I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 164 Everyone Has Chips And What They Need, Whoever Is Tough Is The Real Hero!


"Children can be taught!"

Xiao Hong squinted at Xue Wuya, and spit out a mouthful of saliva, spraying the city lord all over!

"Xiaohong, your bad breath is very serious, this is the rhythm that will kill me!"

The city owner was speechless and just held his breath!

"Let me tell you, these are the two magical skills of the Buddhist school!"

"My Buddha is merciful, and there are many exercises that have been handed down to future generations! For example, the golden bell cover, for example, his mind is open, and only the chest explosion and the explosion bird are the most unforgettable!"

Xiaohong has a lot of meaning, and those who don't know it think how much it admires these two "magic skills"!

"The emperor understands!"

"You turned out to be a magic stick!"

Xue Wuya laughed loudly, and reached out to pat Xiaohong's head.

On the side, Su Chen was overwhelmed by Xiaohong's acting skills, and at the same time looked at Xue Wuya sadly, "Come on, it will definitely make you loveless and doubt life!"

Su Chen murmured in his heart, and at the same time became even more curious about Xue Wuya's body!

"It can't be the legendary hermaphrodite!"

Su Chen was taken aback by an idea that popped up in his mind!

Taking a closer look at Xue Wuya, Su Chen couldn't wait to prove his thoughts even more!

"Okay, god stick, come on, let me show you, I am very interested in these two exercises!"


Xue Wuya waved his hand lightly, and a elixir exuding a dense glow emerged, and the seven elixirs lingered, like a dream, making Su Chen's heart tremble, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva!

"Seventh grade elixir!"

This is the first time Su Chen has seen the Qipin elixir.

"It really is a fat sheep!"

Su Chen's heart was full of greed, and he even longed for the scene where the seventh-rank elixir exploded!


Xue Wuya waved his hand again, and the bloody enchantment exuded a strong pressure, covering the seventh-rank elixir.

"As long as you can break the emperor's seal with your magic power of rebooting and bursting chest, then this seventh-grade transformation pill with the effect of transforming form will be yours!"

"Of course, if the seal cannot be broken, the emperor will be very unhappy!"

"The emperor is not happy, the consequences are serious, and life may be lost!"

Xue Wuya smiled, folded his arms around his chest, with two golden lights in his eyes, he looked at Xiaohong with interest.


"Then can we change places?"

"The bottom of the cold pool is too oppressive, too cold, Lord Jiao, I can't use my hands and feet!"

Xiaohong took a look at Su Chen, flew out of the water, and landed under the rotating gate of time and space!

The water was rippling, the mist was steaming, Xue Wuya stepped on auspiciously and came here with a calm face!

Su Chen and the city lord thoughtfully fell into the ruins not far away!

"let's start!"

Xue Wuya squinted his eyes to look at Xiaohong, complex runes flashed in his eyes, and a suffocating coercion slowly spread out!

"Let Master Jiao think about it first, should the bird explode first or the chest explode first?"

The little red eyes rolled straight, the seventh-grade elixir was really attractive, but the transsexual in front of her was really chilling.

"Lord Jiao, I've made up my mind!"

"Come with Explosive Chest and Explosive Bird!"

Xiao Hong shouted loudly, weighed a brick in her hand, and went towards the seventh-rank elixir covered by the scarlet barrier!

The runes in Xue Wuya's eyes became more complicated.

This is his unique secret technique, which can clearly capture the other party's traces, and will record it without any mistakes!

This kind of secret technique is also called "stealing the gods technique", and it is an excellent means to secretly learn other people's skills!

However, the little red drunkard's intention is not to drink!

Just when Xue Wuya put all his heart and soul into Xiaohong's state of breaking the barrier, Xiaohong suddenly rushed forward, and the brick slammed down on Xue Wuya's crotch and chest!

The change was too fast, Xue Wuya didn't react at all.

bang... bang...

After two bricks, the defenseless Xue Wuya was blown away abruptly!

"Haha, this is the explosive bird and chest explosion!"

However, Xiaohong's laughter gradually solidified!

Xue Wuya's complexion was ashen, and there was a layer of fairy glow all over his body, and cracks appeared in the potassium coat on his body under Xiaohong's two bricks.

"Good guy!"

"It turned out to be cheating the emperor!"

"This emperor came across the border, and the potassium clothes on his body were safe and sound under the thunder that contained the power of heaven, but you broke them!"

Xue Wuya chuckled, reached out and patted the dust off his body!

"I wipe..."

"You... are you okay?"

"Is your tortoise shell too hard? Or is my strength degraded?"

Xiaohong stared at the brick in her hand and looked again and again, with a dazed expression on her face, speechless!

"go to hell!"

Xue Wuya's face was solemn, Xiao Hong was unable to avoid the capture of the dragon's men, and was strangled by the neck forcefully.

"Su Chen..."

Xiaohong looked at Su Chen with a look of despair. Those slender arms seemed powerless, but they were actually extremely powerful!

"and many more!"

"Kill Xiaohong, your weapon will never see the light of day again!"

"Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you still don't want to find that spear! Now you can use your means and show off your supernatural powers. As long as you can sense the existence of the copper spear, I will obey!"

Su Chen shouted and threatened.

"Threatening the emperor?"

"It's not a threat, it's just because the big brother is confident enough, and the copper spear is hidden enough. If you have the copper spear in your hand, our lives will be reaped by you!"

"If you kill Xiaohong, I will break the copper spear, destroy the weapon spirit, melt the copper juice, and pour a tombstone for Xiaohong!"

Su Chen was very serious, staring straight at Xue Wuya without giving in!


Xue Wuya smiled, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"My emperor's copper spear has the essence of heaven and earth, invades the mystery of the sun and the moon, is not afraid of the five elements, and resists yin and yang. You, a cultivator in the true state, dare to say such wild words?"

"Aren't you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?"

Xue Wuya's eyes were full of contempt.

"I will shut up when the wind is strong. As for your copper spear, is it really as mysterious as you say?"

"Now, it is already a handful of broken copper and iron, and I inserted it obliquely in a hidden place!"

"If you want a copper spear, let Xiao Hong go!"

Su Chen is not surprised, he is very confident in that place.

Xue Wuya's face was calm, but in the dark, his soul power was transpiring, spreading for three thousand miles!

In an instant, Xue Wuya's face became ugly!

The soul power is floating, but there is no feeling at all!

The most important thing is that there are three drops of his blood on the copper spear, the blood is steaming, and the power of the blood is overwhelming, it is difficult for anyone to touch the copper spear!

But now, Xue Wuya didn't feel the slightest bit!

"My boy, where did you hide the bronze spear?"

Xue Wuya finally showed a trace of panic.

"If you want a copper spear, put away your killing intent!"

Su Chen chuckled, not surprised by favor or shame.

"you wanna die!"

In the blink of an eye, Xue Wuya threw Xiaohong away and grabbed Su Chen's neck forcefully like lightning!

"Eat Jiao Ye with a plate!"

The moment Xiaohong regained her freedom, she jumped violently, and a maroon brick fell from the sky, hitting the bloodless Tianling Gai directly!


Xue Wuya snorted coldly, raised Su Chen above his head with one hand, and used Su Chen's flesh and blood to hit the brick that was smashed down crazily!

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