“Naruto, over here.”

The next morning, when Naruto went out, Sakura was already waiting at the intersection.

On the other side, Sasuke also arrived.

“There’s still plenty of time, so it’s better not to arrive early.”

Naruto looked in one direction.

Three body shapes.

A teenager with short red hair carries a gourd on his back.

A teenager with a black face painted with a messy oil paint.

A blonde-haired girl carries an iron fan.

“Son of the Wind Shadow?”

When Naruto saw I Ai Luo and the others, I Ai Luo three also saw Naruto three.

However, their eyes were more focused on Sasuke.

Uchiha’s name is still quite famous in the ninja world.

In comparison, Naruto’s name they had never heard at all.

And the surname of Uzumaki is already history.

Naruto looked at Iroh and frowned.

Naruto had found out before, I love Luo’s body, Naruto felt a familiar breath.

Originally, Naruto thought that it was similar to Inari, Shiro, and Yakushi.

But after feeling it carefully, I found that it was not.

The East Gate of the Forest of Death, arrived.

Naruto glanced around, and there were quite a few of them, as many as seventy or eighty.

Inuzuka moved towards Naruto.

“Naruto, do you want to compete in this exam? After graduating, my strength has improved a lot. ”

Naruto raised his eyebrows slightly.


Yamanaka Ino looked at Sakura enviously.

Yamanaka Ino loves Sasuke as much as Sakura, so he is jealous of Sakura who can get along with Sasuke for so long.


A figure came in front of everyone.

“You all arrived on time.”

“Let me start with the rules of this exam.”

“The examination room is the Forest of Death.”

“In addition to each of you becoming opponents, there are also all kinds of fierce beasts.”

“The destination is the island in the heart of the lake in the heart of the Dead Forest.”

“The time is within 5 days.”

“The condition is to collect the two scrolls of heaven and earth.”

“Before you enter the Forest of Death, I will give you a squad a scroll.”

“What you have to do is to guard your own scrolls and then go and take the scrolls of the other squads.”

“Do you get it?”

The candidates responded.

“Got it.”

Naruto calculated in his heart.

“At least half of the candidates will be eliminated.”

Many candidates are aware of this, and their expressions are a little serious.

However, there are also those whose expressions have not changed from beginning to end, and they are full of confidence in themselves.

Or, perhaps, have other purposes.

Naruto’s gaze fell first on Hinata Ninji, and then on Aira’s.

When looking at Hinata Hinata, Hinata Hinata just happened to look over.

Naruto gave a smile.

But in the end, Naruto’s gaze fell on Yakushi’s body.

“This person is like me, and there are people who miss me very much.”

A trace of black aura appeared from Yakushi’s body and rushed towards Naruto.

“Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno.”

Mitarashi Azuki read the names of the three Naruto.

A scroll was handed into Sakura’s hands.

The three had already decided before.

Naruto and Sasuke were in charge of the battle, and Sakura was in charge of the rest.

Entering the forest of death, the figures of the three quickly disappeared into the woods.

Sakura said, “With the strength of our squad, many squads will not be our opponents, but there are some squads that may be above us. ”

“I think the best way for us is to wait for us, we entered the Forest of Death relatively early, we can find a location to ambush, and after collecting the scrolls, we can also go to Lake Island as quickly as possible.”

This is the best way Sakura analyzed.

“I don’t really want to do that.”

Naruto looked at Sakura and said, “This is certainly a way to pass the exam, but it’s too unchallenging.” ”

“I want to get as many scrolls as possible.”

After talking to Wave Feng Shuimon last night, Naruto thought for a long time.

Naruto didn’t really want to continue with the step-by-step exam.


Sakura hesitated.

“What if we fail?”

“Sasuke, what do you think?”

Among the three, Sakura is actually a normal ninja.

Naruto faintly sensed that he had big secrets, big conspiracies, and the results of the Chūnin exam, in fact, did not pay much attention to it, and Sasuke was the same, Sasuke just wanted to improve his strength and take revenge.

“I think Naruto said yes.”

There were two reasons why Sasuke would agree with Naruto’s idea.

One is that Sasuke also hopes that he can become a very dazzling existence in this exam, and can perform stronger than other candidates.

The other is that Sasuke is still a little unconvinced by Naruto.

“Naruto has the audacity to do something, why wouldn’t I dare?”

This was Sasuke’s idea.


Both Naruto and Sasuke agreed, and Sakura could only agree.

“Hopefully we can go well.”

Right at this time,.

“Be careful!”

Naruto sensed someone approaching and quickly reminded.

Sakura stepped back.

Sasuke looked over.

Three figures appeared.

Two men and one woman.

A boy with short hair with three dead words written on the clothes on his chest.

A long-haired teenager with three-quarters of his face bandaged.

A black straight girl.

All three of them carried an obvious aura of bad comers.

“Sakura, who are these three?”

“A ninja from Oto-ninja Village.”

Sakura said, “Good at using sound as a means of attack, they are all older than us, and they are very strong. ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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