I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 62 Black Zetsu: This Is Impossible! "Six Watches"

Many things have been completed, and this trip to the country of waves can be regarded as seeing what is magnificent and what is unexpected.

I just came out for a trip, and I was able to do a C-level task, but it suddenly became an S-level task.

Also dramatic subdued and then do not cut.

With the help of this person, many things will be much easier in the future.

Overall, it was well worth the trip out.

the next day,

Zabuzhan and Bai have already gone to the Kingdom of Waves, and he can't wait to start his grand plans.

Naruto walked out of the room, with his hands open, facing the morning breeze, the slightest coolness kept hitting him, very refreshing.

looking at the sun in the distance,

My heart suddenly became very peaceful.

All impetuousness seemed to be swept away.


Letting out a foul breath, Naruto turned his head,

Very rare, Kakashi also woke up early, and little Sakura and Sasuke even went out for morning exercises early.

That is to say, Naruto, a freak, does not need training, and his strength is still steadily improving.

Kakashi scratched his head, washed his face and brushed his teeth, and took care of his somewhat messy hair. Occasionally, he saw Naruto doing Tai Chi from the corner of his eye.

"Did Hyūga Hinata reveal Gentle Fist?"

thought about it,

Kakashi chuckled, Hyuga's Gentle Fist has never been a secret, but no one can steal it.

Because one of the most crucial things is missing.... Rolling eyes!

This is a physical technique developed in conjunction with Bai Yan, even if people know it, they can only stop without a plan.

It's useless to learn.

But now it seems that Naruto looks much better when fighting than the Hyuga family,

Although it is slow, I always feel that it is full of charm.

after an hour,

The group of four who had eaten breakfast finally set foot on their way home.

"Everyone, the Dragon Slaying Knife has appeared!"

In the cave full of welcomes, as soon as everyone gathered, Itachi suddenly said something.

Nagato and the others didn't react for a while,

Dragon Slaying Knife, what do you mean!?

After a while, Nagato frowned slightly: "Are you sure?"

Kisame: "Mr. Itachi is right. We have seen with our own eyes that because of the existence of Orochimaru, holding a sword seems to have chosen its own owner. We have not been able to bring it back, and it should still be in the hands of Zabuza! "

It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

The black White Zetsu on the side was stunned when he heard the news.

He didn't even know this happened, how could there be a Dragon Slaying Knife.

Black Zetsu was messed up in the wind,

This unscientific.

He is the son of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, who has lived in ancient times until now, and has never heard of or experienced anything,

But this unbelievable thing still made him unable to calm down.

This is bullshit.


Do you really think he is a fool? This kind of thing must be someone's conspiracy,


Absolutely true, it must be a conspiracy,

Otherwise, with his status and the time he lived, how could he not know about this matter.

Nagato was also stunned, and A Fei was even more stunned.

But even in surprise,

Now that the Dragon Slaying Knife has appeared, it is even more related to Indra, Ashura, and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, so this matter is no small matter.

Nagato: "Investigation, document estimation, history and culture, all must be investigated, and, whoever of you is going to absorb Zabuzhan into the Akatsuki organization!"

"Let him join the Akatsuki organization? But his strength is not up to par!"

Konan frowned: "His strength has just stepped into Elite Jōnin according to the information. Are you really going to pull him in?"

"It's different from the past. If you really follow what Itachi said, then now you're almost infinitely close to Kage-level, and your strength can be considered up to the standard. Let's get in touch!"

Black White Zetsu: "I'll go!"


He can also go and see if the so-called dragon-slaying knife is real.

He always felt that the world had brought him deep hurt,

He thought it was a joke, but he didn't expect it to be true. He even wondered if he had lost his memory somewhere.

This time, a must see.

Nagato was silent.

Finally nodded, acquiesced.

Black White Zetsu is not strong, but his ability is not small, so it is appropriate to send him.

"It's best if you can win him over, if you can't, you go and kill him!"

Nagato's cold voice resounded: "As a rebellious ninja, the amount of reward offered is quite large, Kakuzu, you go!"

"This can be!"

Wen Yan,

Kakuzu rubbed his hands excitedly: "Money is my favorite, and it happens that there are no bounty tasks recently, so I will follow along!"

Hidan: 'Really, it's time to go again!

"Then I'll wait for your good news!"

shattered phantom

Zabuzhan didn't expect that he would be targeted so soon, but this was also expected.

Orochimaru also had his eye on him,

But Orochimaru was a bit reserved, he didn't do it directly, but hid in the dark, and informed Yakushi Kabuto by the way,

The news came from Konoha Village, so, is there any information missing?

one can imagine,

How shocked Yakushi Kabuto was when he received news from Orochimaru.

Time never stops for anyone, and is still moving forward step by step.

The way back is very stable, but also very boring.


Sasuke screamed and flew upside down again.


Why say again?

cough cough.

Sasuke coughed, and barely got up to fight. He joined forces with little Sakura to fight Zhao Zilong, and the fight was impressive.

This is because Naruto lowered Zhao Yun's strength, otherwise they wouldn't last long.

This is the collision of gymnastics.

Waiting for tomorrow, he will draw a Kakashi teacher, with thousands of ninjutsu cool.

As his teammate, how can he be too weak? This is not good.

Naruto sat cross-legged on the side, reading a book with Kakashi, and occasionally looked up at the abused two,


Not to mention, they really look like a husband and wife.

for a long time,

Kakashi managed to recover from the contents of the book, and sighed: "Naruto, in this respect, I would call you the strongest!"

After closing the book, Kakashi felt lost.

There is a new biography of ninjas before, and then there is a young guy, Guy, what a joy!

This boy, Guy, always asked him to bring Might Guy into it. In an instant, the image of Might Guy plummeted in Kakashi's heart.

Straight to the bottom!.

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