I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 69 Konohamaru Ready To Attack!

that's all,

In this small forest, the sound of transformation could be heard endlessly, resounding throughout the whole morning.

Near noon, Hyuga Hiashi strolled to this grove alone. Looking at this grove, his expression was in a daze, and he fell into memory.

When he was a child, he and his younger brother often came here to practice, and often brought a few friends here to play hide-and-seek.

"I didn't expect this grove to still exist. It doesn't look like it has changed!"

Hyuga Hiashi came back to his senses, a smile inadvertently appeared on his serious and rigid face.

Take a step forward and walk forward.

Recalling childhood may be one of the favorite things for middle-aged and elderly people.

I often say to my offspring: "When I was young, how, how, I was very good at learning, powerful in martial arts, and powerful in everything!"


It's all bragging, and the reality is probably the opposite.

Perhaps at that time, it was estimated that it would be worse than his own descendants.

"I really miss it!"

Hyuga Hiashi walked into the grove, and the traces of her childhood were gone, replaced by a strange place.

after all,

Decades have passed, and it is impossible to remain unchanged here.



Hyuga Hiashi430 raised his eyebrows and pulled the corner of his mouth,



How could there be few hard-working teenagers practicing here.

With curiosity, Hyuga Hiashi walked along the source of the sound, and after a while, an empty space suddenly appeared in his sight,


There's no after that!

When Hyuga Hiashi saw the scene inside, he was completely stunned.

what did he see!?

A beauty, and Naruto.


The transformation just now...

The corner of Hyuga Hiashi's mouth twitched, watching this scene speechlessly.

With a quick mind, he seemed to know something. Almost everyone in the village knew about Konohamaru's strange actions yesterday, so he had no reason not to know.

Just because I knew it, I was shocked.

Oh My God,

This Uzumaki Naruto is too bold, he actually taught Konohamaru this, and he is not afraid that Third Hokage will settle accounts with him.


This Konohamaru's talent is not bad.


Seeing how he transformed, he looks good, and he is working hard, and it is estimated that Hokage, the old pervert, can't hold it back.

the other side,

Naruto didn't notice Hyuga Hiashi's arrival, and didn't know that Hinata didn't find him and went home,

He was looking excited at the moment.

After Konohamaru learned this, the old man of Third Generation is blessed.

Alas, he is also very kind-hearted, and he feels that Sarutobi Hiruzen is alone and alone, and teaching Konohamaru is also a way of consolation.

"Very good, continue to practice, your talent is good, although there is a big gap with me, but it is already very good!"

"Really, I will work hard!"

Konohamaru's eyes are bright, and his heart is full of fighting spirit.

Hyuga Hiashi covered his face, really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Young people nowadays, they really know how to play!"

shook his head and sighed,

Looking at this Naruto, for the first time, a thought arises in my heart, is it really good for Hinata and Naruto to be together?

Won't teach his cute little princess badly.

After eating, continue to practice.

Naruto was idling on the sidelines, pointing at random, just playing games, reading books, life is very nourishing.

As for Hyuga Hiashi, he has already left quietly.

He really doesn't want to disturb them, the key is that he also wants to see Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression when the time comes.

Guess this guy must be staring at the crystal ball again, not paying much attention to Konohamaru.


In his eyes, a small Naruto can't make any big waves in Konoha Village.

Hyuga Hiashi smiled when he thought about the things that might happen in the future. He felt very interesting and looked forward to that time.

In this way, the time of the day passes inadvertently (cffc).


In the evening, Konohamaru practiced successfully.

Transformation Technique is not a difficult ninjutsu. Konohamaru has already mastered it, but he is not proficient yet.

Now under the guidance of Naruto, Konohamaru has made great progress and has thoroughly learned the Transformation Technique of this Naruto version.

No matter male, female, old or young, they all become very lifelike,

The most important thing is......... very handsome, very beautiful!

Naruto said unceremoniously, Konohamaru has got the essence and can be a teacher.

Konohamaru: "Hmph, I must beat Grandpa Hokage today, I want to prove that I have grown up!"


Naruto couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"Brother Naruto is also laughing at me?"

"No no!"

Naruto waved his hand, he couldn't say that he remembered the little kids he saw in his previous life, they all said that he had grown up.

Konohamaru too,

It looked very funny, and one couldn't hold back and laughed.

Konohamaru looked at Naruto suspiciously, feeling that Big Brother Naruto couldn't help himself.


never mind,

I am in a good mood today, go home for dinner, and then start working.

Wow Kaka!

Konohamaru is like a little devil in his heart, flapping his wings and preparing to do bad things.

Saying goodbye to each other, the two went back to their respective homes. Naruto was leisurely all the way, and it was already late when he got home.

Open the door and find a piece of paper in the crack of the door,

Picking it up and looking at it, there are a few crooked words on it: "Assemble tomorrow!"

Naruto was silent.

Come to this set again, can't you look for it, the idea of ​​handing a note can be imagined.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that the time is almost up. After a few days of recuperation, I will be ready to start the Chūnin exam in a few days.

I don't know if Orochimaru will launch the Konoha collapse plan this time,

to be honest,

Naruto still doesn't want Konoha to have an accident.

It’s not that the villagers are simple and honest, it’s just that Hinata and the others are here, and this place is very nice, and the location in the field is very good.

It has a pleasant climate and rich products.

The development is also much better than other places, at least, so far, Konoha Village can be regarded as a very harmonious village.

As for the dirty and dark,

Where is it not?

Crows are generally black all over the world, and they are all the same, so they are the same everywhere.


It's just my heart that keeps getting stronger at that moment.

I can feel the pain of a woman giving birth. My God, the stones are really painful. I thought that taking medicine can curb it, but that’s it, I can only spend some money to get rid of it.

Feel sorry,

These two days have been excruciatingly painful, so I barely changed one, rested for one night, and started to fight for it tomorrow.

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