!"

"No, taking the two brothers is also a Chūnin anyway, it's okay to kill a few weak chickens by surprise!"


Bai nodded, since he said so without cutting, then let the two brothers go, two Chūnin, it should be fine.


"The weather is clear and cloudless, what a beautiful day!"

One day, Naruto looked up to the sky after passing by a pool of water, and sighed: "Good water, good water!"

Kakashi was silent.

Did Naruto discover something?

On the contrary, Sasuke and little Sakura looked at Naruto strangely, it was just a puddle of water, there was nothing to sigh about.

Dazna: "It's just a puddle of water, what's there to see, we have to hurry!"

Naruto waved his hand: "There's no rush, I'm so inspired when I see this puddle of water, wait until I draw a picture!"

As Naruto said, he had already spread out the scroll, and picked up a pen to draw a dark cloud, with some raindrops falling down.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi secretly wondered, did Naruto notice something or draw it purely out of feeling?

Sasuke clasped his hands together: "Boring!"

Little Sakura: "Then let's take a break!"

In the water, the two brothers were silent. They wanted to sneak attack, but now they were confused by this blond-haired brat.

Glancing at Kakashi standing aside,

With this person around, it's hard not to sneak attack.

As soon as they saw the combination of Kakashi, they were well-informed and knew that this was a Chūnin, or a team led by Jōnin.

Chūnin is okay,

I'm afraid it's Jōnin, that's a sad reminder.

They can't beat Jōnin without a sneak attack.

Helpless, bear it.

Isn't it just to draw a picture, and the time will not be too long.

Hold on, don't waste time, opportunities are reserved for those who are patient.



That's it.

"Well, my inspiration is bursting, there should be lightning and thunder here, uh, how about some more hail and acid water?"

Naruto was inspired, and amazing ideas spread one after another.

Kakashi's brows twitched when he heard it, and he felt more and more that something was wrong.

This is to punish the people under the water to death.

"Okay, that's all, I don't have enough authority anymore!"

Naruto closes the ratio, pulls it casually, the picture scroll is broken, and the time is on...



Dazna jumped up suddenly: "Why did it thunder?"

Guitou brothers: "I have a bad feeling!"


Lightning and thunder, heavy rain pouring down, crashing down, and from time to time, it was mixed with hail and smashed into the water.

It's not the most hateful thing,

The most hateful thing is that a flash of lightning strikes the puddle,


A tingling feeling flowed through the whole body.

Naruto still can't do the lightning in the real power of nature, but it's enough for the two ghost brothers to drink a pot. ,

But seeing lightning flash by,

The two Guitou brothers jumped out of the water puddle with a subconscious remark, and were hit by hail a few times. They were so disgraced and pitiful.

next moment,

The atmosphere is a little weird.

Naruto and Kakashi watched lightly,

Dazna was simply frightened, even though he knew how powerful ninjas were, the way he jumped out of the water...

All right!

And Naruto, the little guy, does he call the wind and shake the rain?

This is a fairy method.

Sasuke: "..."

Little Sakura: "..."

The two Guitou brothers quickly came back to their senses, their expressions were firm, and they looked at each other.

Now that it's exposed, let's kill it hard.

clang clang!

next moment,

A chain shot out across the air, rushing towards the dazed Kakashi at an extremely fast speed,

chains entwined,

The two Guitou brothers looked sullen, and exerted a little force.



Kakashi's whole body was torn apart and fell to the ground in pieces, blood flowing like rivers.

"Ms. Kakashi!"

The pupils of Sasuke and little Sakura suddenly shrank, and then they looked at the two ghost brothers with serious eyes.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be a silver gun wax head, and it's your turn next!"

The two Guitou brothers sneered and looked at Naruto coldly.

The rest of the people are easy to talk about, let's deal with this nasty guy first.

Touching the bags on their heads, the chains in the hands of the two of them flew out again, and they appeared next to Naruto in an instant, wanting to repeat the same trick.

"Am I easy to bully?"

At this time, Naruto still has the time to touch the tip of his nose and mutter to himself,

At the very moment, Naruto exerted force on the soles of his feet, jumped up, spun around in the air, stepped on the chain with one foot, and stood firmly.


Sealed under Sasuke's shocked gaze:

Si, Wei, Shen, Hai, Wu, Yinzi!

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!"

Put one hand in your mouth, spit out forcefully,

In a moment,

Two extra-large fireballs blasted out,

The blazing high temperature permeated the air!

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