The corner of Konohamaru's mouth twitched, feeling that Naruto's boss had a brain twitch, and he didn't want to be a Chūnin, but he wanted to be a Genin.

What's good about Genin,

The tasks are all tedious chores, and they don't make much money.

It can be said,

Genin is the worst mix.

With the strength of Naruto's boss, Chūnin is still easy to catch, how can he

Seeing Konohamaru's doubts, Naruto patted Konohamaru's shoulder with a smile, and said meaningfully: "Have you heard a word?"


"Better mess with Konoha Jōnin than Konoha Genin, especially Ten Thousand Years Genin!"

The three of Konohamaru were stunned,

Is there such a saying? Why haven't they heard of it.

Konohamaru scratched his head even more, sure enough, his realm is far from Naruto's boss,

Still need to work hard.


My own strength has not reached a certain level, so I don't understand what Naruto-san means at all.

"Well, it must be like this, what a mistake!"

Konohamaru nodded firmly. In the future, he will have to practice harder.

With this in mind,

Konohamaru bid farewell to Naruto suddenly, and he disappeared into the vast crowd, 657

Naruto was in a daze watching this scene, what happened, why did he run away after saying something well, did I say something wrong?

Naruto meditates,

In the end, it turned out that he seemed to be telling the truth.


These days, no one believes the truth!

"Gaara, what are you going to do with this sniper rifle?"

In a room somewhere in Konoha, Temari looked at Gaara with great interest,

Since getting the so-called Baili Sniper Rifle, Gaara seems to be a different person. He touches the gun all day without knowing what he is thinking.

Gaara suddenly came back to his senses, and asked Temari: "What do you think is a ninja?"

"What is a ninja?"

Hearing this question, Temari froze for a moment, what else could it be, isn't it just that.

Gaara smiled and said nothing.

He found that this gun was very powerful, even more powerful than he had imagined.

this thing,

It can actually be injected into Chakra, and it can also identify Chakra's interest.

Holding the sniper rifle in both hands, Gaara silently fired a bullet completely (cfbj) made of sand into the sky.


A bird fell down hopelessly,

The whole body is still lifeless.

The power of this gun is very powerful.

"Perhaps, in a way!"

Gaara grinned grimly, what he discovered was more than that, what the hell One Tail Shouhe, you are finished.

In a certain sealed space, One Tail Shouhe shuddered and looked around blankly,

He always felt that there was a malice enveloped in the dark, which made him shudder.

"Strange, what's going on?"

With a grunt, One Tail Shouhe turned over. Anyway, he was sealed, so there could be nothing wrong. ,

probably an illusion,

That's right, it's an illusion.

Facing this way, Shouhe went back to sleep with peace of mind, and it would wake up only when Gaara closed his eyes.

Then it's time to wave again.



outside world,

Gaara stared blankly at the fallen bird,

Temari was very curious. When he walked over to take a look, he was horrified to find that the bird's body was completely filled with sand, and its internal organs were directly shattered.


Temari gasped and turned to look at the expressionless Gaara.


This younger brother, with this weird weapon, has improved a lot in strength.

And, 1

It seems that until now the weirdness of the death forest does not know who made it,

But it is said that Orochimaru made it, and Orochimaru was among them at that time, but I don’t know if this is just a lie.

time flies,

A few days passed, and the final Chūnin assessment finally began.

this day,

Life is full of excitement.

Around the top of the arena, there are all seats, and the seats are full of people, all of whom are looking down with interest.

This is a rare event. Many people come here admiringly,

For this, Konoha Village has made a lot of money.

Shiranui Xuanma held a thousand books in his mouth, held the roster, and calmly began to roll the roll.

Those whose names were selected went to fight, and those who were not selected lay there watching the game, most of them were very nervous.


Even if you are nervous, Bichuan still has to continue.

battles are much the same,

Naruto was even prepared to abstain at the end, sitting on Konoha's collapse plan.

Hinata's strength is already very strong now, and it's a pity that he didn't meet Neji. Right now, Naruto doesn't know which one is stronger, Neji or Hinata.

Inuzuka was also KO'd by Naruto's fart.

A lot of things didn't happen, but a lot of things did.

for example,

Sasuke learned Kakashi's signature ninjutsu, Chidori.

going around,

It's the turn of Gaara and Xiao Li.

Xiao Li walked in front of Naruto with a serious expression, passed him under Naruto's strange eyes, walked in front of little Sakura, and said to little Sakura very seriously: "I win all ten moves!"

The little Sakura smiled awkwardly, and could only bite the bullet and nod, and wish.

This guy,

Why keep staring at her.


Uzumaki Naruto, is it interesting to watch a play?

Little Sakura's irascible personality growled and raged.

"You wait!"

Xiao Li is in high spirits,

Aside, seeing this scene, Might Guy couldn't help but burst into tears: "Li, this is youth!"

Kakashi moved quietly, away from this sand sculpture friend.

Isn't it just a confession? As for getting you excited...

still young,

This can all be involved.


Kakashi looked at Gaara on the opposite side, this level is not easy,

Last time Xiao Li couldn't beat Gaara, so there was still a chance.


It is estimated that it is also choking.

Xiao Li walked to the playing field and stared at Gaara quietly.

"I saw your strength last time, you are very strong, I am not your opponent in normal state, today is a very important day, so I will use all my strength


Having said this, Xiao Li grinned: "I will try my best to defeat you!"

finished speaking,

Xiao Li began to take off his shoes and clothes under the strange eyes of the audience.


When Gaara's clothes fell heavily on the ground, the audience changed color.

It turned out to be a very heavy garment. .

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