I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 174 Block Her, Otherwise, You And I Will Never See Each Other Again!

Viscous chaotic mist is flying every now and then, and the surrounding fields are in darkness!

In the haze, a green lotus swayed, with thousands of silk ribbons hanging down, spraying thousands of auspiciousness!


"This is a spiritual root that was born in chaos, much stronger than the lotus plant that I guarded back then, Master Jiao!"

"Lord Jiao, I want to be reborn with flesh and blood, I want to eat lotus seeds, and eat lotus root!"

Xiao Hong shouted, a flash of red glow passed by, Xiao Hong was already ten feet away!

"Su Chen, all spirits in the world must be guarded by spirit beasts. Are we sure we want to go there now?"

Murong Xue was full of affection, and her slender arm wrapped around Su Chen's arm!


"Even if the snipe and the clam fight each other, we can't be fishermen."

Su Chen's words made Murong Xue confused!

Spiritual energy surged, and the two of them were full of vigor and energy, and they headed towards the swaying green lotus!

Suddenly, a familiar symbol appeared in Su Chen's mind.

After opening the map, Su Chen was in ecstasy!

"Where the rootless spring appears, there must be strong innate energy. Could it be that there is a rootless spring in the place where the green lotus grows?"

Su Chen muttered to himself.

On the dusty map, a total of 10 places where the Rootless Fountain once appeared were marked. It was no surprise that innate things grew in those places!

Such as Tianxu Vine, Chaos Green Lotus, Immortal Grass, Rhizoma Rhizoma...

Each plant has infinite magical uses.

The two walked side by side through the mist, the distance of a hundred feet was only three breaths away!

"Little girl, stop for me!"

"This Qinglian belongs to Master Jiao!"

Xiaohong shouted for a while, after all, her cultivation base has only recovered to the Void King Realm, and her speed is far behind that of Bai Sha in the Immortal King Realm!


A palm print was slapped down frantically, patting Xiao Hong's face directly, Bai Sha was very upset, she was a heroic young girl, dignified and upright, she looked like a flower, how could she become a girl?

Especially this rogue dragon, who runs the train with his mouth full, and if he is not careful, he will make himself blush and go berserk!

"Damn it, hag, you are so vicious, which man dares to marry you?"

"Only Lord Jiao can conquer you!"

"How about we have a field battle?"

"Master Jiao, I want to explode my chest, I want to do it a hundred times a hundred times!"

Xiaohong didn't rush, she shook her paws lightly, and the black brick smashed the palm prints coming towards her!

The spiritual power collapsed, and the chaotic mist surged!

"Girl, put your ass up and get ready!"

With a loud shout, Xiaohong turned into a red glow and charged forward!

"Go to hell!"

Bai Sha was convinced, the immortal sword was clanging, and the sword energy was like frost!

However, the little red drunkard's intention is not to drink!

Just when Bai Sha shot at Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong turned around and flew across the sky, over Bai Sha's head, and went straight to the swaying green lotus!


"Come on!"

"It's mine!"

Xiaohong shouted loudly, her claws pierced through the thick mist, and she was about to pull Qinglian up!

At this moment, the chaos was stirring, the mist was flying, and a golden centipede came out of the chaos!

With two fangs clanging, they bit Xiaohong's claws mercilessly!

In an instant, the black mist evaporated, Xiaohong only felt black in front of her eyes, and then she fainted, drifting, and drifting aimlessly into the sky with the chaotic mist!


Bai Sha was stunned for a moment, the celestial sword clanged, and the unparalleled sword energy flew over, piercing the centipede's chest and abdomen!


The sound of metal joining was endless, and sparks flew like shooting stars, piercing everyone's eyes!


Bai Sha was a little dazed, he stepped back a few feet, his eyes were sharp, and he stared at the centipede whose whole body was like watered brass!

With a shake of the void, Su Chen stepped on the fire lotus, crossed the void, and grabbed Xiao Hong into his arms!

"Little Red..."

The sixth-grade elixir turned into pure herbal essence at the fingertips, and poured into Xiaohong's body frantically!

However, the black mist was still steaming, not only did not dissipate, but became more dense, and the mocking sound of "tsk tsk" could be vaguely heard!

"This is the holy beast of my blood demon clan, the thousand-pure golden centipede!"

"After being poisoned by it, there is only one way to detoxify it!"

Bai Sha chuckled, his eyes sparkling, as if he was thinking about something!


Su Chen's complexion was solemn and his voice was hoarse!

"Let Brother Feng go, otherwise we won't talk about it!"

Bai Sha raised his head, revealing a haughty smile.

"Su Chen, I know how to detoxify!"

Murong Xue drifted past and landed beside Su Chen, her eyes were full of excitement.

"Stop talking nonsense! Speak!"

Su Chen was a little anxious. He saw that Xiaohong's soul power was collapsing, and her soul body was illusory!

The old voice and smile seem to be still in front of my eyes, but the soul and body in my arms are almost gone!

"Two kinds of magic medicine and one kind of power are needed!"

"Seven Fragrance Ecstasy Grass, Nine Orifices Transcending Tribulation Flower, and the power of thunder that is as strong as the sun!"

"Seven Fragrance Ecstasy Grass, keep its soul power from evaporating, and the Nine Orifices Transcending Tribulation Flower protects its nine orifices, keeping its sanity intact!"

"The power of thunder from the most rigid to the yang is the power to remove and purify toxins!"

Murong Xue frowned, and without thinking, she blurted out!

"Who are you? Why do you know the secrets of the imperial city?"

Bai Sha was a little shocked, now she desperately wanted to know Murong Xue's identity.

"Xue'er, take the sword!"

Su Chen shook his hand, and a blood-red fairy sword fell into Murong Xue's hand.

"Do everything you can to resist her!"

"I'll save Xiaohong!"

Su Chen sneered and said very seriously.

He has two kinds of medicinal herbs on his body. As for Thunder, he has already refined the Thunder Tribulation Pearl, so he can get it at his fingertips!

"Hehe, Su Chen, with a fairy sword, do you want cultivators at the Void King Realm to stop me?"

Bai Sha smiled, the white fairy sword in his hand was steaming, a sword energy flew across, with the posture of smashing the void, and Murong Xue flinched back again and again.

"Let Brother Feng go, or you'll just watch this rascal's soul fly away!"

"Time is life, let Brother Feng go, we all get what we need!"

Bai Sha chuckled, it seemed that Su Chen and Murong Xue were settled!

"Su Chen, I..."

Murong Xue remained silent, even if she held the fairy sword and didn't have endless cards, she still couldn't resist Bai Sha's coercion.

She is not Su Chen, all kinds of cards are hard to guard against!

"It's really noisy!"

Su Chen shook his head, as if disgusted, with a wave of his hand, a bloody ruler landed in front of Murong Xue!

"Block her, otherwise, you and I will never see each other again!"

A word, almost made Murong Xue burst into tears.

It's not easy for the relationship to be repaired, and Murong Xue doesn't want to think about it day and night in the future!

"It's a semi-holy artifact measuring the sky ruler!"

Bai Sha was even more shocked. Looking carefully, didn't the fairy sword in Murong Xue's hand come from the hands of the Imperial Artifact Refiner?


Murong Xue waved her hand, a stream of light shot out, the void shattered ruthlessly, chaotic mist surged crazily, and chaotic thunder rolled down!

"Who are you?"

Bai Sha's complexion was pale, and her heart was full of fear. She was not afraid of Murong Xue, but the semi-holy weapon that was powerful enough to pierce the void made her terrified.

She didn't have the courage to take Murong Xue's blow head-on!

"At the moment you die, I will fulfill your wish and answer your doubts!"

Murong Xue was imposing like a rainbow, and rushed up holding the measuring ruler.

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