“Naruto?” Bofeng Shuimen scratched his head, this name is a little familiar! Isn’t this the name of the protagonist of the novel written by his own teacher?!

There could actually be such a clever thing, and…

The more Naruto looks at Naruto, the more he looks like the protagonist in Jiraiya-sensei’s novel.

Blonde hair, six beards, blue eyes!

Don’t! He is the child of destiny that Jiraiya-sensei said?!

Thinking of this, Bofeng Shuimen suddenly said: “It turns out that you are Kakashi’s friend, hello, my name is Bofeng Shuimen.” ”

Naruto was helpless and reached out to shake his cheap daddy.

“You haven’t eaten at noon, have you?” Let’s eat together. Bo Feng Shuimen said with a smile.

“How embarrassing is that?” Naruto scratched his head and immediately asked, “What to eat for lunch today?” ”

Bofeng Shuimen was stunned, and then said with a smile: “Braised fish.” ”

“Kakashi, come and eat together.”

“Yes, teacher.” Kakashi nodded.

Then, Naruto followed the wave of feng shui gate to the house.

As soon as he entered the door, Naruto saw Vortex Jiu Xinnai, who at this time was seven months pregnant.

In three months, little Naruto will be born…

Every time he thought about it, Naruto had a toothache.

“Huh? Watergate, who is this one? Uzumaki Shinna looked at Naruto in surprise, and then came to the side of the wave feng shui gate.

“His name is Naruto and he is Kakashi’s friend.” Bofeng Shuimen said with a smile.

He knew that Kakashi had been in a very low mood since Rin’s death, and a friend suddenly appeared, which also made Wave Feng Shuimon happy for Kakashi.

“Naruto?” Vortex Jiu Xinnai exclaimed, “Isn’t this my son’s name? ”

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Kakashi and Wave Feng Shuimen’s mouths couldn’t help but twitch, isn’t this just saying that he is your son again…

Naruto didn’t feel anything, after all, he really was…

Moreover, it is impossible to refute it.

“Ah! I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Vortex Jiu Xinnai also noticed that her speech was a little inappropriate, and then she pointed to her stomach.

“Naruto, it’s like this, my son’s name is also Naruto, so…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay to call Naruto, I just think this name sounds good.” Naruto smiled awkwardly.

“How can that work!” Bofeng Shuimen walked to Vortex Jiu Shinnai’s side, “Our children don’t necessarily have to be called Naruto, besides, don’t we still have the name Face Ma?” ”

Face hemp?! After Naruto heard these two words, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

Swirling noodles hemp?! I’ll face your uncle!!

Lao Tzu has not yet been born, and his name has changed?!

“Nope!” Naruto and Uzumaki Shinna said at the same time.

“I think Naruto’s name is good! Can’t change! Vortex Jiu Xinnai snorted and said.

“I feel the same way!” Naruto also nodded, “And! ”

“I can feel that your son will have a great future in the future! It is high in appearance and good temperament! ”

“Not only is it very pleasing to girls, but it will definitely be a hero in the ninja world!”

“Dragon and phoenix among people! One Fly”

“Even! It’s Hokage! The strongest existence in the entire ninja world!!! ”

Naruto boasted to himself, that was really sparing no effort!

This remark made Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai very happy to hear!

Kakashi beside Naruto was a little speechless, he had seen praising himself, but he had not gone through such a shameless praise of himself…

“Then thank you Naruto for your kind words.” Bofeng Shuimen scratched his head, as long as his daughter-in-law is happy, anything will do…

Next, Naruto had a hearty lunch at his home.

And Vortex Jiu Shinai was also happy, adding a few more dishes, which were delicious and delicious, and even Naruto was a little unbelievable.

“By the way, Naruto, are you a wandering ninja? Would you like to join us in Konoha Village? Wave Feng Shuimon looked at Naruto and said.

“How to say it.” Naruto smacked his lips and then said, “I’ll stay in Konoha Village for a while, and I’ll leave when the time comes.” ”

“After all, my organization can’t lack a leader!”

“Organization?” Bofeng Shuimen was stunned.

“The Dawn Organization of the Land of Rain.” Naruto smiled, the current Xiao organization is not the one that makes the ninja world fearful.

It was an organization full of love and peace, and even Konoha Village knew more or less the news.

“It turns out that you are the leader of the Xiao Organization!” Wave Feng Shuimon exclaimed, and he looked at Naruto with some disbelief.

He also knows this organization, which pursues light in the darkness and waits for dawn in the night!

And right now, he had even determined that this Naruto in front of him was the son of luck that Jiraiya-sensei said!

“Naruto, I have a bold idea!” Bo Feng Shuimen suddenly said.

“What thoughts?” Naruto scratched his head.

“We, Konoha, and you Xiao Organization… Let’s cooperate! Bofeng Shuimen said seriously.

Naruto was stunned, Hana rub! I just wanted to dig some people from Konoha Village, and this cheap daddy just got it for himself?!

Isn’t this just waiting to send yourself money?!

“Good!” Naruto nodded, “Then if I have time, I will let the people from the Xiao Organization come to Konoha, and then we will all discuss it together.” ”

“Good!” Seeing Naruto agree, Wave Feng Shuimon also showed a happy look on his face.

Although he knew that this matter was a bit abrupt, he just wanted to say it.

After the meal, Naruto and Kakashi left the place together and walked the streets of Konoha.

It didn’t take long for a petite figure to appear in Naruto’s sight.

Her black hair was casually scattered on her shoulders, with some slightly curly hair, and her big eyes were also looking at her curiously.

This is not the sunset red of childhood!

Now Sunset Hong is only thirteen or fourteen years old, and she looks very cute!

“Sunset Red.” After Kakashi saw Sunset Red, he instinctively smiled and said hello.

Sunset Hong, on the other hand, stared with big eyes and a strange face.

At the same time, a large number of people came out from the corner of the street.

Naruto looked over, oh, all acquaintances.

Sunset Red, Metkai, Sarutobi Asma, Mitarashi Red Bean, Steel Iron, Kamizuki Izumo, and even a purple-haired little loli, Yuzuki Xiyan?!

Flower rub! Isn’t this a big collection of friends of the same age?!

It seems that if you look at it now, you are the largest in this group.

“Hey! Kakashi! We just need a party, how? Come on? Matkai hurriedly came to Kakashi, and then sent out the most sincere invitation.

“I don’t need this.” Kakashi scratched his head.

“Alas! Kakashi little friend, this is what is wrong with you. Naruto suddenly sighed, “These lovely companions have extended an invitation to you, how can you refuse?” ”

“yes! Kakashi! Ape Fei Asma also opened his mouth and said.

“Oh, sorry, mistaken, there is actually an adult here.” Naruto smacked his tongue, and then carefully observed the ape flying Asma.

A few minutes later, after staring at Asma all over his body, Naruto said slowly:

“Judging by the way you look, you should be in your early thirties, right?”

Everyone: “Poof~hahahaha…”


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