I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 195 I'm Afraid You Can't Afford The Boat Fare!

There are thousands of golden lights, thousands of auspicious lines, the sky is full of purple mist, and the whole ship is shaking with auspiciousness.

There are thousands of rays in the sky, and the sails are fluttering and auspicious.

The whole ship was full of mist, and there were only a few figures.

"It's the Chaos Ship of the Blood Demon Clan. There are definitely a lot of treasures on it, and it's dazzling. Lord Jiao, I suddenly feel that spring is here again!"

Xiao Hong shouted, her eyes sparkled, if Su Chen hadn't grabbed his tail, Xiao Hong would have rushed over.

"Xiaohong, don't get excited, shoot the bird in the head, be careful to shoot you as a bird!"

Su Chen chuckled, with golden eyes, trying to see through the big ship.

"It's not wrong, it was such a ship that was hunting for treasure in the chaotic sea back then, and I have been alone since then, Lord Jiao."

Tears welled up in Xiaohong's eyes, and her face was full of hatred.

"Xiao Hong, you are also a person with a story. The story of the two snakes is already bleak enough, you are worse than them."

Su Chen sighed, originally thought about stepping into the Blood Spirit Secret Realm to rescue Leng Cangyue and others before returning to the Tianyu Continent to live a peaceful and stable life, but now it seems that it is impossible.

Not to mention being missed by the emperor, even after ninety-nine and eighteen days, it is hard to say whether the fantasy world can hold on, or whether it will fall apart.

And the mysterious cemetery of gods and demons, the rootless spring, the sky vine...

Thinking about it, Su Chen felt a big head.

"Look, there's someone over there!"

At this moment, on the big golden boat, Mu Yan, the son of God from the Eastern Cyan City, was full of interest and pride.

"Mu Shenzi, is there someone there?"

"I only see chaos floating and mist sinking, and the sky is full of golden yellow, only chaos and mist!"

A young man stared at Yuan Kong, but saw nothing, and then looked at Mu Shenzi blankly.

"Mu Yao, did you see it?"

Mu Shenzi ignored the boy, but asked the woman beside him.

"Brother Yan, I saw it. There is one person and one beast. That beast seems to be a flood dragon. If it is captured, tamed and raised, it would be a good thing to turn into a dragon in time."

Mu Yao's eyes flashed with longing and anticipation.

"Okay, then I will fulfill your wish. Grab that flood dragon. It just so happens that I have a dragon stalk grass tainted with the breath of a golden spirit dragon in my hand. Feed it to him." Mu Yan smiled and stretched out his hand gently , hugged Muyao Sword King Man's waist.

Mu Yao didn't run away, just let Mu Yan hug him like that, watching the young boy's eyes fiery, full of envy and hatred.

"Send me a divine order, drive forward quickly, I want to play a game!"

Muyan's complexion was ruddy and he was full of smiles.

"Brother Yan, what game are you playing?" Mu Yao was a little puzzled.

"This is the sea of ​​chaos. Only when we drive a big ship like this can we not lose our way."

"That person probably lost his way and lost his way in the vast sea of ​​chaos."

"Sending charcoal in the snow warms people's hearts, and adds fuel to the fire to chill people's courage. Yaoer, we are all planning to take his spirit beast, so let's just be villains and add fuel to the fire."

"Anyway, killing people in the vast sea of ​​​​chaos will not leave the slightest trace. Besides, our city of Qingmu in the Eastern Region has strong soldiers and horses, and even the imperial city is not afraid. Are we afraid of rebelling in the sea of ​​​​chaos?"

Mu Yan sneered and didn't care.

In the sky, Su Chen squinted his eyes and looked at the golden boat, his eyes were also full of fiery gaze.

As everyone knows, while Mu Yan wanted to rob Su Chen, Su Chen was also thinking about how to be a pirate and take down the big ship.

"It's coming, it's actually driving towards us!"

Xiaohong was trembling all over, the bricks were clanging, her eyes were full of longing.

"Master Jiao, I want to explode the bird, I want to explode the chest."

"Go down with a brick, don't care what kind of bird's egg breast it is, it's just rotten!"

"Xiaohong, low-key, low-key, we are civilized people."

Su Chen waved his hand gently, and took out an ordinary jade gourd, which contained 81 pieces of sixth-grade elixir, and hung it on his waist like that.

He also asked Sword Immortal Qinglian to borrow a lotus leaf, which he tied around his waist as a dress.

After thinking about it, he took out the only seventh-grade elixir, held it in his hand and started playing with it.

"What kind of low-key are you?"

"It's clearly showing off your wealth."

Xiaohong was speechless for a while, and if she didn't say anything else, the lotus leaves alone would make people jealous.

The congenital mist hangs down, and thousands of silk ribbons flutter, who will not be jealous when seeing it?

"What do you know?"

"Since you want to rob them, can't you find a legitimate reason?"

"As long as they do it first, we have a reason to take the big ship for ourselves. Xiaohong, we are civilized people, but it doesn't mean we are easy to bully."

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I will be courteous. If people still offend me, then I'm sorry, and I will reward him with a popcorn."

Su Chen shook the sixth-grade elixir in the gourd, and the corners of his mouth blossomed with joy.

"People don't have a long memory, if they continue to offend me, they can only cut the grass and root it out, and hand it over to Sword Immortal Qinglian to refine the Rootless Spring."

Su Chen is full of confidence. Even if an ordinary immortal comes here, with the perfect cooperation between him and Xiaohong, he can make the other party hate him!

While the two were talking, a big golden boat sailed over.

The mist is transpiring, and there are thousands of auspicious signs.

The ship is full of jewels and auspicious clouds.

"Are you people lost in the sea of ​​chaos?"

Mu Yao's voice was full of energy, and the sound waves shook the sky.

"Yes, we came to the chaos to hunt for treasures, and were blown away by the chaos storm. Can we take a ride with the wind?"

Su Chen shouted loudly.

"You can take a boat, but the fare is very expensive!"

Shenzi Muyan showed a disdainful smile.

He could see clearly and hear clearly, and he had an insight into the details of Su Chen and Xiao Hong in an instant.

"One is a Void King Realm monster, and the other is a Saint King Realm cultivator. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"I wipe..."

"It's an innate thing, it's actually the lotus leaf of the chaotic green lotus."

Mu Yan's eyes straightened in an instant, full of greed.

"What? The wind is too strong, I can't hear clearly!"

Su Chen put his hand to his ear, pretending that he couldn't hear clearly.

"Son of God said, you can take a boat, but I'm afraid you can't afford the boat fare!"

Mu Yao laughed out loud, and became very playful. She understood that the man and the beast in front of her were not the blood demons, so there was nothing to worry about if they robbed them and the spirit beasts were taken over.

"Oh, how expensive is the boat fare?"

"Big Brother has 9918 pieces of sixth-grade elixir, several pieces of seventh-grade elixir, one sacred artifact, and several innate treasures..."

"Big brother doesn't believe in evil, will big brother not be able to pay the boat fare?"

Just as Xiao Hong was about to speak, she was flicked by Su Chen with her fingers, and a big carrot flew into her mouth, blocking her mouth.


Mu Yan sneered, even thinking that Su Chen could be stripped naked without fighting.

"Yao Er, tell him, all I want is the lotus leaf around his waist."

Mu Yan squinted his eyes, as if he was convinced of Su Chen.

"The boat fare is actually not much."

"The lotus leaf on your waist is enough to pay for the boat fare."

Mu Yao chuckled, looking at Xiao Hong, the more he looked more satisfied.


"Lotus leaves make trousers to cover the wind and rain. When we meet, you want me to take off my trousers?"

"What's on your mind?"

Su Chen panicked and pulled Xiao Hong back three feet!

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