I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 15 You Two Should Be My Mount's Dinner

Su Chen's complexion turned cold!

The golden thread big ring knife and the dragon-slaying sword are his trump cards. When his cultivation level is low, it is best not to expose it!

At this moment, Su Chen didn't have the confidence to kill Qing Yunfei with one blow.

"Xue'er, don't worry, the foot just now was very firm, and his dantian has already fallen apart!"

"Go, kill him, my patience is limited, I've said it three times, are you sure you want me to divorce my wife?"

Qing Yunfei smiled, as if everything was under his control.

Seeing Murong Xue approaching, Su Chen's complexion became particularly gloomy!

The fire's spiritual power evaporated, and a small snake condensed, biting towards Murong Xue!

At the same time, five elixirs appeared in his hands, and they seemed to be frantically thrown on Murong Xue's face at any moment!



"People are so scared..."

Murong Xue's voice was soft, and she floated up, her slender arms wrapped around Qing Yunfei's neck!

"You...your dantian hasn't broken yet?"

"It really surprised me!"

Qing Yunfei was a little surprised, but his cultivation at the peak of Guizhen Realm was his confidence.

Gently opening Murong Xue's waist, Qing Yunfei pressed towards Su Chen with a mocking smile!

The coercion covered the sky, and the aura was billowing to cover the ground!

"Go to hell!"

Just when Qing Yunfei was one foot away from Su Chen, Su Chen shouted loudly, a long sword flashing with cold light suddenly appeared, with overwhelming coercion, the sword struck Qing Yunfei's waist!


The loud noise shook the sky, and Su Chen's arm hurt from the shock.

The long sword flashed away and disappeared into nothingness!


With screams shaking the sky, a three-inch-deep gash appeared on Qing Yunfei's waist!

The dark red blood rolled down, staining Qing Yunfei's palm red!

Qing Yunfei had a quick reaction, and at the moment when the long sword was close to him, he kicked Su Chen in the chest, sending him flying ten feet away!

On the hard ground, there was a long bloodstain, shocking!

"Fairy Artifact!"

"Boy, hand over the fairy artifact, I will spare you!"

Qing Yunfei crushed a elixir, bursting with spiritual energy, melted the elixir, and spread it evenly on his waist!

He is wearing a top-grade spiritual weapon, ordinary weapons can't break through his defense at all!

The sword just now split the soft armor of the spirit weapon, which is enough to show that the long sword has entered the ranks of fairy weapons!


Su Chen spit blood at the mouth!

He felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced, and two of his ribs were probably broken!

"Surprised, caught him off guard, and didn't kill him?"

Su Chen sneered, at this moment, he was a little desperate!

Looking back calmly, Su Chen's smile became even more bleak!

Because he found out that Su Xuan had already run away!

In the vast sea of ​​people, where is the shadow of Su Xuan?

"Hey, people's hearts are separated by belly!"

Su Chen sighed.

After swallowing more than a dozen third-grade elixirs in one gulp, he managed to hold his breath and stood up with difficulty!

"Good guy, it looks like this young master is a little light on his hands!"

"Hand over the fairy artifact, or I will stop talking nonsense and show no mercy!"

Qing Yunfei squinted his eyes and kept a distance of three feet from Su Chen all the time!

The two looked at each other for three breaths, and from Su Chen's eyes, Qing Yunfei felt a strong killing intent!


A sword qi flew across, piercing Su Chen's left knee!

Qing Yunfei wants to see how strong Su Chen's will is.

Torturing people to death is much more interesting than letting people die happily!


Su Chen got down on one knee!


With a loud shout, an ordinary saber appeared in Su Chen's hand. Leaning on the saber, Su Chen stood up straight again!

"I'd rather die standing up than live on my knees!"

"Thirty years later, I'm still a good man!"

Su Chen gritted his teeth and drank it!

The audience was silent, even the members of the Murong family were overwhelmed by Su Chen's perseverance!

Murong Xue opened her mouth, but finally said nothing!

"very good!"

"Ben Shao's mount, the silver-eyed golden-winged eagle, his favorite food is people like you!"

"Arrogance and arrogance are boundless!"

"Xiao Hui, he is your dinner!"

"Remember, leave his space treasure!"

Qing Yunfei laughed!

"and many more!"

Suddenly, the head of the Su family stood in front of Su Chen.

"Isn't it just a fairy artifact? Did Chen'er give you the fairy artifact and let him live?"

The head of the Su family asked.

"What nonsense!"

"How many times should I say this? He is my mount's dinner. Of course, if you want to die with him, you can. Xiao Hui can still eat the two of you!"

Qing Yunfei made up his mind to execute Su Chen.

get yourself hurt

This account must be settled!

"Chen'er, are you afraid?"

The Patriarch of the Su family smiled wryly, as if he had resigned himself to his fate!

In the entire Cloud Piercer City, who would dare to attack Qing Yunzong?

Even if someone dares, there will be endless troubles afterwards!

"Father, the child is not afraid!"

"Okay, then let's go to hell together, father and son!"

"Yincao Difu, you can also be a companion!"

The Patriarch of the Su family smiled wryly!


After receiving the order, the silver-eyed golden-winged eagle soared into the sky, rushing towards Su Chen and the two of them!

The dark eagle claws shone with a cold light, breathtaking!


"The big brother has to let you mop up before he dies!"

Su Chen shouted loudly, throwing out fifty third-grade elixir at once!

For a while, the air was crackling, like setting off firecrackers!

Endless clouds shrouded the sky, and the torrential rain came in an instant!


The purple thunder stretched for hundreds of feet, like the wrath of the heavens, exploding on the billowing smoke!


The eagle's cry shook the sky, and one could clearly see that the silver-eyed golden-winged eagle was injured, a piece of its feathers fell off, and there were bloodstains on its body!

"My good fellow, you really treat the panacea like Chinese cabbage!"

Qing Yunfei felt a pain in his flesh.

As soon as he appeared, Su Chen had already blew no less than a hundred third-grade elixirs, even if he was as rich as Qing Yunzong, he would not waste it like this!


"Big brother can't kill you!"

Su Chen is hysterical!

The blood on Su Chen's body was washed away in the torrential rain!

At this moment, Su Chen's whole body was pale, his qi was weak, and he was about to fall down at any time!

"Dare to hurt my mount?"

"I want to cut off your meat piece by piece and feed it to Xiao Hui!"

Qing Yunfei was completely angry!

The dignified cultivator of Returning to the True Realm, the dignified young master of Qingyun Sect, unexpectedly got a bump in the nose on the territory of the Eastern Region!

This is simply a disgrace to him!


A binding spirit lock flew, like a loach, slippery through the void, bound towards Su Chen and the other two!

Qing Yunfei wants to bring Su Chen and his son back to Qing Yunzong, and then cut them into pieces, and feed pieces of flesh and blood to the silver-eyed golden-winged eagle!

At this moment, a golden light pierced through the void, and with a pout, the Spirit Binding Lock was shaken into fly ash!


"Dare to meddle in my Qing Yunzong's business, are you tired of working?"

Qing Yunfei shouted loudly!


Qing Yunfei didn't even see the person coming, and there was a crisp sound in his ears, and then, his face was burning with pain, and his cheeks were swollen!

"Say one more word, die!"

With a loud shout, Qing Yunfei was completely taken aback!

The next moment, everyone saw only a black shadow flying, leading Su Chen and his son, and disappearing into the torrential rain!

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