
I woke up hungry and tired.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Naruto felt a little tired and hungry, but the others were not gasping for breath.

looked outside,

The stars are twinkling, the moon is across the sky, and the bright moonlight is shining, covering the earth with a silver coat.

It's beautiful, but Naruto doesn't care to appreciate it.

At this moment, he feels tired and hungry, which is the result of running in his dream.

"It turns out that the condition for it to take effect is dreaming?"

After pondering for a moment, Naruto got up, and Ninja Hungry began to write and draw.

Seeing that the light in Naruto's room was on for a long time, Anbu who was watching outside looked at him strangely, and it turned out...

All right.

Is this person stunned? It’s fine to know how to paint all day long, but he started to paint again after not sleeping at night.


Is it that fun?

Is this interest too strong?


The Anbu member yawned, leaned against the back of the tree, squinted his eyes and took a nap, and continued to date the young lady in his dream.

In the room, Naruto closed the curtains quietly, went to the kitchen and ate.


Stir-fried pork with green peppers, with some drinks, and a big pig's trotter, which is full of deliciousness.

Anbu, who was reclined on the tree trunk, blinked his mouth, feeling strange in his heart: "Why did this young lady turn into a big pig's trotter with a strong fragrance?"

No matter, why bother so much, eat first.

Baha, Baha!

"Well, I'm full and feel much more comfortable!"

Naruto lay on the chair, rubbing his stomach with a satisfied face.

He never wanted to experience the feeling of hunger just now, it was too uncomfortable.

at the same time,

Naruto began to recall everything in the dream.

Everything is so real, as if I just ran.


Naruto took a deep breath, this is feasible, then it means that his physical skills will be improved extraordinary.

Since you can run,

What about push-ups? What about pull-ups?

And weight-bearing exercises.

Then there is the training of skills.

Such as throwing shuriken and using ninja tools.

Taijutsu's attack is more than bare-handed, just like the dance of the three moons of the Moonlight Clan, this is a typical ninjutsu.

There are also physical arts such as Leaf Hurricane, Leaf Great Whirlwind, etc.

There was a flash of fire in his eyes, Naruto spread out the drawing paper again with a slap, pondered slightly, and then wrote.

Everything starts with the basics,

Then keep running!


In a blink of an eye,

The time came to the next day, Naruto got up, felt his body, and was surprised to find that he seemed to be walking a lot easier.

Feeling a little buoyant.

Physical strength also seems to have increased a bit.

This is not an illusion.

Naruto pondered, feeling a burst of joy in his heart.

For myself, it seems that I have found one of the correct ways to open this cheat.

With a happy mood, Naruto came to the school. Looking around, the sky is blue and the world is beautiful. The so-called disgusted eyes...fuck him.

We are in a good mood today.

"Yo, good morning, Hinata!"

Passing Hinata, Naruto greeted subconsciously, and at the same time sighed inwardly, why does this little girl come here so early every day.

"Morning, Naruto-kun!"

Hinata pursed her lips and smiled, her face flushed.


Subconsciously raised his hand and squeezed Hinata's little face, then left with a smile under Hinata's stunned gaze.

Hinata watched Naruto leave in a daze.


Why are there two Naruto-kun?

"Ah, forget it, let's stop drawing and play a game!"

Naruto calmly took out the GBA and started his gaming career.

Suddenly, a shadow covered the light, and Naruto looked up subconsciously, and couldn't help being stunned: "Chōji, good morning!"

Akimichi Chōji scratched his head: "Morning, do you want a snack?"

Saying that, Chōji handed the potato chips in his hand to Naruto.

It can be seen that Chōji's movement is very reluctant, with a reluctant expression on his face.

see this,

The corner of Naruto's mouth twitched, and at the same time he was surprised,

This Chōji is willing to share the snacks with himself. The sun is coming out from the west?

Does he know that the vast majority of the Akamichi family are addicted to food, eating all day long.


This does not mean contempt.

Naruto also knows that this is a unique training method of their family, and no one else can learn it.


Chōji was a little shy, and scratched his head again: "Can I exchange my snacks with you for a game console? I'll pay you back in a while!"


Naruto looked at Chōji speechlessly, and coughed dryly: "Snacks are counted, classmate, you can play with this!"

"thank you so much!"

Hearing this, Chōji took back the snacks in a hurry, and at the same time took the game console that Naruto handed over.


After expressing his thanks again, Chōji turned and sat back in his seat.

Naruto: "..."

Scratching his head, he ignored the excited Akimichi Chōji.

This is the first time I play a game console, everything is so novel and understandable.

Thinking about the first time he bought a game console, he stayed up all night.

Now that the game console has been lent to Chōji, let's just draw when there is nothing else to do.

Spreading out the soft paper, Naruto continued to struggle and hone his painting skills.


The autumn wind is bleak, and the leaves are falling.

In a blink of an eye, more than three months have passed since Naruto came to Konoha Village, and autumn came unexpectedly.

Among the teachers, Iruka held a pile of rolls in his hand, looked at the students below with a serious expression, and then said: "The results of the test a few days ago came out, no surprises, Sasuke is the first, full marks! "


Iruka glanced at Naruto again, touched his nose helplessly: "Naruto, it's number one!"

Naruto raised his head in a daze when he heard the words, then nodded calmly, and continued to do what he liked with his head down.

Iruka: "..."


Can this calm little look still have a pleasant chat?

"Hey, I hope the students will continue to work hard, Hinata, come and distribute these papers!"

"Okay, Teacher Iruka!"

Hinata responded and started handing out the papers.


After school, Naruto walked out of the classroom with his hands on the back of his head, and out of the school. Judging by his appearance, he was very calm.

"The village seems a little strange recently!"

Looking at the village with the eyes of a bystander, Naruto found that the nearest village became a little strange, but he didn't know where the strangeness was.

Until, Naruto passed Uchiha's family land,

In my heart, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared!

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