I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 180 We Share Weal And Woe, We Share Weal And Woe!

The mind was silent, and the hazy void on the chest slowly emerged with the shaking of Su Chen's handprint!

The pure original power of space fell down and merged into the lifeless soil!

In an instant, this dim space seemed to be activated, like a sleeping wild beast slowly waking up!

At this moment, the chaotic green lotus manifested again in the depths of the chaotic sea, and in front of it was a group of people whose energy had been broken and who were full of vicissitudes of life!

"A lotus in the chaos!"

"Oh my god, we have encountered innate plants!"

The Great Guardian of the Blood Demon City in the Secret Realm of the Blood Spirit exclaimed!

"One Tianxu vine created that blood-colored gourd. Using the stem of this chaotic green lotus to create an innate sword, it seems..."

The second protector laughed.

"What a rich innate spirit!"

"Sister Cang Yue, can we use this to restore our appearance and restore our youthful vigor?"

Su Yan'er was a little yearning, and asked lightly.

"Thinking too much, now we are prisoners, even if we encounter innate spiritual beings, we will not have a share of the pie!"

The sword god smiled bitterly, his soul and body were illusory, but surrounded by a thick black mist, which made the four guardians of the Blood Demon City terrified and dared not get close!

"Every spiritual thing in the world is guarded by spirit beasts. I don't know what kind of spirit beasts will be around this chaotic Qinglian?"

The great protector showed a hint of longing, if he got the chaotic green lotus and tamed a spirit beast, that would be a double harvest!

"Let these ghosts explore the way!"

"Let's say it first, the four of us have become grasshoppers on a rope. We must work together, otherwise, if we are chased and killed by the people of the imperial city, no one will have good fruit to eat!"

The Great Protector was very serious, and with one sentence, he dispelled the killing intent and thoughts in the hearts of the other three.

"By visual inspection, this chaotic green lotus is three feet high!"

"I just want a lotus stem!"

The second protector chuckled, and took the lead in expressing his request!

"Okay, I want a lotus pod!"

The three protectors chuckled, that lotus seed is definitely a rare fetish, maybe even a chaotic green lotus can be planted!

"Then I want lotus leaves."

The four protectors smiled helplessly. There are more than a dozen lotus leaves. If you refine the innate spirit treasure, it will be enough to make you rich!

"It's settled, then I can only have Bi lotus root!"

The Great Protector shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what he was thinking!

"Since a consensus has been reached, let Yin Ling explore the way!"

The third protector chuckled, and looked at Leng Cangyue and the others!

"You go!"

The Great Protector pointed at the Sword God, with a long sword clanging in his hand, as if he was disobedient, and he would chop it off with a single blow!

"Go and go!"

The sword god was not surprised, he felt that there seemed to be something in front of the chaotic green lotus to cheer him up, and the black mist around him was beating and invigorating, as if something was calling!

"Brother, let me go!"

The sword king grabbed the sword god, his face was solemn, and his eyes were full of choices.

"Second brother, do you still divide up with each other now?"

"If there is reincarnation, we will meet again in the next life, and you and I will meet each other with swords and swords, brothers of life and death!"

"It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see my third brother again in this life!"

The Sword God revealed a hint of sadness and sorrow!

Turning around suddenly, stepping on the black mist, with an indifferent figure, heading towards the chaotic green lotus!

"get ready!"

The great protector showed a serious expression, the power in his palm was transpiring, and the blood mist was floating!

"The wind is rustling and the water is cold, I will not regret this reincarnation!"

The Sword God shouted loudly, and rushed towards Chaos Qinglian frantically!

There is only one idea in his mind to seize the chaotic green lotus and absorb a large amount of innate energy, so that he has a chance to turn the tables!

The moment the sword god's palm was about to touch the chaotic green lotus leaf, a golden light suddenly shot out, and immediately after, the sword god felt his arm go numb, and the heart-pounding pain pierced his soul!

In the blink of an eye, the entire arm was black.

"Poisonous! It's a centipede!"

The big protector had sharp eyes and saw a three-inch long golden centipede flying on the green lotus!

"It's my clan's holy beast, the thousand-pure golden centipede!"

The second protector is terrified!

"Being bitten by it requires two kinds of medicinal herbs and the power of thunder to detoxify!"

"Everyone be careful!"

The three protectors smiled wryly, and the blood mist surged around them, condensing a piece of blood-colored armor, protecting the whole body!


The sword king shouted and was about to rush over, but was ruthlessly suppressed by the big guardian.

"It's enough for Yin Ling to die alone. In the sea of ​​chaos, there are many opportunities. You are all pathfinders!"

The cold voice made everyone terrified and filled with hatred!


All of a sudden, the sword god shouted hysterically, and the black mist billowed around him, rolling in like a magic cloud, and the surrounding chaotic mist was mercilessly bounced away!

"He turned out to be Baina Poison Body!"

"That black mist is viscous toxin!"

The third protector sighed, his whole body was full of spiritual power, but he didn't dare to go half a step beyond the thunder pond!

"Damn it!"

"It turned out to be Baina's poisonous body! Now that space is covered with poisonous mist, we can't take a step forward!"

The Great Protector felt itchy with hatred, but he couldn't change the fact.


The sword god waved his hand, and the black sword energy raged across the sky, causing the four guardians to retreat back again and again!

The chaotic green lotus is swaying, the pink mist is steaming on the lotus pod, and strands of energy are hanging down!

Sword Immortal Qinglian was stunned for a moment, and a look of regret flashed in his eyes!

"Everyone in the world has greed, and I wanted to use your greed to take you down in one fell swoop, but now it's all over, and the poisonous fog is all over the sky!"

"Hey, sad, let's go!"

The void flickered, golden light shone brightly, and the chaotic green lotus plunged headlong into the chaotic sea and disappeared!

"Damn it, that chaotic green lotus has turned into a spirit and ran away!"

The Four Protectors exclaimed.

"It's all because of him!"

"kill him!"

"Baina's poison body feeds on hundreds of poisons. The stronger the poison, the more excited he is. It's simply a poison-making machine!"

The guardian is speechless!

For a moment, the spiritual energy of the four protectors surged, and they rushed towards the Sword God.


The viper gray dragon roared, and its body suddenly rose several feet.

"Sword God, let me help you!"

With a pout, a large cloud of dark green venom sprayed out like a torrential rain, pouring towards the Sword God!

"Well done!"

"Today, I will use my poisonous blood to kill the beast of the blood demon!"

Sword God shouted, at this time the poisonous mist filled the air, but he did not lose his mind!

"Blood Demon Divine Art, suppress!"

The Great Protector was in a hurry, the blood mist was steaming all over his body, and the power of the blood was mercilessly suppressing towards the Sword God!


The sword god shouted, all the strength in his body was suppressed abruptly.

In just three breaths, the sword god lost his temper, and was slapped unconscious by the big protector.

"kill him!"

The Great Guardian shouted mercilessly.

"you dare!"

Leng Cangyue shouted, the soul power is transpiring, and the fire of the soul is about to burn!

In an instant, Su Yan'er, the sword king, and Viper also inspired their soul power, and their whole body was azure!

"We share weal and woe, we share weal and woe!"

"If you want to kill the sword god, then we will go to the underworld together and reincarnate together!"

Leng Cangyue made the right choice!

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