I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 1 The Dantian Is Broken, The Dragon Is Not As Good As The Dog

Bright sky!


In the empty Su Family Martial Arts Training Ground, the triennial level test competition is going on!

The magic stele made of top-quality amethyst stone has undoubtedly become the only eye-catching scenery!


A young man sank into his dantian, took a deep breath, and then pressed his palm on the amethyst stele!

A layer of purple halo bloomed, the gorgeous brilliance soared to the sky, and the bright sun in the sky was eclipsed at this moment!

"Spiritual energy, nine stages!"

"Brother Su Chen will always be the goal we strive for!"

"That's right, this Turin Qi is at the ninth stage. It won't be long before the dantian will be consolidated, the spiritual power will be condensed, and you will step into the spirit transformation state!"

"Wow, at the Spirit Transformation Realm, you can transform all kinds of spirit beasts as you like! Brother Su Chen is indeed the youngest person in my Su family!"

With the end of Su Chen's test, everyone talked a lot, full of deep envy.

"Look, Su Yan'er has reached the eighth stage of spiritual energy!"

Someone exclaimed again...

"Their brothers and sisters are really enviable!"

"Have you heard? Brother Su Chen is getting married!"

At this moment, Su Xuan showed a mysterious smile, and an imperceptible killing intent flashed in his eyes!

"Brother Su Xuan, no way, tell me quickly, which fairy is Brother Su Chen's partner?"

For a moment, a group of teenagers showed gossip and longing eyes!

"Piercing Cloud City, the daughter of the Murong family, Murong Xue!"

With a calm demeanor, Su Xuan smiled lightly.

"Murong Xue?"

"Oh my god, this is the number one beauty in Cloud Piercer City!"

"How many people would die with envy?"

"What's the use of being envious? It's said that money can turn ghosts around, but in fact, it doesn't mean that beauties love heroes?" Su Xuan said.

"Brother Su Xuan, when will such a big event be held?"

Su Yan asked, he really wanted to see Murong Xue's fairy demeanor!

"There is still one month! One month later, let's go to the bridal chamber together!"

Su Xuan smiled even more!

After a long time, all the more than 30 teenagers in the Su family have been tested. Most of them are at the middle level, and their spiritual energy is at the fifth stage, and they are almost at the fourth stage. Only Su Chen and his younger sister Su Yan'er will always take the top spot, which is enviable!

A full moon rises, and the bright moonlight is like a soft silk gauze, covering the ground softly...

In the back mountain of Chuanyun City, on a cliff, Su Chen crossed his legs, his aura was rippling. He was cultivating, and he wanted to try to draw the moonlight into his body to condense the aura, so as to rush into the spirit transformation realm in one fell swoop!

"Brother Su Chen, you still work so hard!"

Suddenly, a chuckle interrupted Su Chen's practice, making Su Chen feel unhappy!

"Su Xuan, why are you here? Come on, let's go together, the once-a-month Moonlight is not to be missed!"

Su Chen was upset, but still had a pleasant face, and said.

"Brother Su Chen, here it is!"

Su Xuan smiled, and threw Su Chen a third-grade Qi Gathering Pill!

"Third grade panacea?"

"Where did it come from?"

Su Chen was a little shocked!

On the Tianyu Continent, pills are divided into nine ranks, the third rank is spirits, the sixth rank is immortals, and the ninth rank is saints!

The third-grade spirit pill is already a terrifying existence in the small Cloud Piercer City!

"I did it!"

"How? Cultivation is not as good as you, I accept!"

"However, you are not as good as me in the art of refining medicine. Although martial arts are respected today and martial arts can protect the family, pharmacists are still enviable existences!"

Su Xuan smiled lightly, with a calm expression, a trace of contempt and killing intent flashed in his eyes!

"Are you a third-grade pharmacist?"

"Does the owner know?"

Su Chen was shocked. At this moment, he looked at Su Xuan with admiration!

"I don't know yet. If you say he knows, will my status surpass yours?"

"Will the number one beauty in Cloud Piercer City show her heart to me?" Su Xuan asked with a calm smile.

"Su Xuan, you also know that I am obsessed with martial arts. If you love Murong Xue, I can go and discuss with the Patriarch, and you will marry me in a month's time!"

"Anyway, this kind of fraudulent marriage has happened eighty-nine out of ten times in Chuanyun City!"

Su Chen didn't think so, waved his hand, and said casually!

"Brother Su Chen, brothers and wives, don't bully me!"

"Come, taste the taste of the third grade elixir!"

Su Xuan laughed.

"Let's keep such a precious elixir, I'm wasting it now!" Su Chen sighed, with a hint of envy in his heart.

"I'm a third-rank pharmacist, so I'm afraid of lack of pills?"

"Brother Su Chen, your breakthrough is imminent. Maybe a third-grade elixir can help you break through. Once you step into the spirit transformation realm!"

Su Xuan urged.


"Don't hesitate, just eat it!"

"Third-grade elixir, I can continue to refine it. If you fail to break through, you will leave regrets!"

Su Xuan continued to persuade!

"Okay, good brother!"

"Turn back, I'll give you some pointers to improve your cultivation!"

Su Chen showed a hint of longing!

The next moment, the elixir filled with colorful mist was put into the mouth by Su Chen!

The elixir melted at the entrance, and a scorching warm current flowed along the meridians, slowly flowing into the dantian!

"It's now!"

Feeling the temperature and surging aura in the dantian, Su Chen was excited, and immediately began to practice the exercises, wanting to condense the aura, so as to break through in one fell swoop and step into the realm of transforming spirits!


There was a crisp sound, and immediately after, Su Chen grinned his teeth while clutching the pain in his abdomen, and beads of sweat rolled down!


"What's wrong with me?" Su Xuan was calm and composed, not surprised by favor or humiliation!

"I didn't do anything!"

Su Xuan smiled lightly.

"What pill did you give me?"

Su Chen gritted his steel teeth in hatred, arrogantly, he raised his hand to hit!

However, his strength was weakening, and the pain in his abdomen made him curl up on the ground involuntarily!

"Actually, this broken field pill! It is indeed a third-grade pill!"

"Hey, Su Chen, your dantian is broken, you are no longer the genius you used to be!"

Su Xuan laughed.

"Why? Why are you cheating on me?"

Su Chen's eyes widened with anger, he couldn't believe the facts in front of him!

"Why do you say?"

"Let me tell you the truth, I am also a ninth-level spiritual energy now! And I am a third-rank pharmacist. Although the chance of success in refining medicine is only 1, I have succeeded after all!"

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the resources of my Su family can only be reserved for me alone!"

"Also, Murong Xue, are you still qualified to be a goddess-level character?"

Su Xuan smiled, the smile was so brilliant!

"I...I'm going to kill you!"

Su Chen roared, bared his teeth and claws, and rushed towards Su Xuan!


With a flying kick, Su Chen drew an arc and landed ten feet away!

All the bones in my body felt like they were falling apart, and I was in so much pain!

"Trash, from now on you are a trash!"

"I'll be waiting for you at Su's house! Waiting for you to come back for revenge!"

"One more bad news for you!"

"Tomorrow, Murong Xue will come to Su's house as a guest. She wants to compete with you in person to see if you are worthy of her!"

"Ha ha……"

"Su Chen, blame you for being too high-profile!"

"It's fine now, if you want to be high-profile, you can't be high-profile anymore! The dantian is shattered, and a waste!"

"This is an internal injury. The dantian destroyed by the medicine, even the third-rank pharmacist in the medicine tower of Chuanyun City, can't recover!"

"Accept it!"

With a loud laugh, Su Xuan walked away!

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